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Lara White

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Posts posted by Lara White

  1. That's two villagers snow who've mysteriously vanished and been found dead some time later. I think it has something to do with one of the Shadow-named players but don't take my word as gospel on this. It's just idle speculation.


    @Toarobot: I'd like to hear your side of the story before I vote one way or another.



  2. IC: "Captain, I would suggest that you and Officer Desan don vacuum-capable hardsuits." Brunhilde advised. Once they'd done so, she opened the airlock of the Purahoura and sealed the Tarnhelm's behind them.



  3. IC: Brunhilde was silent for a few thousand cycles. Ten remote probes? They weren't equipped for fighting...what was the shortsighted meatbag planning with them?


    Less than a second had passed since his order before she answered, "Affirmative, Captain."


    In the airlock, the probe receptacle spit out ten fist-sized spherical probes of gleaming white.



  4. IC: "Acknowledged, Captain." Brunhilde said. In a moment she'd made her way into the other ship's systems. It had firewalls, but they were child's play to slip through for a top-of-the-line computer like herself. She made her way into the Engineering sub-network and gave the command to the ship's engines: full reverse, bring her to a complete halt relative to the Tarnhelm. Another subroutine went after their weapons.


    Meanwhile, a subroutine was calculating their course correction, bringing the Tarnhelm closer to the Purahoura.


    "Engineer and Security to docking tube two. Repeat, Engineer and Security to docking tube two." Brunhilde said. At the same time, to Valnad: "Captain, I trust you realize there are only three biomech beings on this ship? We have far from a full crew complement."



  5. I'll tell you who it is via PM. If he ends up dead next round I'm blaming you.


    P.S. You misconstrue "I can glean tidbits from other people's conversations" as "two-way lossless communication with willing cooperation." You're stretching really hard to make me look guilty, and it's jsut making you look worse.



    • Perhaps, but I find it unlikely. I've never met a Mafian who did that unless they deliberately wanted said Mafian to die. Yes, there are rare occasions when this helps the Mafia.
    • Sources I can't reveal, sorry. There's additional information I have from them, but to be fair to you I'm not using it in voting. Well, that and because revealing it would give away who my source is.
    • No, the Mafia values every member they have, because numbers are our advantage, not theirs.


  6. IC: "Captain, contact Beta in on a collision course with us. Shall I subvert their systems?" Brunhilde asked.


    "Incoming vessel, you are in violation of the declared ten thousand kilometer zone. Turn back now." She transmitted to the other ship.



  7. No problem. If you punch a hole I can't mend in my argument I'm perfectly willing to revoke my vote; as I said, I'm only mildly confident. XD

    • You are on two suspect lists.
    • You're on the first night's suspect list. I find it extremely unlikely that they'd send Kapura two nights in a row unless they wanted to kill him deliberately.
    • I can say for certain that only one of the Mafians has appeared on a suspect list before. So it's either Sheogorath or you.
    • Sheogorath is new, and generally hasn't done much of anything. I suspect he would have had a blunder by now if he was Mafia.

    I won't count Sheogorath out, but of the two of you I think you're the most likely.



  8. Seriously? "You could have done it" is your logic?


    ...That's kinda sad. You've not given a motive for me to ally with the Mafia, you've not proven that it could have been a dead player who gave away his role, you've not proven that the role couldn't have been given away by accident, there is basically no grounds to your logic whatsoever.


    @ Burnmad: I'm not a role. I'm just a villager. XD




    you have more motive than I do to get Lorax killed.

    What motive would that be? I honestly have no clue what you're talking about.


    And yes, I am confirmed, Lorax investigated me Night One. As happens every game. And he found I'm a Villager. So. :P



    I also remember my own game where you were Mafia, but used your reputation to get the village players to trust you... so yeah, I'm thinking that could happen again. =P

    You're not the only one to remember it. I can assure you that every game since then I have been investigated by the Detective on Round One. It's pretty much impossible for me to be allied with the Mafia without the Detective finding out.



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