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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by toalord

  1. Yes, I'm going to start posting my favorite pictures of cats here. They're normally pretty funny, and some I edit myself. First off, Limecat! Next, cookie cats! Here's one that I should have posted first because it is EPIC win, and it's where I got my Xbox LIVE gamertag from. Also, here's some more! I'll edit this later with more winners. ;D -toalord
  2. toalord

    First Day Of School

    pssh, you've all got it easy. I started school on the 14th. -toalord
  3. Jeez, Dok. Always so mean lol. -toalord
  4. hey LOVe the new name Across the Universe ROCKS!

  5. Yes, that's right! I am now a POBZPC! (try saying that 5 time really fast!) What a great thing for me =D. I just wanted to say, congratz to me! =P -toalord
  6. toalord

    Xbox Live

    Yes, I've had it for around 4 months now, I recently play Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Vegas 2, I'm a Lieutenant Colonel, in a clan called the Elite Silent Assassins on a site that hosts tournaments called gamebattles. I'm also a Captain on Halo 3, which I never play any more, and a Commander on my @nd prestige on Call of Duty 4, which I play every now and then. My gamertag is "a cat with guns," and I would appreciate any friend/team invites. -toalord
  7. gratz on gettin OBZPC again! :P


  8. I don't hate you. It just happens that most of my friends are the people that do. I have nothing against you, but nothing for you. -toalord
  9. dude VtP, your a 00b. stop kissing up to the mods.

  10. lol, I hate Cortana, too! that's why I beat legendary with 3 others... :P I'm a cat with guns.

  11. Hmm... sounds pretty good. but I like a Starbucks Peppermint Mocka or caramel frap. -toalord
  12. =D AWESOME =P

    YOU owned!!!


  13. =D You... are... Spammeh! =P

  14. jeez, lhii! add me as a friend! lol...no really.

  15. hey Luki!!! =P whatever that means...

  16. haha, i used to do this with my bohrok, because they fit into their canisters in the ball thingy. =P -toalord
  17. toalord


    hmm.... another DS game for me! so far I've done ok, I've beaten the first boss and have the spirit of power...I play wifi on it now because I can't find Metroid (bah ) at least I still have something to do. I was going to use my action replay on it, but that makes me lose my boomerang lol. my friend code is 0602 4470 2164... so just pm or email me if you wanna be friends on wifi for some fun fights! :D :D edit: i have now beaten the 2nd boss and have 2 spirits, so 1 more to go! I'll be keeping all information on this game in this entry ; ) edit: I have now passed the ghost ship, and am now in the Temple of the Ocean King for the 4TH time. >.< edit: finished the game! =D -toalord :wacko:
  18. It might just look like leet to you spelling out looser(meaning loser), but really THAT is my name for my newest DS game(Which I got for Christmas!) Metroid Prime Hunters. It's a very fun game, and for all you people with a DS and love action games, THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU!!! You get to run around the "Tetra Galaxy" as one of the most feared bounty hunters around: Samus Aran! Also, if you have wifi connection, you can get online and fight other people.(Which is where LOOSER comes in) I recommend this game for all you gun people out there who love to kill wierd looking aliens! -toaLORD
  19. toalord

    New Kid

    well, to my suprise (rofl), I haven't used this thing in a while. I've been pretty busy with other stuff but yeah lol...other than that, I moved over the summer!!! yay!!! But I think I'm FINALLY settling in and my school is awesome and stuff... but I've made saome friends and things are going well...we'll see what happens once I get my progress report... -TL-
  20. toalord


    Yes!!! Finally, the time when I become premier and the blogs are up. It's a good thing that I waited so long for the premier membership!!!*starts to dance* YAY!!! celebraate!=P Well, I'll probably update this every day until school starts on the 16th because I'm so happy, but yep, The blogeh is up!
  21. toalord

    Best Book Ever

    Yes! Spitty thanks I need to add that to my list!!! XD. the llama is being taken over by the monkey!
  22. toalord


    I see llamas at my zoo too!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!GO LLAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh yeah, and I saw a gorilla barf and eat it XD!!! toalord
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