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Everything posted by Algernon

  1. Alg's guide to proper emoticon usage- PART 2! - This smiley is reserved for geeks hitting puberty. - This smiley is used by the owners of your bases. - See Conner refrence. - Feel like acting immature over an often-nonexistent victory? Use this! - This is the coolest smiley on the list. Fear it and it's white background. - Brought back to us in a shimmer of monitor light, the glory of Bionicle Rex has returned the hope of spammers to them. Use in excess as you fancy. - Politics are only not allowed on BZP when it's expressed in wording. - If you actually want to type a twelve-letter word to get a smiley that's not nearly as cool as the default , then this smiley is for you. :angry: - If you are taking a certain issue very seriously, use this to make your formal complaints look like stupid rants. - Welcome newbs with newbishness! Part 3 coming soon!
  2. It's come to my attention that some people, specifically the newer members, are unsure how to properly make use of BZPower's large emoticon selection. Well, to remedy that, I have compiled a list that even the newbiest of newbs can understand without undue difficulty! - Use this to appear infuriatingly smug when rebuking another member for rule-breaking. - When expressing simplistic opinions, use this to back up your comments. - This smiley can fit in absolutely ANY situation. Abuse away. - Typically used when you feel like looking like a total ditz. B) - NEVER use this. - Mostly used in response to a comment involving Gali. - When informing another member of a mistake on their part, use this smiley to appear even MORE condecending. - This smiley is either never used, or never not used. It's up to you what you pick. - Conner has secured this smiley's fate. Use if you have a death wish. This should clear up any remaining confusion. I hope my guide proved helpful to you. Stay tuned for part 2!
  3. Algernon

    Cup Noodles!

    O___O I am eating Cup Noodles as I read this. Talk about a coincidence. Well, yes, I love Cup Noodles, but I'm not sure if I like them that much...
  4. Purple is a pretty color, isn't it? It's been awhile, I've forgotten about my blog. Not much going on today. It's my mom's birthday, and we're going to see Wicked later. But until then it's going to be pretty mundane...last say of summer vacation for me. Whee. The day of reckoning is upon me. You probably know this, but I'm homeschooled. It's much easier, and gives me time to work on Anaglyph. ...so neener, Binker stinker. The last couple days have been GOREGOUS. Fall weather is coming early this year...yesterday I was able to enjoy 70-degree weather with a nice breeze and an almost cloudless sky. Fall's always been my favorate season. Sure, first season of school, but it's sure pretty, with all the leaves and cold weather. For a dragon fanatic I'm sure a sucker for cold weather. OH AND I LOVE PUMPKINS. HOMG. I got a MIC! Now I can talking* to my online friends in real-time. So far I've talked to Ari twice and bragged about my MIC four times. That's money well spent. ^^ So now I'm going to go do geeky things. I'll post a more intelligently enriching entry later. Bye. * I'm good at grammers.
  5. My dad brought home pizza and donuts for dinner last night, and boy, it makes a spiffy breakfast the next day. Yum. I just found out that I'm going to have to spend the next week of my summer vacation at a web design class. I think my parental authority forgot the comprehend the VACATAION part of summer vacation. meeeeeee. Oh, and I used my brother's bike to ride with a couple friends to the park. He doesn't really seem to care, because he never uses it. So I just got a free bike. ^^ And it's a nice bike, too. And in other news, I woke up this morning with my feet where my head used to be. I was probably abducted by the metal alien.
  6. I just watched paaarrraaaanooorrrmmmalll viiidddeeeooos. Omgscary. Well, there was this one where a bunch of dudes walking around in this forest at night suddenly see this thing that turns around and starts looking at them. I was like HOMG IT HAS EYES. ... Yeah. Anyway, I met this kid today that's pretty cool and I think we have a friendship going. That's always good, if he would only respond to my e-mails. >> Well, my dad is on my case and I'm going to bed. Bye. P.S. Exo, this is a different Chloe.
  7. I just got back from an Unsolved Mysteries class at a college. We learned about alllliieeens. Some pretty interesting evidence and sightings, a lot of which refuses to be explained- some others, though, are just stupid. Like the first 'alien' sighting- a guy in a metal suit. And to think that some people actually believed that particular one is...meeeeeee. AWESOME STUFF GOING ON FOR IRUINI. Ari's completely redone the title screen, and it looks friggin sweet. I'm so excited about it. ^___^ On a side note, there's a girl named Chloe that I think I'm starting to like.
  8. Sounds like quite a day in Hahliland. I wish I could open up random books and find money inside.
  9. Hey dudes and dudettes, thought I'd exploit my new premier options for the heck of it. It's raining cats and dogs over in Illinois. Pretty gloomy, but I like it that way. I'll probably grab a coat and run outside to frolic stupidly when I'm done here. Summer's really kicked into high gear. I believe it's the 20th, and even with overcast and rain it's 79 outside. Yesterday it was almost 100- not my kind of weather. I was always a Fall person. You get all the benefits of summer without the hot weather and buggy conditions. Except, perhaps, summer vacation. Anaglyph is going interestingly. Iruini is looking pretty nice. Graphics are great, and a lot of the Fortress level I have done so far is looking really good. The game runs smoothly, except for some occasional lag. I need to figure out how to fix that. Maybe an installer will help. The competition is really high. The biggest threat comes from the sheer number of other games. Anaglyph gets run down a lot, unless I have some new media for the fans to drool over. That's good, in a way, though. One of the ways I motivate myself is with competition. The other is nifty game music that I STILL haven't found a use for. Oh well, I need to go work on that game some more. Bye.
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