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Toa of Volkan Nui

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Everything posted by Toa of Volkan Nui

  1. Wow, 7 years if BZP... Awesome.... .... ...Go read someone else's blog now... Gonna change my screen name now, keeping the unofficial sig... ~ToVN~
  2. Well put together article, and though I want to, I can't make anything sounding like a rebuttal without sounding stupid or like I'm flaming you simultaneously. Yeah, Lego is a company, and needs to focus on the target audience (9-11 year olds, not 16+), and if they want non-clones, they get non-clones (this benefits me as a MoCist as well, more parts=more ideas= more MOCs). Rubber-plastic parts (pretty cool looking and feeling, actually), let 'em have 'em! And I can agree without any sort of number data that heroes outsell villans, because everyone wants to be the good guy. I'm one of the older fans, a fan of the collectibles, gears and whatnot. But remember, we don't control what Lego does, and have to adjust to the newer fans desires Storywise, that's where imagination can really run and be free. You get to develop an 'official' personality, a story, world for the characters to inhabit, which consists of action/adventure elements, and so forth. And I also agree that set fans won't know, or care about, the difference in story (though they will know if the story takes place in land one time then sea the next).
  3. Hey, Tom. Mind if I re-join? I just need to finish my latest interview anyway.

  4. Yes, yes. I know there's a topic about the game, but I've got a rant about the lesser (heh, pun) side of the game, and a few tips on keeping your account (and items) safe if you ever decide to create one. And I'll define everything here that you may not know about if you don't play. People lure unsuspecting players into a dangerous place (say, the Wilderness, the single most dangerous location in the free game because this is the only free place you can kill other players), kill them, and take their items. This is bad for anyone, more so when they have full rune and are 'skulled' (you attacked another player,a skull will appear over your character for the next 20 minutes or so. If you die with this you'll lose all your items in your inventory, meaning very bad things if you're poor and have no skills that help you replace the items). I also see a whole lot worse. It's just part of the community. One handful of players the size of BZP's current posters in the topic, you ain't getting far in changing the community. Oh, yeah, if you didn't get the lesser pun, a lesser is the shortened name for the lesser demon, real though monster that you'd better have 40 attack and defence to have a chance. Here are some hints about keeping your account safe: 1): Set up a PIN number. You can do this at any bank in the game, just talk to a banker, and ask about your PIN. Make it something that is not a personal detail, like your year of birth. 2): If you see someone offering to trim full rune for free, report them, or if anything, ignore them. No one, not even members, can make regular armour trimmed. You get trimmed armour from treasure trails (not sure which level, since I'm not a member). 3): If someone says that they are playing the 'trust game', report them. A 'trust game' is a game where you give one player one of your items, whoever lets the game starter hold the best item (street value (the item people value items from player to player), not store value (value of items you pay for to get it at a general store. So, Cowhides sell for 1 coin at the store, but players pay 100 coins each for them).) wins. These may or may not be scams, but I wouldn't trust them. 4): Set up your recovery questions and change them every few months. (Okay, I'm not too crazy about changing them) If you account gets hacked, you can use the questions to recover it, but if you lose your items, don't go running around asking for free stuff. 5): Make your password something you can remember, but not something that you can't use a sentence without. If your memory's great, you can use random gibberish, but don't use something you'll use every few sentences at some point, like Bronze or Rune. Though the game's filter blocks your password, this is only an exact check, so mistyping your pass wil cause it to be revealed. Also, be careful of people who say you can't say it backwards or with a space in it. Report these people 6): If you think someone knows your password, change it. JAGeX promotes this idea, I'm just putting it here because it's common sence. 7): Don't use 3rd party items to run your character. JAGeX suggests to not use any extra programs other than their Windows client. But World Switchers and seperate chat features are allowed. You can't use anything that types or clicks for you in the game. 8): Don't enter your password into non offical sites. The offical site is the only website that you should enter your password on. Entering your password into a Runescape-esque website promising becoming a moderator or entry into contests, will only come up with a fake error message and a hacked account. Yep, there you have it! Enjoy!
  5. To be honest, "Toa of Volkan Nui's Blog" was cliche (and not good). So, I decided to change it to what I have now. Yes, you may find out why I named it that as I type. But now, I can't think of anything to say.
  6. Yeah, the one titled "some Spritework"? Yep, I finally got around to posting something, too bad that I can't update that past this week. On this side note, now that I'm 15 (been that way for a few months), I now have a permit. I finished driving and now the only thing standing between me and my driver's liscense is my 16th birthday
  7. Yep, it's almost my 100th main (excluding specials and fillers) comic. Only a few left. Here's a few spoilers for what'll be happening in the 100th and the Vahi: 100th Special: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « There will be at least one pic in the 'Spritework' conent block before the 100th. There will be one of the GSes of old returning. There may be a new character in the crew Some new continuities will be showing up, revealing what I intended SW-bH to be originally Here's the Vahi (1 year anniversary) special: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «There will be a few pics in the 'Spritework' gallery (Which I'll include a link to in my sig and here, and announce in the topic.) There will be some new graphics obviously imported from the gallery beforehand. Both specials will not be put together as 1 just to preserve comic number. If I did this, my main comics would die. There will be a new character released alongside this special.
  8. First off, if you ever read this blog last year, there were 3 enteries. Now there's 1. So, what happened to 'em? I deleted them. That's right, I have deleted my previous enteries. That's along with a few new content blocks, a new title, and new enteries covering a wide range of subjects. Okay, on to business. Some of you have decided to see a topic called the "Tolk-Style MOC Kit", you may know that there was only one MOC: Mine. I tried to take on something I couldn't, so, it eventually died. Now, as I type, I'm working on restoring it. So far, it's not going that well. Just don't bother me about it, I'm just telling you.
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