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Mata Nuno

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Mata Nuno

  1. Hey suletu, I know you probably won't read this, but... Bk is up again, and seeing as you were one of its members on the original topic, it'd be awesome if you could join this one. :)

  2. Mata Nuno


    2009 FTW? o.O MN
  3. Mata Nuno

    3-year Huna

    Wow. A 3-year Huna. 3 years on Bzpower. 7 years on Bionicle. Time sure does fly... MN
  4. Honestly, I don't know what to think about Majora's mask. I mean, it is as hard as any other Zelda game (maybe even harder) but it's so addictive! But I still dislike the time limit... :/ MN
  5. So I went to a video game store to sell some old games I had. While I was there, I decided to ask what games they had for the gamecube and for the N64. They showed me a list of all the games they had and two particular games stood up. One was Pikmin and the other one was... (wait for it) Majora's mask. I was psyched when I saw Majora's mask and since I had just enough money from the games I sold, I bought both Pikmin and Majora's mask! And they are awsome . MN
  6. Because I'm a nerd and am not into sports very much, plus I'm not athletic in any way. (Not fat, though, just weak and low on stamina). It's also the class I get the worst grade in, since I usually fail the physical fitness test. Glad to see I'm not alone in this world. MN
  7. My Friend code is 3781-0516-2366. If you add me, pm me your friend code. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to play Brawl. MN
  8. Mata Nuno


    If I were you, I'd choose Seranikai. But it's your choice. MN
  9. Well, it doesn't have Mewtwo, but it has Mr. Game & Watch (and that's all that matters). BTW, my friend code is 3781-0516-2366. MN
  10. Mata Nuno

    One Week...

    It's so close, yet it seems so far away... BTW, on the 27th, we, europeans, will have to exchange Brawl friend codes. MN Absolutely.
  11. Man, it's been a while... But those were the good ol' days. BTW, don't forget that I uinwillingly created the OODHD. Remember? I tried to join an order that didn't exist. MN (PS: I've got to talk to you later...)
  12. Mata Nuno

    The Final Draft

    LOL. Sorry, but Sakurai is much better than Miyamoto. For he created Super Smash Bros., himself. MN
  13. Why are europeans getting brawl on June and americans in march? It's just cruel, I tell'ya. MN
  14. Do you know any other Sonic? MN
  15. Mata Nuno


    I got my avohkii! (About 3 days ago...) MN
  16. Mata Nuno


    Well, my topic is now revival material (because of school). But, don't worry my fellow fans, for school is now over and I shall and will return! *cricket sounds* MN
  17. A crocodile like-thing on Prelimanary poll O. I'm stuck with T08's Horatio... MN
  18. Well I just lost on BBC#42. It was my first contest so I guess it's ok. *Sigh* :/ MN :/
  19. Happy Birthday to me! MN
  20. Mata Nuno


    Hey, my birthday is almost here. It's on the 31st. I can't wait! Oh and my new comics are going well. They are somewhat popular. MN
  21. Click the banner to go to the topic. Nyah. MN
  22. Mata Nuno

    I Hate Shots.

    I had a dog once that when he took a shot (even on his behind), he didn't even move! Nothing at all. Weird, huh? MN
  23. I had a shot. It hurt. Now my next shot will be in july 2015. Where I will be over 20 years old. Yah. MN
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