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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Life, thank you for being so good for the past week or so (not including being sick agggh), even if it is just awhile. I'm finally enjoying things again--which in this case, is music.
    Lately I've dusted off my guitar and started to practice again, and dabble with the piano. And, I really want to learn stuff in the Electronica/Trance area, and record my own music. I just love creating...and music is just...amazing. I can't find words to describe how much I love it.
    Do you guys have any suggestions for a good program I can use that isn't a zillion dollars? Does anyone approve of Audacity or another free program? Do you have any other tips/suggestions to get me started? Thanks in advance!
    On a completely random note, I'm making an offer on the car tomorrow. *fingers crossed*
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I CRACKED. I'm listening to Christmas music already. Usually I don't until after Thanksgiving, but for some reason I couldn't bare to wait any longer. I'm pitiful.
    I. Love. Hair straighteners.
    I saw a car on the way home that I like; not something fancy, but a simple '99 red Cavalier. Price wasn't bad, so I'm going to check it out tomorrow. I need a car so badly!
    Job hunting stinks. Did one for two targets; one said they are not hiring, still waiting on the other...in the meantime, filling out some for Gamestop. Gotta go in town to grab some more applications.
    ....Assassin's Creed II...Star Trek...Chocolate....NEED NOW.
    Wasted $3 on a Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks. Totally worth it.
    As a final note of this completely absurd entry, please pray or keep me in your thoughts as I find a job and car. This isn't really just a desire, it's extremely important and I need some income to help support my family; a car is needed obviously to get to said job, and for college next year. I can't afford to drag this out any more.
    I hope everyone is doing all right!
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Sadly, I've finally decided I just can't do NaNoWriMo this year. I feel bad, since I'm the one that got a lot of people hyped about it and now I have to back down—still, I think it's for the best.
    I've been really sick throughout my junior year, and all through my senior because of some chronic stuff and other illnesses I have yet to solve. At first when I was struggling this month, I wanted to press on and prove to myself I could do it. Writing isn't that hard, right? Still, I've been constantly in bed, barely able to do anything. I've pretty much cut out everything except the important things like school; that's all I can handle now. Not to mention, it's been a very rough year from grim life hassles.
    I plan on finishing my story, no doubt about that, I love it way to much too completely quit. Maybe sometime I'll feel well enough to have my own little NaNo, and there is always next year. You all keep it up, though! I think NaNoWriMo is the best way to kick that low-esteem and procrastination out the window. You can do it guys!
    I'm off to go buy myself some groceries and maybe nab something during Happy Hour at Sonic. Ciao!
    (random note: BZPers who commissioned me, I'm getting back to them—particularly BCii and RepicheepXXII. You guys are at the top of the list, and I'm working hard on finishing those this upcoming week.)
  4. Lady Kopaka
    It's out!!!

    Twenty lovely tracks are all mine! I love you Amazon MP3 for being so reliable and cheap.
    Go get this album. It is the best of the year.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I just figured out Assassin's Creed II doesn't come out on the PC until March.
    My excitement and dreams are crushed.
    I also think I got a cold--and I'm falling behind on NaNo and school (again?) because of it!
    But it'll be all right, life is still good and gravy. Raia and I are working on a supercoolawesomesauce 'project' for BZP, the Glitch audiobook topic is going to be posted in a few days, and I'm so excited for the week around Thanksgiving. More to be updated on all of that later.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Do or do not. There is no try. Seriously LK, stop letting life make you stop doing the things you enjoy. Hit it with a frying pan or hidden blade, if anything. I gotta listen to Yoda more often.
    And Assassin’s Creed II will be one of the most amazing game of the year.
    ...Oh yeah, HAPPY BERFDAY NIKI! <3
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I think I'm getting sick again. Again.
    My sleeping med has decided to stop working over the past few days. Which is really bad, because as you know, sleeping is the best cure for getting better. Of course, because of some unknown factor that's causing a lot of sickness/physical blah, I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I get stressed and struggle against anxiety and increased activity in doing nothing (oxymoron?). Then I get more stressed and confused, resulting in even more sleep loss and so many nightmares that I'm literally afraid to go to sleep at night.
    I've told myself no matter what, to keep my head up—so, I'm doing pretty good considering things, but I really hope I find the solution to this. I'm very disappointed with myself, I was doing so well last week. I really felt like the old me; the real me I haven’t seen in probably a year.
    Then there’s NaNo I was so pumped for. Now I couldn't even concentrate on watching NCIS tonight; I also skipped going to this art gathering this evening. It's just sad. I'm trying to push myself through with my writing (not to mention a slew of other things), and though NaNo is more about quantity rather than quality…I'm just not feeling it one bit. This is different from a writer’s block or pushing through the story's plot holes and oddities—I can’t function at all, with anything.
    This just stinkeths.
    Oh, but currently fixing new blog graphics, and I finally found my darn phone. That has to count for something, right?
  8. Lady Kopaka
    National November Writing Month; read about it here.
    Who else wants to do this with me? TNTOS reminded me about this a few weeks ago, and I officially decided I want to do it. Sort of late on asking since it starts in about three days, but still, even though I'm busy, if I really want to become a writer and take things seriously, I have to do this. Even if I don't finish, at least I tried my best.
    It would be so awesome if I had some writing buddies to do this with me, to keep eachother encouraged. It would be such a good way to inspire us and just to start writing. This could go alongside with the Writers Club, too. Even if it's a cruddy story or you may never want to show anyone--but, you proved to yourself and others that you have the chops to write. Then again, remember that after November you can spend all of December and beyond editing it--and it could become one of the best things you have ever written.
    Hahli Husky Spink Cap'n Kopaka Tifosi 92 Kanohi Zatth Sakaru Miss Krahka Jithra Rockhound TNTOS ChocolateFrogs Arpy Jalina Krakuaofsonics Janus Raia Svit-kona Axinian the Anomaly Torran Vezok's Friend Master of the Rahkshi C'mon, lets get those pens and keyboards out! Grab an idea you like and don't worry about the quality, just write! Two more days til' it starts, good-luck! 
    (oh and, anyone have suggestions on a blog theme I could go with? I don't want super fancy, but my blog is looking awfully boring...)
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Sorry for falling off the face of BZP/earth, I've been completely off the computer for the past four days because of being really sick (aka been in the hospital--don't ask), but I'm doing a lot better now.
    I'm just chilling and cleaning today, fixing my schedule for studies and everything, hopefully I'll get back on track and start catching up; it will be such a busy week with all those doctor appointments, ick. I'm quite sad that I probably can't enter the Short Story contest. But I do have some art to scan sometime; I'll try to work on that.
    I thought I had something else to say, but if I remember I'll update this entry, lol. Hope you guys are doing well, and some advice: please don't have a attitude that your life is unbearable! It can be rough and we all take things differently, take a step back and think about it, so you don’t get drowned in self-pity. There are good things in your life, be positive. As much as I dislike the saying, it's true: remember how much worse it could be in some areas. I didn't recognize this until it was slapped into my face; keep that in mind.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    I'm still busy up to my eyeballs with stuff, but I just wanted to say I hooked my internet back; it wasn't doing me any good. I thought by removing it I could get caught up in studies—apparently, it is not the source of my concentration problem. Sort of relieving to know it's not the problem, but annoying because now I have no idea how to force myself to get motivation back. I'm blaming it on my disorder for now.
    Didn't get much art done either, sadly. Wrote a 7,000+ word story, but it's based on an older personal project, so no one would get it, haha. Did some organizing of my novel too, I really wish I could focus working on it more. I need to get working on that BZP related epic for you guys too, huh?
    I'm so physically and mentally drained at the moment, but I'm hanging on. I ordered Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C./2nd Gig from Amazon with some spare money out of my savings, I'm hoping a GitS marathon will get me feeling better. I wish I was saving enough to get a PS3 sometime, though. FFXIII release is drawing closer...A Wacom Intuos sounds lovely too. Ah, someday over the rainbow.
    K, I'll stop babbling. How are you fellas? I miss talking to you all.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, I know I have commissions to do…
    But I need inspiration! Anything! Agh! My brain is so zonked ‘cause of things, this artist block is terrible! Even when you know you have ideas hiding within you, they won’t come out, and anything you try to draw looks so…ewww. Flusterating, quite infuriating and stressing! Same goes to my writing as well. It's just annoying, because I want to improve and simply enjoy it all, but how can I like this?
    Do y'all have any advice on killing artist/writers block, and, maybe some suggestions for drawings/projects? I've been rather frustrated with finding my own style, and pinpointing my weaknesses...so helping with that is a plus too.
    Hopefully I can start showing more art and writings soon. Thanks for dealing with my silly venting, and for any advice.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Seriously guys. Read this. Please?
    Bumped, cause I feel this needs to be heard again. I know this is a long entry, but it was very hard to try to squeeze this important subject any shorter. This is so much more important I think, than those silly random blog entries. Please take your time to read this.
    As of the past few weeks, I’ve finally have found time to go around the art forum and really devote some time to it. But, there is something I’d like to talk about. First, this really has nothing to do with me. Though, I am very much concerned about the well being of other artists...or well, anyone who works on creative stuff (writing, MoCing, etc). Before I start this lecture, I may state this is just out of opinions and I am not trying to challenge the ‘look and leave’ issue. You have a right to post where you want or when to just look and leave. And for another thing, if you don’t even go to GA, please don’t feel pressured to do this. Nevertheless this issue has been bugging me for some time.
    When I joined [2005] and made my first art topic, I got a lot of nice posts. It wasn’t a big hot topic, but people were kind enough to really encourage my art on BZP, by friendly critique or just a simple comment. Without those people who did that, you probably would not see as much art as I do today. Maybe I could be wrong, but I felt back then artists felt more respected. I’m not saying as in any sort of popularity, but simply they got decent posts and just some sense of reverence. I think this problem has always been around and I may sound like I'm exaggerating the issue...but still, bear with me.
    It seems more people squander time with the people who really don’t try with art and then the people who truly strive don’t get much attention at all. These counts with both the talented artists and the new ones who are struggling to learn and improve. I’m not trying to be mean to certain people; but really, it’s getting a bit ridiculous. What you do could greatly affect a person’s esteem about art, MoCing, writing, or any other creative activities. If you rather want to post and comment about a five minute MSPaint drawing, that’s fine I guess. Just try to be a bit considerate to the artists who work hard or at least wanting to get better. They are the ones you should focus at and give care.
    Also, when I begin to notice our veterans and popular artists are not getting decent posts anymore…we have a problem.
    I’d like to clearly address the type of artists you should regard:
    The Newbies: Just because a drawing may not be up to standards of marvelous talent doesn’t mean the artists is lazy and purposely terrible. People don’t become artists in one day; it takes years and years of never-ending practice. So if you see a person who said they are working hard on something and they are not getting many posts—do them a favor and help them out. Just because their art may not be as talented doesn’t makes them lazy or terrible, they just need help and practice. Remember this important quote Hahli Husky posted in her blog awhile back: "Good artists are the terrible artists who never gave up."
    Veteran Artists: Now, the larger artists on BZP (I feel) have just as much trouble surprisingly. Sure their art may be awesome, but if they continue not to get any comments and encouragement, they slow on their art or stop all together. They feel their art isn’t good enough or it’s a waste of time to bother showing the art here. Our fellow BZP artists work HARD on their art for their enjoyment and to entertain you guys—you could at least repay by giving them by a friendly comment or review. In short, try to tell the difference from people who really are not respecting the meaning of the art forum (or art itself), and then the ones who are really putting some effort into their stuff. Either old or new. 
    [Note: I seem to keep contradicting myself, but even though I said give focus to the people who put a lot of effort in their art (This is the top priority), there isn’t anything wrong with commenting a drawing someone drew quickly. I and other artists have drawn quickies that we are proud of, or possibly a draft/WIP that the artist needs opinions on. Either way, just try your best to tell when someone needs a comment, and when it does best to ignore some of the imprudent ones.]
    To the people who will tell me “Well I can’t give good reviews” or “I’m not good at pointing out critique”… that’s okay. I know I may sound a bit contradicting to Nikira’s ‘How To Review’, but don’t feel pressured to give the artists an amazing review. As long as you don’t sound immature, rude, or spammy, you should be fine. While most artists appreciate long reviews, they still should understanding toward the members with less of the flair to give a long review. All the artists wants is help on improvement and just to know he/she is noticed. No matter, still try your best at reviewing though. (Read Nikira's review help for how-to)
    Now I may be confusing the meaning of this a bit. It’s true most people seek attention, but in a humble sense I don’t mean they want to get bragged on or feel all conceited (Even though we still enjoy a good ole' ego boost). Simply put, what if you worked really hard on something, posted, and then no one commented? It hurts, doesn’t it? We can never really cleanse this issue away from BZP, but you can help just a bit by encouraging a friend time to time or thinking twice before you post somewhere. Where you could be posting in a large GD topic where most posts are ignored, you could give a just as quick comment in the art, writing or MoC section and really encourage a member in their work.
    And hey, if you start to take the time to comment other peoples work; your chances will double about receiving more comments in your own topics. Speaking of which, if someone gives you a nice review in your topic, return the favor if you can and review something of theirs. It's a nice thing to do.
    I just felt this needed to be pointed out. I’m not pressuring people to post or make you feel guilty. In fact if you’re not really into the whole creative division, don’t worry about it. But this is focused toward the people who do go there or are getting back there. In no way am I trying to be impolite; I’d just like people to understand this problem.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    ...for random fun! First person to get my 23,333 profile view—or at least the closest—gets a free sketch! Just screencap and PM me!
    Congrats to Tifosi92! That really went fast...next time I'll make the kiriban bigger. Anyway, apologizes to you guys that didn't get it. I'll be doing another one in a few weeks!
    Update, Sept/24/09: Commissions are officially back. Still a lot going on, but I have gotten a hold of some things to handle this again. As I’ve said before, this money is going into savings for college and bill paying, so thank you very much!
    Current commissions are going well, and at least three are close to being completed. (once I finish this batch, I'll better organize myself so commissions are finished sooner) If you were interested earlier in getting one from me, now is the time to ask about it.

    Pricing is for cleaned/shaded artwork. My standard paper is usually 8.5x11 cardstock. 
    Shipping (if requested for original):
    (note: this is just an estimate. Shipping is determined by where you live/how large the drawing is)
    Black & White (Pencil/Digital sketch)
    Headshot/Bust -
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background -
    +Complex Background -
    +Extra character/or other -
    1) If your drawing is digital, I usually won’t send out a copy, you can print it out yourself. However, if the drawing is large or you have any problems with printing, we can work something out.
    2) I accept pretty much any forms of payment. Cash/check must be USD. Most of the time, I will require you to pay before I begin drawing.
    3) Though I will try my best to follow what you want, please give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to improve anything during drafting, but I cannot overwork myself with finicky nitpicking.
    4) Prices will differ with larger and more unique projects. When I receive a request some pricing may be changed. It is determined by materials, time and the drawing itself.
    5) You’re welcomed to ask how your request is coming along, but please to not get rude if I’m working slowly! My life can get really rough sometimes, and art projects can take awhile, depending on the drawing. I try to finish on a week to two week basis, and if it will take longer, I'll inform you.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, heh. This is the most confusing thing I've ever posted. Edited the story out of here and moved it over to here. Blame Velox.
    So yeah, you can comment there if you want. Also, it actually references Glitch in the System--which is something I haven't written on in some time.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    (why is it so hard to find a avatar/banner and stick with it longer than a month?)
    I finally have all my writings up. What a mess. I had to repost everything…which was what…a dozen stories? Glitch is up, but not properly edited. That’ll get done once the Epics Contest is over. I’m currently fixing up my library topic too, so you guys can navigate through my stuff (link to library).
    This artistic block is driving me insane. Since ACT is over I can hopefully get back to art, but I haven’t felt like I’ve done anything decently creative in a long time. I am excited to start working on my new epic for here, though.
    Lastly, I want to do a weekly spotlight for artists/writers. I just think a lot of people really need some more recognition, so I thought this would be a great way to do it. I want to keep it simple, but if you guys have any opinions on it, shout it out.
    Okay, I’m done. Ain’t my blog entries boring or what?
    p.s. – After nearly four years, I have over 3000 posts.
  16. Lady Kopaka
    I’ve been busy with ACT studies. The test comes tomorrow for me. Surprisingly for my usual distressing behavior, I’m taking it okay. I don’t want to become a doctor—so as long as I can get a high enough score to get scholarships (which I really need), not to mention I can take it again. Still...it's been hard to prepare for it when I've been sick, I better not fail too badly.
    Hopefully after that’s over, I can get back in habit of writing/art/bzp stuff. I can’t wait until I graduate…ever since I moved my motivation for school has been zilch, I hate teaching myself and being stuck inside the house 24/7.
    I'm craving ramen noodles and to have a SG1 marathon—sadly, school is glaring at me, so I must depart.
    Oh, I command everyone to give Nikira cookies, kittens, and hugs. She’s awesome and such a dear. Do not try to deny it.
    Also, please remember.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    (Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)

    ::NEWS::IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision. SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks. Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

    Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)

    (made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

    (made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

    (made by Raia)

    (made by Raia)

    Hang in there guys, it's coming soon!
  18. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: Here's a new picture of my baby, and I finally decided to call him Jethro Gibbs (as much as I love Mowgli, Gibbs suits him more).

    (darn little guy did not want a decent picture of him)
    I'm feeling very special at the moment. Would you believe how hard it was to actually find a kitten?
    He's so sweet, and warming up to me--maybe too much. He woke me up at 5AM this morning nibbling on my nose. Well, at least I didn't sleep in for once. And this is really good for me. I'll be able to worry about something than just myself. I really needed this in life for a lot of reasons.
    Still thinking of a name. Suggestions? I've been leaning toward Mowgli and Jethro Gibbs...but I have no idea, really.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Colour, colour
    On the wall
    Slipping, dripping
    Cold and bold
    Dances just before the fall
    Dreary stare
    Lost behind a catalyst tear

    Black and white iris
    Has a foggy view
    In a foggy thank-you
    Alongside a heart reflection
    Rusted love collection
    Wistful smile
    All lost in the pile

    Sour notes and misused words
    Can’t be sung by birds
    In silver branches
    Over the moonlit steams
    Fairies all in dreams

    Colour, colour
    On the wall
    Dance just before the fall
    Just before the fall
    Lost behind a urban wall
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Hi guys.
    Black Six is a dear, everyone give him cookies.
    So um...yeah. Dunno what to say, other than I'm really exhausted for a bazillion fail reasons, and it's just nice to get on BZP. Missed everyone, I hope I can catch up. Very sorry for any problems the account caused.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Going to be gone for a little over a week visiting relatives and friends down there. I’m happy to say that I’m feeling much better—for now. :x I shall be bringing art supplies, so I’m hoping to get some stuff done there.
    I’ll still be able to get my hands on a computer at times, but I’m going to be busy hanging out with old friends (Going to a Coldplay concert, yesyesyes), I haven’t socialized in forever.
    Only thing I’m not looking forward to is the heat. Ick.
    If you guys have any last minute questions, requests, etc.; say them now because I’ll be unable to respond much while I’m away.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys! SK recently has made two versions of the Glitch in the System Audiobook--one has music and some sound effects, the other is just the story itself. Some people couldn't decide if we wanted music or not, so SK wants us to vote. These here are sneak peaks guys!
    Demo with music/sound effects Demo without (edit) SK wanted to say: We have a third choice in this. Please tell us simply if you want an audiobook with both sound effects/music, without the sound effects and just the music, or nothing at all.
    This is still a rough, so the final will be fixed or whatever else is needed. The deadline to getting this sorted is in two days (midnight, 10th of July).
    Oh yeah, another announcement (unrelated to Glitch), I've been experiencing some bad health issues lately. So to the people who are expecting reviews, PM responses, or commissions, I deeply apologize, things are going to be a bit slow. I just wanted to confirm I'm not purposely procrastinating, there's just a lot going on in my life. Really sorry to those who have commissioned me, I hope this doesn’t cause any problems.
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