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Posts posted by Cederak

  1. Bionicle from the perspective of Matoran has seldom kept my attention very long. Something about their general fragileness when faced with the world around them just doesn’t appeal to me much. I try not to let that sway me when I’m perusing the epics here, though, and I can safely say this is an excellent start to a story. I came across a few minor errors, but nothing that a few seconds of editing won’t fix.

    that is happens when fire-spitters

    that is what happens when fire-spitters

    Le-Koro to Ga-Koro was sothing

    Le-Koro to Ga-Koro was something

    The Nui-Jaga’s eyed, staring right back

    I'm not sure what you meant here.Adventures on Mata Nui - a straightforward title that pretty much tells me what I'm getting into if I start reading this. Thanks to your review topic, however, I got a bit of extra info on how the Toa are on their way. There was really no indication how many years had passed since the Great Rescue, but knowing the Toa are eventually showing up is exciting. That particular period of time has been covered very well in the official storyline, from Takua's perspective, and from the Toa Mata's as well.I'm left with the assumption that you'll be describing the awe-inspiring arrival of the Toa through the eyes of regular Matoran. And to be honest, there's room to explore there. Unless you plan to deviate drastically from the canon story, there's no new surprises headed for Mata Nui that I didn't read about in 2001. Rather, what you do with your characters, and how they interact with their island home during this crisis will be far more significant. Your characters played off of each other well, and the dialogue was smooth. Detail felt a tad lacking now and again, which, after seeing Mata Nui for years, I almost forgot - it's so instantaneous to know what that island looks like for me. Despite that, it was a decent first chapter. Adventures on Mata Nui will surely explore territory that is all too familiar, but I'm curious to see what you'll have these characters doing in it. Keep up the effort, Master Inika.-Ced
  2. Regardless of what direction BZPower takes next, some group is going to be in the minority. Staying with Bionicle will continue to alienate fans of System lines and Hero Factory, while shifting gears will drive off a portion of members who are still here because they truly enjoy Bionicle and the legacy it carries. It isn't hard to see how that legacy was injured by the downtime. Storyline and Theories has slowed to a crawl, the Expanded Multiverse (and the 100 page PDF made for it) seems nearly nonexistent on the new forums (not helped by the fact that it was never ported over), and BBC and the Library (while somewhat active) have noticeably less material coming in. Looking at some of the things discussed in this topic, it may not be a matter of appealing to the audiences BZPower has always held as secondary or more, but maintaining the loyal fan base BZPower and Bionicle already have. That doesn't mean a massive overhaul, restructuring of the site, and meeting the demands of those members (as they've clearly stuck around with few changes over the last decade anyway), but it definitely wouldn't hurt. It's clear what we all want to see changed, and the barriers standing between us. So it all comes down to what (if any) action the staff plans to take regarding the changes we'd like to see. They are not oblivious to what BZPower has become, nor are they unaware of this topic. Despite what we may want, ultimately, any change to this site is in their hands.-Ced

  3. I read a lot of stories and books, but it's rare to see one where the prologue details events that occur before the first chapter. That always seemed like a greater concept in video game narratives, which is not to say its a bad thing here. I was happily surprised to see it actually. This alternate Matoran Universe you have going certainly feels alive, although I stumbled upon a few errors that contracted from that sense of "magic" you had going.

    tall toa wearing a silver breastplate

    Toa should be capitalized. This error appears eight more times. A simple Ctrl+F search will help you locate them.

    the islands entire eastern halfThe islands name - Siramircreatures ears perked up to look around.The grassy patches dotting the islands eastern halfrumored to have taken over Stelts underworld.

    island's, island's, creature's, island's, Stelt's - apostrophes have a place. If you're using MS Word, I'm surprised it didn't pick those up.

    due too its unimportant location

    due to its unimportant location

    her chance was almost lot,

    her chance was almost lost,

    as fast as she can,

    as fast as she could,

    two spear strikes into the chest and keep coming

    two spear strikes into the chest and kept coming

    Across his back was a large sheathe holding a large claymore.

    You should replace a "large" with another word. And you want the word sheath - sheathe means to put a weapon away.

    stone rat terrorizing a matoran.

    Matoran should be capitalized. This error appears four more times. Again, Ctrl+F will take you to them.

    the later being the only excitement

    the latter being the only excitement

    threw him Bula berry,

    threw him a Bula berry,

    would likely be vessel responsible

    would likely be the vessel responsibleThose are mostly minor issues to look out for, just be more vigilant when reviewing your work before posting. Looking at the actual story, it's an interesting one. We have a Matoran Universe without a roof, a few geographical changes, and a prologue spelling the certain doom of an island you detailed very nicely. I could get a real sense of the atmosphere, and what life was like for the inhabitants. Dialogue felt realistic as well, which definitely helps. The aforementioned errors were really the only negative points to this epic thus far, and I'm fairly curious to see where this story will go. Keep at it, Toa Levacius Zehvor, you're off to a great start.-Ced
  4. In the spirit of accuracy, your title misspells the word "gray" - unless you live in the UK. (GrAy - American, GrEy - European) I must say though, after looking at the brickshelf gallery you linked, some of those MOCs are very impressive. In particular, the Phantoms and your silver Rahkshi. But this is a story, so I won't draw out the set discussion too much. Instead, I took a moment to highlight some minor issues throughout your chapter. If you aren't already using MS Word or a similar program, I highly recommend it to all writers.

    I be sure to tell you what I think, okay?”

    I'll be sure

    thirty kio squard,


    Mountain, which could be see

    mountain, which could be seen

    rectangle metallic door

    rectangular metallic door

    he is surprisingly even-tempered

    he was

    slight smile “just in case.”

    slight smile, “just in case.”

    be cleared away of snow.

    be cleared of snow.

    Telescreen emerged.

    telescreen emerged. This issue shows up two more times.

    from one another island.”

    from another island.”

    “sir, so you’re implying that

    “Sir, so you’re implying that

    “It’s quiet possible, my brother,

    “It’s quite possible, my brother,

    “so you think they came out of there, sir,

    “So you think they came out of there, sir,

    “while there isn’t any evidence against that theory, there is nothing against it,

    I'm not sure what you meant here. Maybe reword it?

    “so we’re goin’ down there today and see

    “So we’re goin’ down there today to see

    a sad smile, “unfortunately, Kromahl

    a sad smile. “Unfortunately, Kromahl

    can be gather and/or

    can be gathered and/or

    “and, just in case,

    “And, just in case,

    shouted “yes, sir!”

    shouted, “Yes, sir!”

    Wouldn’t that be wonderful to have that feeling again…

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that feeling again…Again, Word is an invaluable tool to prevent little things like those. Getting back to the actual story, though, I'm a fan of your opening poem. I have a feeling it sets a tone for your epic, or the tone you're intending at least. It was difficult for me to find a tone, or much of any feeling from your first chapter. There was a noticeable lack of detail regarding what the characters were feeling (or sensing), and it left things feeling rather hollow. This spilled over into dialogue that felt a bit forced. Bear in mind, however, building a world from the ground up (even with the Bionicle universe as a backdrop) is a task in itself, and I am the last person to underplay the skill involved and required to do so. Still, this epic needs a greater attention to detail, in terms of sensory experiences, imagery, and enhancing the dialogue. Reread everything a character says back to yourself, out loud, before deciding to let a character say it. If it feels forced, or awkward, change it.Writing is about building upon your experience, and learning from where you went wrong. But like any other skill, the amount of time you put in to mastering an art form will be reflected in your application of it. This is a good start, Zorrakh, and I wish you the best going further.-Ced
  5. Everything could use some improvement, even our beloved forums here. As stated in this topic several times, though, the lengthy downtime decimated BZPower - perhaps permanently. That said, some restructuring seems in order. If BZPower were to "open the floodgates" to System lines and Hero Factory and such, some greater degree of activity could return. Of course, non-Bionicle topics should be kept in their sub-forums. If BZPower were to include other lines in the forums, however, it becomes a one-stop discussion forums for all things Lego. Set Discussion has already expanded to System and Hero Factory, and the Library and Creative Outlet are the same. If the Media and Digital sub-forums followed suit, those are new opportunities to bring in more activity.And then we come to the matter of CoT, what I have always considered the monster of BZPower. There's certainly an established order with CoT, but there's far more gray area than any other sub-forum. The only solution to CoT I ever considered felt both enlightened and insane at the same time: split it apart. A divided CoT would be easier for separate moderators to oversee, control, and maintain. Someone stated their CoT story was quickly pushed to later pages because of the activity in the sub-forum, but creating a CoT Library does not seem out of the question. The same could be said of other topics within. In a sense, CoT would be a larger monster, but one split into easily-governed spaces.This all contributes to an ultimate goal for Bionicle fans: More potential Bionicle fans. If we draw in activity through other conduits, searching the forums could very well pique their interest, and suddenly, we have a curious Lego fan reading up on Turaga Dume, Artahka, etc. and wanting to learn more. Even without an active story or any continued sets, Bionicle has maintained a cult following in us, and probably in others on other unknown sites.Anyway, that's my take on it. Oh, and one last, personal note regarding Premier Membership: It'd be really great if I could send my payment through money order like I used to. I recognize this is a topic designed for constructive criticisms of the site and not simple grievances, it's just something I'd like to see changed back.-Ced

  6. As a rule, I try not to reply in review topics unless I have something valid to bring up. On occasion though, validity comes in a small package. And by that I mean, I really, really did not expect your ending to Chapter 18. I just wanted you to be aware of that. Excellent writing as always, and with Dimension Hoppers having two chapters left (and your posting frequency of one chapter per week), expect a more in-depth review in mid-January. :)-Ced

  7. I had recently intended to renew my premier membership through a money order as I had done in the past. This topic informed me I could send "via postal service," but this news article informed me that BZPower is currently only accepting payment through PayPal. If there's no way for me to send in a money order to renew my premier membership, that's all I need to know. If a money order is a possibility, however, could I please get a link to the address I would be sending my money order to?-Ced

  8. Beyond the set reviews I glance at here on BZPower, Hero Factory is an entirely foreign breed to me. That said, I don't have any connection to canon characters within the story, as compared to the characters you're making up. From what I've gathered, the premise revolves around a villainous entity trying to steal technology from the protagonists: the Hero Factory. Of course, like most villains, that's probably only part of a much larger plan to annihilate his enemies. The classic battle between good and evil goes a long way when done right, and I'd like to help you get there. That said, I want to let you know that MS Word or a similar program is an invaluable tool in editing your work and preventing certain mistakes. I noticed a few below, and added some suggestions and tips for improvement.Space out your dialogue. Something more like this:

    "Nothing came up on the radar. We got played.""I should have known!"The two strong, but not so smart robots were intently staring at the radar on their ship, looking for further directions on where to drop off the contraband they were carrying.

    "Now we're stuck here with illegal neuclear waste!

    Spelled "nuclear."

    Suddenly, a dark, twisted voice buzzed over on their raido.

    Spelled "radio."

    Now, go 13 parsecs toward the Nekron sector."

    Numbers below 100 should be spelled out.

    The pair manuvered their freighter into the requested area as fast as possible.

    Spelled "maneuvered."

    Now, jetteson the payload from your ship

    Spelled "jettison."


    This might work better if you describe the laughter rather than writing it out.

    Now I gotta send out a science crew to check it out.

    "Gotta" really isn't correct. "Have to" would work much better. Could probably do without the first "out" too.Following the destruction of your nameless villains, the setting changes, and changes again after the brief scene from Sam. Identifying the change in setting is commonly done through the use of symbols of some kind, like ***. The symbol choice is entirely up to you, its just a customary thing.Getting back to your story, the title is "The Biosteel Chronicles." I assume this is an alloy that both factions will be fighting to wield (or will simply wield) throughout the epic. Your attention to detail is a tad lacking, however. Despite the early demise of the villains, they could use some description, even if you choose not to name them. What do they/their craft look like, or their surroundings outside the ship? This same treatment could be applied to Sam's scene, and the final scene with the main antagonist. Sensory details (sight, sound, etc.) and description allow you to rebuild the scenes in your head into the mind of your audience - thus achieving greater immersion.I said this next part in another brief review the other day, but when it comes to dialogue, always read it back to yourself. You want it to sound genuine. Not genuine to the point that "gonna," "gotta," "ain't," etc. slip into dialogue, but so the characters are believable.This ties back to detail. Writing is a give and take process. You get back everything you put into it. If you put time and effort into detail, realistic dialogue, and watching you spelling and grammar, your epic will take on a new sense of life. It's all about immersing your readers into the world you've conjured. I never underplay the passion it takes to begin writing a story in the first place, and having read that this is your first story here, it is my hope that you grow as a writer from "The Biosteel Chronicles." Best of luck, King Joe, you're off to an adequate start.-Ced
  9. I have never been much of a fan of Bionicle's time on Bara Magna, or in this case, Spherus Magna, but there is a massive range of possibility to be played with here. With an entire universe evacuated and being thrown into the mix with all the natives of Bara Magna, there's no telling what can happen. So despite my dislike of the location, you've put together quite an opening chapter. That's not to say I didn't stumble upon a few errors.

    so the Skrall instinctively raised his shield to protect him.

    "to protect him" is implied, and unnecessary.

    Siril managed to discern a shape and recognised the species.

    "recognised" should be "recognized" unless you're from the UK.

    I assume it’s a gift…Or a curse.

    "Or" shouldn't be capitalized.

    the stunned Vortixx in front of him desperately trying to crawl away, “you on the other hand, my friend…Are not.”

    The first comma should be a period, which causes "You" to be capitalized. "Are" shouldn't be capitalized.

    Siril also considered the quality of the assassin’s.

    No apostrophe necessary.Also, I believe the Epic Sub-Forum asks that a link in your main epic connect to your review topic. Couldn't hurt to add one.It's too early to speculate how the title will play into the story, but it would seem Siril is already searching for answers. I suppose if I found I was immortal, I would be more than a little curious myself. Oddly, he was nearly killed by a Toa - which means you're either overlooking the "Do not kill" code that Toa normally follow, or the Toa in question was a renegade.More interesting though, you reintroduced me to Tuma. To be honest, I had entirely forgotten him after Mata Nui got a few cheap shots at his back near the end of The Legend Reborn. It's always exciting to see what a disgraced leader will do after losing the respect and loyalty of his soldiers.Again, there is a world of potential to be had with this epic, and you're off to a great start. I assume this is your first epic here, and aside from those minor problems stated above, you're a fine writer. Detail is sound, and dialogue is decent. I tell this to many writers, but reread dialogue in your own voice. It helps to see how "realistic" the conversation feels. The same goes for inner monologues. Tuma's near the end seems valid, as I always assumed he was a tad crazy, and being alone in the desert could very well add to that craziness. Keep at it, TWA - you're off to a great start.-Ced
  10. As promised, I have been closely following this epic since my initial review. Of course, another eight chapters of story have transpired since then, and your work continues to impress. I glanced above at your worry of events being spoiled, so I won't say anything that might ruin certain surprises. What I can say is that the latest worlds you have painted are so vivid, and full of life in their own ways. Imagery, landscapes, and sensory details are omnipresent, and that makes your worlds feel inches away.Moreover, the characters introduced in later chapters have that same spark of life, containing touches of your own creativity without betraying where their influence comes from. As for the characters that are your own, homegrown entities, their depth remains as real and strong as those from the official storyline. Over the course of a story, the audience begins to have an expectation of how the main characters interact with their surroundings, and that early dynamic I discussed has flourished - your first person perspective certainly paid off in this respect.If the first post remains correct, and Dimension Hoppers concludes at twenty chapters, then the end is certainly close. I'm curious to see how you'll wrap things up. Reviewers of this epic have made reference to your other stories, so whether this is a story that will tie up all the loose ends, or leave certain questions lingering overhead, there is a little doubt in my mind that it will be a satisfying finale. Once again, excellent writing, TNTOS.-Ced

  11. Is it $45 for the Glatorain comics? I am looking for those as I never ordered the Lego Magazine.

    No, the $45 is if you want to purchase ALL the books and comics. If you just want the Glatorian #1-7 comics, I'd sell them for $5.-CedI have lowered the price on purchasing all books and comics as a single package. In addition (considering the price set for the Glatorian comics), any individual movie, book set, or comic set is $5.
  12. Hello, Here is my wants list:Sets:Turaga (All 6) [No Instructions + No rubber bands]Cahdok and Gahdok [built, but No Instructions]Exo-ToaToa Hagah (Norik)Vezon and FenrahkLesovikk and Sea SledTakanuva (2008 Version)What would you want for these? Individually priced please.

    I'd take $10 for each, and toss in Norik with whatever you pick. Unless you just want Norik. I'll sell him alone for $3.-Ced
  13. Sometimes, I'm in the mood to skim over the latest piece of work to make its way into the epic sub-forum. You were my winner today. So, I'll get right to it.

    Takua, was a matoran

    Takua was a Matoran (Matoran is always capitalized)

    side entrance of Ta-koro

    Ta-Koro (Koro is always capitalized)

    Due to the absence of anything exciting and Takua left his post to explore a cave away nearby.

    Due to the absence of anything exciting, Takua left his post to explore a cave nearby.

    As he finished speaking he heard the sound of a large rat rahi and saw it coming closer to the entrance.

    As he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a large rat Rahi and saw it coming closer to the entrance. (Rahi is always capitalized)Those were some errors I stumbled across in the first few lines, and unfortunately, the chapter has many more. Short of suggesting you edit your chapters in MS Word or an equivalent program (I actually, highly recommend it), the most important thing I want to say, is don't be shy with the comma usage. It will help pace things a lot better.Second piece of advice, review the dialogue in your characters. Read it back to yourself and ask, "Would I say this in real life? Does this sound like realistic, smooth dialogue? Does the speaking sound forced?"Looking at the actual story behind those issues, it's clear that you're reimagining an early chapter of Bionicle lore. With any remake, or reimagining, its important to stay true to the source material, without telling a story that feels too much like the original. On the other hand, distancing yourself from the source material too much, can destroy the connection you wanted to make to the original work. Keep that in mind as you go along. It's a tricky balance, and one I've never dared, but I wish you the best of luck with it.Your opening has revived some classic elements of early Bionicle storyline. We have Takua's adventuring, Jaller's sense of duty, and Vakama's expectation of responsibility in Matoran. If you review your work, edit up any grammatical or punctuation errors, and keep an eye on realism of your dialogue, there is an incredible degree of potential in this story. It's a bold move to start an epic, and I have nothing but respect for the people who at least give it a try, and post something here. I hope this epic continues to grow and eventually flourish. Keep at it, TrueShadow.-Ced
  14. Wow, after that great story, I hope you finish it in novel form. I never really thought about murder mystery in Metru-Nui, but it works so well! This one was great, and the wording was amazing. I hope you win!

    Thanks for reading, Click. I'm not sure where I would take this as a novel, but I suppose there's always room to tell a bigger story. This was really my chance to gain a little practice in a genre I don't deal with much.-Ced
  15. First and foremost, this is not a trade topic. I am looking only to profit monetarily from my Bionicle items. I managed to amass quite the collection of Bionicle sets, books, movies, and comics over the years. And with the story having ended, I was hoping to find a buyer here before scouring other parts of the internet.About Purchasing: I am only shipping in the U.S, the buyer must pay for shipping fees, and items will be shipped once payment is received. I will accept payment through a money order or Paypal.Anyway, here's what I've got.Sets: ALL SOLDMovies: (BUY ALL FOR $30)Bionicle: Mask of Light - The Movie - $10Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui - $10Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows - $10Bionicle: The Legend Reborn - $10Book Guides + Comics: (BUY ALL FOR $20)The Official Guide to Bionicle - $5Bionicle Metru Nui Guide - $5Bionicle Rahi Guide - $5Bionicle Dark Hunters Guide - $5Bionicle World Guide - $5Bionicle Encyclopedia - $5Bionicle Comics #7-27 (Note: Did not start receiving comics from LEGO magazine until comic #7) - $10Feel free to voice any questions, comments, or concerns. Or PM me if need be.-Ced

  16. Half-Life: Gyah's AwakeningReview ThreadNumber of chapters: 5, plus a short prologue. So 6, technically.Thanks a lot in advance! The main thing I want to know is if it's easy enough to understand off the bat without reading the first three, being the fourth book in a series and all. The nature of the series is to be puzzling but I think this story may be just plain confusing.-tG

    Okay, I have commissioned our newest member to critique your epic, and you can expect a review very soon. Being the fourth book in a series may add some confusion if there are too many vague references to your previous tomes, but we should hope you're tying things together nicely enough. I'm certain Aderia will have more to say on the matter once she reviews your epic. Thank you for coming to the ECC! =)-Ced
  17. I like it, despite my constant gripe with the fact that short stories generally make for "un-ended" endings. ;) It reminds me of the Poirot mysteries. You did make a few grammar errors:

    "That may be," Vitram agreed, narrowing his glossy, emerald eyes, "but the Turaga doesn't have to put his computers on legs on city payroll."

    "Computers on legs" should be in single quotation marks, not italicized.

    A pair of Vorzakh held a topaz armored Dark Hunter in place, making sure he wouldn't escape.

    The adjective "topaz" and the adverb "armored" are, in this case, a compound word and need a hyphen between them.That's all I caught, and, really, they're very small mistakes. My favorite bit comes right at the end.

    As far as the world is concerned, Ryaric the Ta-Matoran is dead. But Ticryo, the hopeful criminal investigator from the Tren Krom Peninsula is alive and well. This is my existence now, my prison, if you will. To be honest, I suppose it could be a lot worse.

    Your "gripe" with short stories is exactly why I seldom write them. In this case, however, a murder mystery seemed the perfect stage for an open-ended story. I suppose those little errors are pointless to cry over now. Anyway, thanks for reading!-Ced

    Nice story. Very chilling and mysterious (especially at the end).I was very confused when Vitram was accused of being the murderer, not to mention the murders being mysterious enough as it is. The two matoran per Metru seemed to have some pattern or method to madness... but that didn't explain the pile of kanohi in Ryaric's home. The only explanation that I came up with was he was to be framed or that Vitram was on someone's trail/doing his own private investigation and he really could explain the full situation if he were allowed to live.I wonder if that really was the murderer on Stelt or if it was the Dark Hunter playing a mind game after tracking down Ryaric? Or perhaps he just recognized him or had a hunch... Any ending sounds good to me, and I actually like how this was left open. ^^Good luck in the contest!

    Good to hear this story struck a chord of mystery for you, and left you with a few theories. That means I'm doing things right. I'll let you in on this much though: The Steltian at the end was genuinely confused.-Ced
  18. Dynamic Paradigm has been posted in its entirety, and it has been a little over a year since I first conjured the ideas of Landrak and his friends - uncertain of where they were headed. Though I expressed that this would most likely be my final work on BZPower, I am not ruling out another story being written at some unknown point in the future. Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads this epic, whether you liked it or didn't. What matters is that, like the Vapseron, you were willing to take the journey, and I appreciate the effort.-Ced

  19. 40: Symmetric

    It was a sunny afternoon in Prime, as busy as any other day. Landrak was on his way to the transcontinental station after a pleasant visit with Aurozi. Having already taken trips to meet with Selpiar and Endico, Landrak was confident that his friends would live out happy lives under the watch of the Axiom Union. As he continued down the sidewalk, Landrak carelessly glanced off to his left. A large white sign with multicolor lettering read "Coming Soon: Nova Spire." Beneath the words was the distinct Axiom Union symbol Landrak would remember for the rest of his life. He looked further left and widened his eyes for a second. Landrak had somehow failed to notice a reporter interviewing Sovereign Carzandus near the metal entryway to a building that had yet to exist. Carzandus was standing beneath the empty arch, arms folded as he waited for another topic."What is the scope of involvement you will have with the reconstruction of Arc's cities?"Carzandus grinned. "Given the losses we have sustained, the Axiom military has taken a very personal interest in seeing each city center rebuilt to a new height of glory. Just as my top advisors took pride in the beauty of Starlight Tower, it is my hope that each area we plan to rebuild will leave biomechs awestruck. We want to give them the sensation of pride and astonishment when they visit a city center - truly breathing new life into these zones.""Has your company reached an estimated deadline as to when this project will be complete?"Carzandus retained his smile while releasing a faint sigh. Glancing off to the left, the deceptive Kyllidahk stopped his eyes on Landrak for a moment. They both knew they had the undivided attention of the other, but there was nothing to be said now. Landrak's expression of shock slowly turned to disgust - glaring into Omtazic's visual receptors before continuing on his way down the street. Carzandus' smile quickly faded, replaced by dejection.The reporter took notice of Carzandus' sudden unhappiness and gave him a curious look. "Are you all right?"Omtazic held his focus on where Landrak had glared at him, finally muttering an emotionless response. "The architects are still at an outline stage regarding much of the damaged centers in Prime, Dawn, Interval, Verve, and Sincerity. Beyond reestablishing foundations and improving the design of Starlight Tower, it's far too early to speculate a completion date."The reporter casually took down a few notes. "I see..."Carzandus quietly took a few steps past the archway and toward the area where Nova Spire would one day stand. The reporter at his side looked on as well, perplexed to see what he hoped to learn from studying empty air. Omtazic was incapable of viewing the emptiness - his mind was captivated by the dream Exogen denied him of, now reduced to a memory. Carzandus' hollow smile slowly returned and he considered the extent of his recent losses for a moment. He was alone on Arc now, sharing loneliness with a world of biomechs who felt only revulsion toward his true form. Worse than the feared and misunderstood Nerozak, Omtazic was the last of a hated design forced to suffer the needs of his antagonists. In the back of his mind, he could only hope Exogen would reconsider allowing the last Kyllidahk to return home.Landrak kept a steady pace as he distanced himself from Omtazic and Starlight Tower. In the coming months, he would make fewer visits to Prime, and eventually detach himself from Radiance altogether. The Axiom Union was a flicker of the past that meant nothing to Landrak now. The whole of Arc was at his fingertips. He smiled along every step that day, taking in the world he had grown so accustomed to. Just above his sight, a pitch black trail of aether spiraled up through the atmosphere and twinkled in the sunlight before vanishing entirely. The Arbiter of the Cosmos had a promise to keep to his love.

    A C T . V . C O N C L U D E D.

    The Great Beings did not leave us orphans on the universe's doorstep. We are all intelligent races that must act on our own - pay the consequences of our self-destructive actions. Each day we rise, we have an opening to redeem ourselves. We never asked to be created, but regardless, we have a duty to one another to live in accord. If we don't owe this to our creators, we owe it to ourselves at least.-Cederak (Excerpt from The Eternal Void, Section 1: Absolution Created)

  20. 39: This Life

    Nerozak walked through the outskirts of what would eventually become Reprieve, built over the ruins of Respite. Two months had passed since the Aether Network was reset and Nerozak was encouraged by the biomechs' spirit to rebuild their broken world. Reaching his destination, Nerozak uncomfortably gave Landrak and Talise a sad smile. They were located in a nearly completed cemetery, standing before a memorial dedicated to Ceyvim and Merolsy."Hello, Nerozak," Landrak greeted, trying to be friendly."Good afternoon," Nerozak replied, staring down at the grave."It's okay," Talise told him, giving Nerozak a smile. "My parents are together again.""Of course," Nerozak nodded. "Ceyvim was a soldier at heart, and I believe he loved Arc. It was clear he loved you, Talise. Maybe he was the lucky one.""What do you mean?" Landrak wondered."I mean that you two will be old and tired some day, but Ceyvim died as a hero...a soldier redeemed, practically passing in the line of active duty.""We can accept aging," Landrak replied. "My friends and I have had enough of the Axiom military.""What are they doing now?" Nerozak asked, motioning for Landrak and Talise to follow him."I know Selpiar returned to Radiance to become a surgeon, returning to a medic's work in a sense. Aurozi is on Radiance as well, working with reactor core maintenance in the cities," Landrak explained."Verton's last letter mentioned his work on Vault to accommodate a new biomech colony outside the ruins of Amtra's palace," Talise recalled. "And Endico returned home to Sincerity, living peacefully and happily near the Iron Sea.""And what about the two of you?" Nerozak asked. "Where are you going?""We're staying here, in Reprieve. Talise likes the scenery of Wake, and after you convinced Omtazic to open all of Arc to biomechanical travel, I couldn't wait to leave Radiance.""It was the least I could do," Nerozak grinned. "Your contribution was far greater than mine though. Not necessarily enduring your Vapseron path, but retaining your belief in others.""I could never lose hope in biomechs," Landrak smiled. "Even after years at war...I knew we would recover. Arc is going to be okay.""Thanks to you," Nerozak smiled. "It takes someone exceptionally smart and tactical to lead their friends through the trials set before your squadron. An existence like yours is more rare in this universe than you might think, Landrak. Take that for what it's worth.""Thank you, Nerozak," Landrak replied, shaking his hand."Not to ruin a moment of optimism, but you should hold on to your sense of realism in this new Arc," Nerozak added. "This planet is not a utopia, and Omtazic is not perfect.""We know," Talise reassured him. "Agents of the Phantom Faction are still out there - plotting to overthrow Carzandus in some way. With the Guards and Sentinels more united now, though, they stand a better chance at handling the leaderless renegades.""Very true," Nerozak agreed. "I suppose my point was that expecting a world full of biomechs to entirely agree on one idea of harmony is foolishness. The objective is to see that society receives more benefits than detriments from everyone's actions."Nerozak mused on his words for a moment, finally smiling. "My brother would be proud. There is no light without darkness. And there is no single pattern to succeeding in this life."

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