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Brutaka's Apprentice

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Everything posted by Brutaka's Apprentice

  1. Nice avvie! Who is in it?

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  2. Banjon Wildlough wonders what third-person is. Banjon Wildlough don't know what Avatar is. Banjon Wildlough likes cookies. ~Banjon Wildlough~
  3. Go FLYLEAF!!!!!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  4. Flyleaf ROCKS!!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  5. hmmm, I shold tell my mom to but butter on a plateand put in the Microwave for two minutes... that's a good way to melt fat! P.S: once again I approve this AWESOME Blog, Turakii: P.P.S. Sorry if you cant read the text
  6. Off Topic: I like Family Force 5 to! On Topic: Nice Drawing... I'm not really a CGier but it does look a tiny bit flat... but that's MY opinion. P.S:
  7. What's a Llama award? Off Topic: Nice Ipod P.S. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Sorry if you cant read the text
  8. Off Topic: You did? On Topic: never heard of it.
  9. I was playing too. I'm just out of the picture. Seriously. P.S. Asher and I are bros ~Banjon Wildlough~
  10. Hello! wassup?

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  11. *Poor British Accent* Why thank you my good sir! *Poor British Accent* :P

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  12. Who? by Showbread? hmmm, I'd probably say either Matthias Replaces Judas or Mouth Like A Magazine...

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  13. EDIT: TAK, Turakii is a Girl not a boy

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  14. TAK, Turakii is a Girl.

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  15. I love Showbread too!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  16. I only had seven votes... I was in Preliminary Poll E

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  17. Happy B-Day Mrs. Macku!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  18. Thanks whoever voted for me in the S&T Contest... even though I didn't even make it into the semi-finals :(

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  19. Your Welcome TWL!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  20. Happy B-day Binkmeister!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  21. Oh and credit to

    Asher for the Personal Pic.

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

  22. What?!?!?!?! You don't like Ipods?!?!?! the most latest Ipods can hold up to 5000 songs!!!!!

    ~Banjon Wildlough~

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