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Lara White

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Posts posted by Lara White

  1. I vote that we hang no one. There is insufficient evidence and I am saddened that everyone would vote so wantonly without sufficient proof.


    Except you Xaeraz, I'd be more confused if you nulled.


    I'd like to talk to the Detective if possible. If you don't trust me, I'm fine with you using a proxy. :)



    • Upvote 1
  2. I'm sorry.


    This game has officially reached the point where it is irretrievably lost. Fact is indistinguishable from fiction and the village is clearly in the Mafia's pocket. I consign this game to defeat and wash my hands of this affair. Rarely am I willing to admit defeat before the numbers dictate that the Mafia must win. As a matter of fact, this may be the first time it's happened. However, I cannot see any possible way for the village to win. Well played, Mafia. I'd like to see what you all were up to behind the scenes.



  3. If you guys are upset about this, you clearly didn't see what we got up to back in the Santun War. :)


    It was a sign of character development when people came back from the dead--it was expected. To the point where I remember getting lauded for letting a character stay dead, back on Locus Abeo.



  4. IC: Akura


    "A murder suspect equals dangerous. Do you think they though if they just strolled up to me and said you're under arrest that there wasn't a possibility I would kill them there and then. They knew that if they didn't strike hard and fast that they wouldn't have a chance at bringing in a supposed murderer. Think about it. All I can do is move fast and jump. I don't kill if I don't think its necessary so I wasn't going to defend myself. But i'm sure not going to prison because some guy used ice to kill some innkeeper. So I ran."

    IC: The Sergeant stared at him. "What.


    "You don't understand how we work at all, do you, lad?"



  5. IC: "No, no, no. I'm not asking why they arrested you. I'm asking why you were trying to evade arrest in the first place." He said.




    A Sentinel approached Qyntar's cell and looked through the bars. "You okay?" He asked.



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