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Status Updates posted by Cressona

  1. Mantax Fact #758: Mantax always looks the way he does now. When he was exposed to the pit mutagen, HE mutated IT!

  2. Hey, did you notice that he was last seen july 30th, 2007? he actually exists!

  3. You should check out those books; they're the newest SW series (I just finished the last one: they're really good!)

  4. yes, i am, and proud of it. :)

  5. Great personal statement! I gave u 5 stars! did u read the star wars legacy of the force series?

  6. Yeah, Tohu's not asleep, he lives, he posts, and he watches. maybe he was in a sleep that my topic awakened him fom... :P but Tohu only posts when he needs to, so he's not around the forums posting that much.

  7. Hey, thanks for using my sig, and giving me credit! I didn't even make a topic for it yet... thanks!

  8. I see you were born only a month before you joined... well, just commenting to say that you have awesome MOCs and a cool blank banner!

  9. exactly. what did HD do besides brainwash people? did HD get a new server for bzp? no, it was Tohu, after the defeat of Dume, who repaired the server! and Tohu didn't take over the site cuz he doesn't NEED TO! and he did kind of, when he took back bzp from hd and vp!

  10. injustice? i'm pretty sure he got banned for correcting Bionicle Rex's grammar... (but there could have been other stuff...)

  11. @ Toa Nidhiki05: the IIU doesn't exist. ;)

  12. hey man, lucky getting SoS! I love the cover! can I pm u for spoilers? :P

  13. Hey, Tohu did win in the end, so Ignus is right, romansoldierdude! I'd still like to see Dume return, though... just so Tohu can kick his vahki butt! :P

  14. So you're one year old and have a cool name. Congratulatins on being so special! :P

  15. 10000 posts! Yeah! and, um, yeah, pop, or whatever. :P

  16. Yeah!! 10,000!! But, why "Voya

    Nui Discovered"? Shouldn't it be "Mask of Time Discovered"?

  17. Wow... an ordinary member in the top few posters ever... not even a preemy, or an OBZPC! You're amazing!

  18. What the-- where'd Adventurella go? :P

  19. Nice work fooling the system with your name, Takua, and thanks for the banner and av! ;)

  20. around 20-something people... the full list's on the website (under construction)

  21. i like ur glitched account better lol IMPOSTER! :P

  22. lol, you joined five months before you were born! :P

  23. Oh, he's back to a girl now, eh? And, hopefully, not using that annoying yellow font anymore! :P

  24. gotcha! changing your gender again! :P

    u were a girl, now ur nothing!

  25. Since you started switching your gender around :P

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