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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Lately my poor blog has been so covered in random stuff on art and Glitch, I decided to be merciful to it today. xD
    So these past few days and upcoming ones are quite busy. School, doctor visits ( ;.; ), art and other crazy things. What I'm most excited for is we're going down to Louisiana in a week! You have like, no idea how excited I am. This is probably the first trip I've ever been on that we're going just because we really want to, and does not involve business trip or something annoying like that. I miss good ole' Louisiana. 0: If you're curious, LA is our choice of a summer vacation 'cause we used to live there a year ago, so we're having family/friend withdrawals. :<
    I'm planning on getting my hair cut before going, because I look terrible with long hair and it's just plain annoying right now. You guys have any suggestions for styles? I'm leaning toward something short and thinned/really layered. If uh...you guys help me out, I'll show a picture of me when its cut!
    And yes, you can suggest crazy stuff. I was actually thinking of getting something Motoko-styled.
  2. Lady Kopaka
    ...Brickfair. ;.;
    It’d be a great vacation! Or I think, anyway. Never really had one before, so maybe I’ll have the courage to talk to my parents about it…oh, I really want to, I really just want to get out! Doing school throughout the entire year is a killer! I'm only about eight hours away this time since moving! I think I have a chance...just money is the major issue. I think I know what I'm saving my spare bucks from commissioning for. :]
    Who else is/maybe going? I'm very excited!
    Also guys, don't forget the Glitch auditioning deadline is tomorrow, I'm looking forward to the final casting!
    ...oh and I drew HB Komas, without goggles. Who would be interested in seeing that? :3
  3. Lady Kopaka
    So, some of this may just be an opinion, and it all matters on ones sensitivity, opinion, and etc. Still, before reviewing you may want to consider these ten things…
    1. Don’t say “Well, this isn’t your best…”. It sounds like you’re implying that the Artist/MoCist/Author is getting worst, or bluntly, that said drawing stinks. Its one thing to say “This isn’t my favorite of yours”, cause that sounds like an opinion. Opinions are fine, but frankly stating something as a fact is never good.
    2. For the love of all things good, don’t point out the obvious. It’s like walking up to your friend and going “DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BROWN EYES?”. Yep. Same thing goes when the artist or some posters above states twenty times that there’s something wrong about the picture. Artists don’t need the flaw pushed in their face. After a couple hundred times, they get the picture I think.
    3. Don’t give number ratings. They kill kittens. =( Same goes for grading, that’s just silly. It’s not homework; it’s your own creative work!
    4. Don’t just go in a topic and say “Nice, now do [insert something here].” It’s simply rude.
    5. Don’t say an image is too sketchy or whatever. Please note if the image was supposed to just be a sketch or actually something fancy.
    7. Human Bionicle art is a style of art! Deal with it please. Actually, be polite with any style. Normal or unique. A style is NEVER a flaw.
    8. Don’t quote the whole huge first post that the topic starter made. It’s argh. 0:
    9. Maybe, just maybe you could find something to say other than “Awesome, I like it.”
    10. Don’t compare artists! Never ever ever ever! Every artist, regardless of how long they’ve been drawing, whether they are new or veterans, it’s no excuse. Now sure, we all have our favorite artists for some reason or another. But don’t go out saying who is the best or most popular—we all have different styles.
    And in an example Swert has written for us, I hope none of you ever do this:

    Once again, it really depends on who you’re reviewing, and some other facts. Still, it’s very important to at least think about these issues.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Oh yes, LK has gone too far.
    So, Raia and I were raving about how awesome Lackadaisy is (if you don't know what it is, you're living under a rock), and then were were saying how awesome the style was...then I thought of an awesome idea.
    Bionicle characters: Lackadaisy'd!
    Then Raia came up with a better idea:

    Teehee. <3
    Oh. I am still doing official Bionicle characters as cats sometime too. Yes, fear the artistic license.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I’m back from my adventures in Missouri, I’m sooo tired. All this recent traveling is really getting to me, even if it is fun. We got back at 2AM last night because of some activities we did during the way back. But I’m okay, and I got a Bumblebee shirt. <3
    Got A LOT of art finished, for once in my life. I’m such a perfectionist, though, so got some nitpicking to do before showing it. Will update this entry when I get it all scanned.
    EDIT: Okay, I'm here with some art! Scanner was being weird so it took longer than expected... (click thumbnails for larger image)
    - Did this for a friend for his graduation. Character from an old story I am working on.
    - Just to prove that I am in fact working on your art-trade, Tarik. Will hopefully get this done soonish!
    - Tahu! Not as cool as B_D's mind you...but it was just a simple character design. I'm not sure what version this is...maybe a mix between Mata/Nuva/Mistika?
    - Huuuge character design for Tachi and Komas in HB version. Was practicing with poses/designs/etc. With this done now, I hope to start working on a certain original novel very soon... 0:
    - Niihlus got Lackadaisy'd (it was just a doodle...blame funky marker for messed up pants)!
    That's about it for now...more on the way though.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Main point of this entry: I will be leaving tomorrow morning to Missouri, and will be unavailable until probably Tuesday. You guys are free to PM me and stuff while I'm gone, but don't expect a response until I get back.
    I apologize to people who wanted to see me enter the Certavus contest, but after the hassle with the last contest entry, I don't think I'll do that again. I want to enter contests for the experience and for fun--not to get stressed over. As for the Surel contest, I have not decided yet.
    Tarik, I'm very sorry about the lag on my part on the trade. I'm currently fooling with posing ideas, and will work on it while I'm away.
    ...OH RIGHT RAIA I FORGOT ALL ABOUT DANI...will work on that too.
    Oh yeah. To the people who are still waiting on reviews/PMs/etc. Veryvery sorry, I don't mean to drag that out. I’ll try to work on that when I get back. :< Bug me with a PM again, if you must to remind me, it's fine.
    Glitch in the System auditioning has been going very well, I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to audition. SkullKid just announced some of them here. Just some, mind you, it's easier to choose voice actors as we go. So there is no official deadline and y'all take your time.
    Uh...just a shot in the dark, but are any of you guys interested in art commissioning at all? I know I would like to get that set-trade done first (sorry Meteo), but I was just sorta wondering. I’ve suffered the bare-wallet over the past few months and ‘cause of the move and other things, it’s taking me longer to find a job for the summer than norm…yeah…
    Okay, I’ll stop rambling and will do something useful. xP
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, I’m back. =)
    I feel like digressing over my vacation quickly before bed. First and foremost: it was so nice jut to get out and do something new. Break the mold. Get some fresh air. Yeah, a lot of fail and stressing things happened, but I’m going to write this entry and pretend like it was a perfectly normal vacation and I had a stress-free environment. Har-har. xD
    But it was really nice. We traveled through Tennessee and North Carolina—up to the smoky mountains, to the beaches around Raleigh. I may not be up to a point of a nature loving greeny yet, but since my parents are foresters I’ve always have had my admiration to nature and the outdoors. The mountains were absolutely gorgeous, probably my favorite part about the trip. We weren’t able to do much hiking, and no camping but our drives through those curvy roads high up was completely enchanting. It’s so hard to word it unless I started babbling about it some poetic sense.
    The mountainswere so gorgeous and so inspiring. The foggy and rainy afternoon of traveling back home made me so drowsy, but I couldn’t help but stay awake and gaze out the car window and watch the scenery. And boy, you guys have no idea what clean air is until you go up in the peaks away from everything…it’s so clear and embracing.
    Now, of course the beach was great! We didn’t get too much time on the beach itself (I got sunburned, argh. And I can’t tan at all. Not cool 0;), but just that atmosphere of the location was really beautiful. Those cute beach houses situated by the ocean, all the colourful types of people and culture...a lot of it reminded me of New Orleans, and I love that salty ocean air, you can’t get enough of that.
    It was really nice to visit my sister too, and I’m really happy she smoothly graduated out of college. I haven’t seen her in awhile so it was fun to hang out, and also meet her boyfriend. Though my dad is a bit iffy I think, I personally love her recent tattoo.
    I think what I got most out of this trip was to get away from everything. No internet, no school…nothing really. Just a different outlook on life, and that’s something I think we all need sometimes. It was so inspiring for me too. I got a lot of art done, though annoyingly, not any older stuff I really should had been finishing. I think I can finally admit too, that I have the courage to finally begin writing my original novel that I’ve been fearfully deciding if I should start or not. I’ve been so afraid of starting it because of the thought of failure and other things—but now I think I finally have the inspiration and courage to start it. Maybe it won’t ever get published or even be amazing, but as long as I enjoy writing it, that’s all that matters. I’m so excited to begin it in a week or so and just make it a private and personal project of mine throughout this year.
    But I’m exhausted now. The trip back and forth was SO long. I spent most of my time drawing or reading the Bourne Identity (really good book so far), but even so I thought the car rides would never end. I’m glad to be home now, and hopeful to organize my life a bit more for the final few weeks of my junior year and to get other such stuff sorted.
    Short version of this entry?: Crazy, but fun weekend vacation.
    Now, to bed at last…tomorrow I’ll be seeing if there is any art I can scan…but most importantly, Star Trek!! =D
  8. Lady Kopaka
    I’ve been really proud of myself on the progress of my writing recently—not in terms of skill (I have so much to learn), but how I’ve been finally getting over so many fears I used to have. It’s been so relieving to finally stop letting all my ideas rot away in my head, and actually put them on paper.
    Now, I know a lot of you guys are wondering if there will be a sequel for Glitch in the System—a few months back, I probably would had said yes. Now, I’ll still say yes, but it probably won’t be anytime soon. One of the major reasons is I really don’t want Glitch to be milked out or overused, if you know what I mean. We have a lot of random projects: a possible short comic series, a audiobook, stand alone short stories…I think it’s just wise to let it chill down a bit, then maybe later I’ll continue the series.
    I do have good news, though. Aside from the common short stories I intend to show here, I actually have come up with a brand new epic idea that I’m contemplating on writing. What’s my possibly story? Not saying yet…but I am hopeful about it. It’s going to be in a completely different reality/setting than Glitch, and instead of a cyberpunk feel, I’m going back to a much more mysterious and fantasy genre. I’m looking forward to drafting some drawings of places/characters, and writing story info about it. I’ll definitely keep you posted on this.
    Finally, I’ve been doing a lot of studying concerning writing. Writing is a bit harder to ‘learn’ about, unlike art, nevertheless, I’m curious (sorta a survey):
    • When you pick up a book, what are you mainly looking for? What gains your attention?
    • What are you favorite genres or writing styles?
    • What types of things don’t you like in certain writings or styles?
    • How picky are you concerning the originality of a certain story? Is it more about the portrayal and depth of the world/characters/setting that makes it interesting, or the overall plot and freshness?
    I may have more questions…but those are the ones I could think of. If you have any important critique/points I should hear, feel free to say. This is important to me because, even though I want to write how I want to (and enjoy writing, above all else), I still think it’s always a good idea to be open minded and see what other opinions there are. So if you guys could spare to write up something quick (or long) it would be really appreciated. I’m currently backtracking and see if there is anything I should be focusing on more, or improving upon.

  9. Lady Kopaka
    It's a miracle! 0:
    Yeah thanks for the encouraging words guys and support...I was actually able to finish this. Just barely.
    Now, I'm off to pack and head to NC tomorrow, hopefully I can relax at the beach and to hang out with one of my sisters that's graduating from college. ^^ Won't be back till Monday probably, so I'll see you all till then!
    (Oh and Raia, you are awesome and thank you for the encouragement and I'll give you an update on some important life stuff whenever I get back )
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Yes, I got pulled over by a policeman yesterday.
    I've gone casually to a nearby small town, but church is about forty minutes away, so I was all excited to drive by myself there. Well, not but five minutes away from my destination, a policeman turns from another road and comes behind me, and I start laughing to myself if I was stopped.
    Guess what happens? ._.
    I swear, when those lights came on I had a heart attack. I was like, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL."
    So I turn off the road and he gets out of his vehicle and comes up to me, and this poor sixteen year old driving newb is about to pass out in her mother's van. He asks for my license and I comply, explain where I am going, and to put it in very simple terms, he says:
    "Excuse me but one of your breaker lights is dead, kthxbai."
    Biggest. Relief. EVER. No ticket, happy to say my dad fixed the light.
    Well that was one of the many 'excitements' I experienced this week. xD
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Well, not really. It's unfinished. But it will be finished! But the unfinished can't be finished because it was already entered two minutes before the deadline, so unfinished it must stay. Yep.
    Uh yeah, talking about S&T. I got up at 7AM this morning and just finished working on it. The only break I had was when I ran to VF and Rapi screaming "I CAN'T DOOO THIS."
    But I did. Sorta. *hands fall off*
    I'll post the topic soonish, and I'll hopefully get the fully completed drawing up in a few days.
    Me? Going crazy? Naaah, I lost sanity years ago. I just apparently lost more after this...I have learned a new meaning to the term 'speedpainting'.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Oh dear gosh, I'm so close to finishing my S&T entry...but so far away.
    Hey guys, guess what SkullKid and I are working up on? Who'd think it'd be cool if we did a Glitch in the System podcast/audiobook?
    SkullKid came up with this cool idea during a lot of his projects, and as of now I have approved of these plans. He said auditions and plans are in the works now, and it would probably come out during the summer. Would any of you guys be interested? Feel free to jump in the bandwagon for being a possible candidate to voice a character, or you could help with other important duties like advertising, helping with the project...so on. And if you have any suggestions (or if you just disagree with this idea), feel free to point them out.
    There may be a small chance of me canceling this permission, due to if I suddenly see if this won't be going so well or if I won't have enough time to keep track of it all...but as of now, I'm interested to see how this folds out.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Well, last chapter is up on Glitch in the System.
    Yep. ._.
    Edit: I realized how depressing that latest entry was, so I deleted it, I really hate sounding like that. But I will state some of what I said: though I’ll still be on BZP, I probably won’t be doing my usual routines like reviewing/art/writing for a while until I solve some life and other similar problems that I’m facing.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    First off, concerning 24…WHAT THE HECK TONY!? :[
    Why can't Star Trek come sooner? ; 0
    New Fullmetal Alchemist episodes at last! First episode was ownage. Can’t wait to properly watch them on DVD later (even though I enjoy watching it in Japanese, lets hope the dubbing will be good if they ever do that).
    I’m not very a materialistic or a TV/Movie fan, but wooaaah…this has been awesome.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    ...and toasted, too!
    Right, updated Glitch last night, yall. This chapter was so much trouble, but I've been editing it since what...January? I think it'll be okay...and only one more chapter left.
    Oh, something special happens in this chapter.

    (Yes, Raia, I have found an appropriate use for this emoticon...xD)
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Just wanted to inform you guys that all of my drawings are on hold for the next two weeks. I suddenly realized that the deadline for S&T#5 is May 4th. I really want to enter this, not only just because I think it’s a fun contest, but I’m using it as practice to defeat my procrastination habits and to stay within a deadline. The only reason I’m starting sort of late is because of life…so I am hoping I finish on time. 0x
    What am I doing? It’s a surprise…but I will hint something: it’s taking eight sheets of paper to do this.

    May not be on as much cause of this and school, too, but I’m NOT quitting on this. Wish me luck!
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Ahh, so I made it back alive. Won't go into details, but I had a fun time visiting family, taking a break from the normal routine and just cool stuff like that.
    Chooooccclaaaatee. Enough said. Well, it sucks when your siblings steal your candy, but hey, I knew it was coming.
    Ah! This didn't happen during the trip, actually right before we left, but I was getting so annoyed with my computer failing with the gaming I finally experimented on my computer to see what was the problem. It turns out my motherboard can't handle 4GB (I swore I bought one that could handle it), so the extra RAM in my computer was confusing the machine possibly, and so it messed up my gaming. So I took one out and everything is working fine. Yeah, only 2GBs, but it's working great. Games, yay. <3
    And I did lots of art...sorta didn't finish the ones I should had been finishing, but I have some things to show sometime. But let me tell you, it was quite the challenge to be drawing in a squished up van in the dark while it was storming. I was very determined!
    I'm so tired ad sore now, and school tomorrow too (blah), so bedtime for me!

  18. Lady Kopaka
    Life...ahah, you're so hilarious sometime. I'm doing better than awhile back, though one of the main reasons is 'cause my sister has a friend staying with us for about 3 weeks, so every time I walk around a corner in the house they're laughing about something hysterically (don't get me started on the evil cake from last night), so it's hard not to smile.
    But mixed in with the crazy, I have been productive. Yesterday we did some volunteer work at this horse stable place, so it was nice to work around horses, but totally exhausting. Not to mention once you’ve already learned how to ride a horse and galloped on one from awhile back, it’s sort of confining when you can only walk around in circles.
    I did get some payment for a busy day. Mom let me drive my sister and her friend to the store…by myself. Which was quite the plot twist, but I did it and no asplosions or crashes! (The store was only like, ten minutes away but baaah). Now I’m just sitting here…being sore and tired. I got to get busy soon with cleaning the house and doing laundry, because we’ll be leaving this afternoon to Missouri to visit one of my sisters and family during Easter. Going to be fun…having nine people in the van for a 7+ hour drive? Not.
    So, here is a rare glimpse at what is going on with me. Lots of other crazy things…but I’ve had worse so I’m handling things pretty well. It must be the chocolate. Or that rather good (that I must brag about) fried rice and stir fry I cooked for dinner last night. Yuuum.
    I would feel even better if my computer would let me play my video games for a few feeble moments too, without doing epic fails. I upgraded you for a reason. >[
    I’m trying to catch up on PMs and stuff now, but don’t expect me to be on much for the next few days while I’m gone. Hopefully when I get back I’ll have some art…actually, what have I been up to lately in that?
    Tahu [HB]: 80%. Almost fully sketched and shaded, needs a few more details added. Art-trade w/Raia: 70%. Completely sketched out…time to colour! S&T Contest #5: 20%. 2 out of 4 pages sketched out, almost ready to be inked. Art-trade w/Tarik: 10%. Had a rough sketch, but probably is going to redo it. (Sorry!) Set-trade w/Meteomaniac: 0%. Getting confirmation on the trade. BS01 Certavus art contest: 0%. Still waiting to see which MoC that will become canon. There are of course, a bunch of other minor drawings I didn’t add to the list (there is this one TachixKomas picture…but I may scrap it), and I’ll assure you I’ll be…accidentally drawing other things in between this. xP I usually like to surprise you guys, but here’s to prove I am still drawing! I’ll see about making a topic, or just posting art in my blog when I get back. 
    Yeah…lots of stuff. Yes, the S&T entry is going to be huge…if I can finish in time. 0:
    Okay! Dragged this entry out long enough. See you guys.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Hey everyone, awhile back I pointed out I may be doing a art/set trade and I’d like to confirm I’m officially interested in offers about this now.
    I’m posting this somewhat early, respectfully assuming this may take a few weeks to find someone who may be interested in doing this. To those who are unfamiliar with this: I would send you an original copy of a drawing of your choice, and in return you would send me a Bionicle set. I’m not specifically sure which set I want, but I am aiming for the 09 ones. When I start getting offers I’ll pick through and decide which set I’m most interested in.
    And just in case this will be settled within a week or so, I will clearly state I have a few art projects that must be done before I start this. Tarik and Raia (anybody else I’m forgetting?), very sorry about the art-trade lag on my part. I’ve been very busy with school/life, not to mention some nasty artist block. But you guys understand, so I’ll try to finish that asap.
    Anyone interested?

  20. Lady Kopaka
    You come to me with scars on your wrist
    You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

    "I just came to say goodbye
    I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine"

    But I know it's a lie.

    This is the last night you'll spend alone
    Look me in the eyes so I know you know
    I'm everywhere you want me to be.
    The last night you'll spend alone,
    I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
    I'm everything you need me to be.

    Your parents say everything is your fault
    But they don't know you like I know you they don't know you at all

    "I'm so sick of when they say
    'It's just a phase, you'll be okay you're fine'"

    But I know it's a lie.

    This is the last night you'll spend alone
    Look me in the eyes so I know you know
    I'm everywhere you want me to be.
    The last night you'll spend alone,
    I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
    I'm everything you need me to be.

    The last night away from me

    The night is so long when everything's wrong
    If you give me your hand I will help you hold on

    This is the last night you'll spend alone
    Look me in the eyes so I know you know
    I'm everywhere you want me to be.
    The last night you'll spend alone,
    I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
    I'm everything you need me to be.

    I won't let you say goodbye,
    I'll be your reason why.

    The last night away from me,
    Away from me.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Well guys, after the somewhat minor Glitch in the System hiatus, a new chapter is up at last! It's slightly unedietd after my editor (gifboy) got busy, but it should all be okay and fully edited within a few days. This has to be one of the craziest chapters I ever written, probably the most climatic. Enjoy!
    And don't forget about my art/set trade guys. To peeps who are waiting patiently for the finished art trades, I'm slowly digging my way through all my art projects (school is such a distraction. ).
  22. Lady Kopaka
    I was down the glen one Easter morn
    To a city fair rode I.
    There armed lines of marching men
    In squadrons passed me by.
    No pipe did hum, no battle drum did sound it's loud tattoo.
    But the Angelus Bells o'er the Liffey swells rang out in the foggy dew.
    Right proudly high in Dublin town
    Hung they out a flag of war.
    'Twas better to die 'neath that Irish sky
    Than at Sulva or Sud el Bar.
    And from the plains of Royal Meath
    Strong men came hurrying through
    While Brittania's huns with their long range guns
    Sailed in through the foggy dew.
    Their bravest fell and the requiem bell
    Rang mournfully and clear
    For those who died that Eastertide in the
    Springing of the year.
    While the world did gaze with deep amaze
    At those fearless men but few.
    Who bore the fight that freedom's light
    Might shine through the foggy dew.
    And back through the glen
    I rode again.
    And my heart with grief was sore.
    For I parted then with valiant men
    Whom I never shall see n'more.
    But to and fro in my dreams I go
    And I kneel and pray for you.
    For slavery fled the glorious dead
    When you fell in the foggy dew.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Ah, spring break, how much I love you.
    Anyway, lately I’ve been trying to compile a decent list of all the wonderful writings or art topics that I regularly view. Right now I’m still trying to fix all the links on my content block, but the list is getting rather long. So I decided to make a blog entry that links to some wonderful creative work.

    Enternal Darkness by Takatu
    Crossroads by Beliwa
    Possibly Functioning Perfectly by Uncle Krekka
    Toa of the New Republic by Jedi Gali
    Test Of Strength by Kokua
    Early Sunsets by Cap'n K
    The Battle of Kao-Nui by Tarik
    Search and Destroy by Tifosi 92
    Nikira’s Artwork
    Brave_Dragon's Artwork
    Raia’s Artwork
    Dok's Artwork
    Nuju’s Artwork
    Macgyver’s Artwork
    I still have a few more to add or edit, though I would greatly encourage you to check out any of these writings or pieces of art. If you think I forgot to add a link to a story or art topic, feel free to point it out. And if you're having a tough choice on choosing a story to read, I could give you some summaries on them.
    Though some topics may be closed or even missing, I would encourage you to at least check out their profiles and see what current drawing or writing they have up, especially on some of the people you may not be very familiar with.
  24. Lady Kopaka
    Just to who saw that earlier entry today, I deleted it. I just wanted to find someone to help with coding and Jithra did, thanks again.
    But anyway, I got third place in SSC! I'm so happy and it really did make me feel better, I didn't think my entry could do it! Well...I still feel super sick, and I may have to go to the doctors tomorrow, but yay! Congrats to the winners and finalists, you guys did a wonderful job. And thanks for whoever that worked on the contest!
    Now, what does Niihlus think about this?

    ...Um, maybe we should come back later.
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