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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    I don't like being sick. Specially the kind that you basically starve yourself for a few days in fear of eating. Uuuugh stomach, not cool man, not cool. I've lost too much weight lately, not eating is the last thing I should be doing!
    I don't like the thought of having to repost all those GITS chapters and catch up on PMs and reviews. (I really don't mind it all, just none of it sounds very fun now)
    I also don't like being unable to sleep.
    Have I stated how much I distaste any forms of the stomach bug?
    I don't like a lot of things right now.
    I really don't like complaining...and being crabby, and a crabby LK is usually rare. But apparently I am right now.
    I would ask for hugs, but I'd rather not get anyone sick.
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Yuuusss. <3
    Ordered some parts a few days ago and they came in the mail yesterday. Dad and I stayed up basiclly till 12am yesterday putting it together, and it's just now that I've finally got most things reinstalled and running smoothly. Still got a few options to tinker with, I need Microsoft Word and some other programs, but so far everything's wonderful. I just got most of my favorite games installed and they are playing perfectly, it's amazing how fast and smoothly they are running. And hopefully I have eliminated a lot of the lagging and crashing for Photoshop.
    If you guys are wondering, my new specs are now:
    Microsoft Windows XP
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core 6000+
    3.10 GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
    DVD RW Drive
    150 GB Space
    The only problems so far is I don't like the current resolution, the computer is claiming I only have 3GBs when I know there is 4, and lastly the fail harddrive space, it was the only thing I wasn't able to update. So while 150 is fine, my next-gen games basically devoured the majority of the space.
    What I love about this too was how cheap I was able to upgrade. Sure I had to deal with the annoyance of building, and had to kick it a few times to work, but huzzah all the same!
  3. Lady Kopaka
    I was down the glen one Easter morn
    To a city fair rode I.
    There armed lines of marching men
    In squadrons passed me by.
    No pipe did hum, no battle drum did sound it's loud tattoo.
    But the Angelus Bells o'er the Liffey swells rang out in the foggy dew.
    Right proudly high in Dublin town
    Hung they out a flag of war.
    'Twas better to die 'neath that Irish sky
    Than at Sulva or Sud el Bar.
    And from the plains of Royal Meath
    Strong men came hurrying through
    While Brittania's huns with their long range guns
    Sailed in through the foggy dew.
    Their bravest fell and the requiem bell
    Rang mournfully and clear
    For those who died that Eastertide in the
    Springing of the year.
    While the world did gaze with deep amaze
    At those fearless men but few.
    Who bore the fight that freedom's light
    Might shine through the foggy dew.
    And back through the glen
    I rode again.
    And my heart with grief was sore.
    For I parted then with valiant men
    Whom I never shall see n'more.
    But to and fro in my dreams I go
    And I kneel and pray for you.
    For slavery fled the glorious dead
    When you fell in the foggy dew.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    This is not funny.
    Sept-Present has been the only time when I've been really active. I've lost so much posts...but forget about posts, all those reviews I did for people, and worst of all the art and writing.
    I'm thankful the admins were able to save this much, so don't get me wrong, but still...I didn't need this. I've been having some rough weeks. I just wanted BZP back so I could get some art up, along with GITS updates...
    I'll be busy for the week, with school. So don't expect me being active, or art for awhile, especially after this, because whatever little motivation or esteem I had left is now completely gone.
    I have looked over stuff...aside from loosing about 200+ posts, my art topic is gone, most of GITS stuff (review page included), and two short stories.
    I'll work on rebuilding GITS but I'm not sure about the other stuff, I may not have the time and I'm not sure if it's worth it now anyway.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I haven't been doing and feeling so well, so I figured I could buy myself a Bionicle whenever I can go out to shop. Not saying that stuff makes you truly happy, but considering the fact that I get so jittery when I'm able to afford to get anything, it's a big deal.
    I'm really trying (it's gunna be a miracle if I can) to save up to upgrade my poor computer that keeps lagging/crashing photoshop and refuses to play decent games, but ah well, I gotta burn some money on just one set this year!
    Do you guys have any advice on which one I should buy? I really can only afford one for now, and I can't get a big set probably.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Yes, new chapter, finally! What…it’s nearly been a month since an update? I got busy reediting some stuff, and SSC was taking all my time…but I’m back in the habit of finishing these chapters! As repayment to everyone’s patience, I’ll see if I can put the next chapter up within a few days.
    Enjoy! I’m still super worried if I’m doing the story and its plot-twists right…so any feedback would be nice. :>
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I needed something to do in this here blog.
    So I'm still finalizing my blog, but I thought it'd be cool to do this: you guys ask me almost any question, and I'll answer it. After I get enough interviews I'll add them to this entry, then link it in my bio section so you guys can checkout random facts about me.
    It can be a question about me, my life or maybe something concerning art or writing. Go crazy. ^^
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Well if some of you guys were uniformed, I got my license yesterday. The driving test wasn’t that bad at all.
    But to the point of the entry…bah. Over the past month, I don’t think I’ve ever slept past 10am so much in my lifetime. Awhile back, I couldn’t conceive myself sleeping later till 9, but now, well, blah.
    As a homeschooler, I’ll be truthful and say I’m not totally concerned about getting up at 6 or something every morning. 7 or 8 are perfectly fine. But recently, I inexplicably messed up my sleeping habits. My mom and I theorized that it’s taking a long time for me to actually fall asleep (which is true :/), and when I do its very light. And then close to morning is somehow when my body actually decides to really sleep, hence I snooze late. I assume my body is trying to compensate for the loss of sleep. I'm not sure about that though, it's only a guess.
    I’ve tried forcing myself to get up, but when that alarm goes off, I am really asleep; I don’t want to even move.
    Do you guys have any advice, or have been in the same situation? I’ve experimented a bit on going to bed at certain times and such, but nothing is really working out. I’m getting a bit concerned about it and I don’t want it to continue either, it’s not a good habit.
  9. Lady Kopaka
    It's really a blog! *PLOT-TWIST*
    Haha, look what I did to my title Nukaya! xD *hands a cookie*
    So, hopefully if we don't have any other interruptions or cancelations, I should be getting my license today. I'm getting ready and is currently freaking out, so to speak. So if you guys could wish me luck or pray I don't crash while taking the driving test, that'd be nice.

    Oh and one more thing...I miss Mardi Gras. Who wants to send me up a King Cake and a pound of beads?
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Woa, I actually entered! It’s been so long since I’ve written a short story…
    This romantic story involves a certain dashing Toa who wears a vest. x3
    And yes, yes, still working (procrastinating...) on fixing my blog up.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I'm updating my blog currently. It's been almost a year since I've done something like this, so I guessed it called for redecoration. ;D
    Still fixing stuffs, and I might actually change my title (o:) too. Feel free to point out any suggestions.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    I usually don't go deep about my life or feelings, but last night at church, I for once tasted something that I haven't had since I've moved, and I just was too excited just to keep it in.
    Just some recognition.
    I was sitting alone in our huge church, waiting for my class. With so many people passing by, I usually get shaky and uneasy, so I bring my art folder to draw there, it really relaxes me. Over the past few months I get a series of comments by the random adults, and sometimes the kids will pass by and give me those exaggerated comments. (A young girl said I should teach an art class, I don't think I'm that good)
    But they go on, and I’m left alone watching the youth play around. I feel really different and nervous around them, almost sick, but at the same time they’re really friendly and so much nicer than the older youth group I had back at my older church. So I try not to be desperate to fit in or to think resentful thoughts about them, even if the appearance of friendless is just a façade.
    But I was drawing, and I suddenly hear over me, “Hey, can we look at your drawings?”
    By me are a group of teenage guys, just looking at me with friendly faces. I don’t think I saw any deception or rudeness, they just seemed curious. I agreed and showed off some of the stuff I had, trying for once to sound both confident and modest in my works—but that really never works out. I just ended up tripping over my words and looking very socially inept.
    But they seemed to look over that and just give me a bunch of comments. “Wow, those are boss!” “You have some great skills.” “Hey dude, I think you got some competition.”
    I never got the courage to ask who else was an artist in that group.
    They actually asked my name, what grade I was in, and what school I went to. One of them actually gave me their name too. They didn’t seem too surprised when I said I homeschooled, and really only said “That’s cool…no wonder you’re so good, you got some extra time to work on this.” (Which is true)
    I just answered the questions quietly and bobbed my head dumbly. I was really too shy and shocked about this to really carry on a decent conversation. They eventually walked off to go do other stuff, but whether they really meant it or not, I felt so thankful and special for once in over a year. I pray so hard that will not be the last time they or others will come up to me. Next time I’ll try harder not to act indifferent, I really will talk next time. Cause I’m just too thankful to actually let that sensation of being talked to go.
    It wasn’t really me being desperate to make a friend right then, or have a boyfriend, but it was that they actually just walked up to me and talked without having a teacher or parent introducing me. Sure it was the art that got their notice, but it was nice all the same.
    I’m not really the most talented social individual, so thank goodness for my taste in art.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Raia and I are actually sisters but we were separated at birth cause we were just too awesome to live in the same state and if that happened the states would asplode with awesomeness but sometime later Mutran figured this out and came along and mind linked us so we always think the same thoughts like all the time and it's pretty creepy but really awesome cause now we figured out the truth!
    And if BZP is being slow, ask Raia to slap it and it will work. I promise, it always fixes it.
    *Takes a deep breath*
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Just because I homeschool, gives certain people no right to jump to conclusions that I’m an anti-social, goody-two-shoes (actually though, who said that's a bad thing?) that knows nothing of life. And I do know more people than just my family.
    And if I am less social or different than the ‘norm’, it was my choice, and for the most part has nothing to do with how I was raised. I respect your way of schooling and usually have never opposed it. So respect mine.
    Thank you.
    (and this isn't directed at many people here...just a real life issue :/)
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Weeelll...dad came home from work last night, carrying a big box.
    Dad is always finding spare tech stuff at his work and bringing it home. Boxes are awesome too, but what was in the box that made me <3.
    A 20 in. flatscreen monitor! =D So far it's simply wonderful, and seriously beats my fat dinosaur one I had for years before. Let me tell you it's so nice to have a decent amount of space on your desk now. It's so fun to work on art with...I feel all professional or something. But if I could only get all my recent next-gen games to work on it now, we’d be even better off.
    But you know what's sad?
    I just noticed my family’s TV is the same size as the monitor. Lulz.
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Fellow addressees,
    As it is my duty and part of this job, I hold reports, biographies and other important notes pertaining key or wanted figures in my archival database, concerning the Glitch in the System case. I find it important to have these classified documents to assist not only my bureau, but for others who may be in need of this.
    Toa Niihlus, Security Chief of Jiahk

    Image 1
    Image 2
    Species: Toa
    Gender: Female
    Structure: Slim/Agile, 6’8ft
    Element: Lightning (Electricity)
    Mask: Kanohi Mahiki, Mask of Illusion
    Occupation: Rogue/Undecided
    Weapon: Protosteel Buster Sword
    History: Tachi’s past is unknown. But she did know one thing: her memories were taken away by Makuta and she would stop at nothing to retain them. Her protosteel blade was a gift from a Fe-Matoran during her travels and her visor she found once during an incursion on a Makuta base. From confusing, jumbled visions or dreams she receives, Tachi believes her past was a simple one: protecting a Matoran inhabited island before the Makuta came and sought specimens.
    During her journey with Komas, she did discover she had a Toa brother named Uchik, captured and confined at a Makuta base. He warned her about a glitch in a system, and now with yet another mystery facing her, she struggles to unravel its purpose.
    Biography: Tachi’s personality is very straightforward. No complicated emotions, no distractions and no relations. She is a bitter and stubborn being, and over the years her hatred and frustration toward her ignorance has strengthened. She has devoted her known life to seeking revenge against the Makuta and wants nothing to do with the outside world. Beyond her coldness and apparent emotionless attitude, she truly is an honest being at heart, but struggles with finding any hope at all during her journey.
    Author’s Commentary: When you have a dashing male Toa, wouldn’t it be logical to have that coldhearted and dangerous female partner too? Tachi’s character clicked perfectly in with what I wanted and is the main star of GitS. A lot of her struggles, personality and general outlook came from personal and inner feelings in me that needed to be expressed in some way. Still, all us girls (and boys) just wonder how Tachi can be so distant with our dear Komas, it’s simply annoying!
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Passed my written test on getting my drivers license back on Wednesday, so yaaay. =D
    But next Wednesday, I gotta go back and do the actual driving part. Arrgh. D=
    Even if I get it, I won’t be able to use it too much cause of a lack of vehicle. And I have no intention of using my dad’s tank—no excuse me, I mean his truck. xP But it’ll still be exciting to have and I know getting it will make it easier on my parents. It’s also cool cause I don’t have to pay for insurance for awhile…actually, when I do get the license, my parents insurance will get a lot cheaper.
    …How does that work out? O_o
    Also on another random topic, lately I’ve been geting a lot of friend requests from people (here on BZP) I don’t know who the clue they are. I don’t want to add them obviously until I know the person, but I don’t want to ignore them either. Have some of you guys had this issue?
  18. Lady Kopaka
    So, some of this may just be an opinion, and it all matters on ones sensitivity, opinion, and etc. Still, before reviewing you may want to consider these ten things…
    1. Don’t say “Well, this isn’t your best…”. It sounds like you’re implying that the Artist/MoCist/Author is getting worst, or bluntly, that said drawing stinks. Its one thing to say “This isn’t my favorite of yours”, cause that sounds like an opinion. Opinions are fine, but frankly stating something as a fact is never good.
    2. For the love of all things good, don’t point out the obvious. It’s like walking up to your friend and going “DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BROWN EYES?”. Yep. Same thing goes when the artist or some posters above states twenty times that there’s something wrong about the picture. Artists don’t need the flaw pushed in their face. After a couple hundred times, they get the picture I think.
    3. Don’t give number ratings. They kill kittens. =( Same goes for grading, that’s just silly. It’s not homework; it’s your own creative work!
    4. Don’t just go in a topic and say “Nice, now do [insert something here].” It’s simply rude.
    5. Don’t say an image is too sketchy or whatever. Please note if the image was supposed to just be a sketch or actually something fancy.
    7. Human Bionicle art is a style of art! Deal with it please. Actually, be polite with any style. Normal or unique. A style is NEVER a flaw.
    8. Don’t quote the whole huge first post that the topic starter made. It’s argh. 0:
    9. Maybe, just maybe you could find something to say other than “Awesome, I like it.”
    10. Don’t compare artists! Never ever ever ever! Every artist, regardless of how long they’ve been drawing, whether they are new or veterans, it’s no excuse. Now sure, we all have our favorite artists for some reason or another. But don’t go out saying who is the best or most popular—we all have different styles.
    And in an example Swert has written for us, I hope none of you ever do this:

    Once again, it really depends on who you’re reviewing, and some other facts. Still, it’s very important to at least think about these issues.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I'm surprised I didn't show this sooner, he's much too fun to draw for his own good. xP
    Just finalizing his human version look and outfits; I could had spent hours more on this picture being picky about proportions and other details, but bah, I’ll fix them later…yes I know, I say that all the time!
    ...gotta love that tight black shirt on him though. :3
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys! Ready to see the winners to the Design a ‘Glitch’ Character contest?
    Before scrolling down, I just wanted to say that I got so many awesome entries I broke down and instead of allowing just one winner, there are now three! Along with that are also two honorable mentions. =)

    Jithra wins with her ‘Szian’s Servant’ design! Congrats!
    When I first saw this image, I immediately fell in love with it. Not only because of the talent, but it was one of those perfect renditions of a character. Probably even better than if I tried!
    Zebrow wins with his Captain Yuuzian design!
    With all the Yuuzians, I just had to pick one. I really enjoyed this design of him because it had a nice classic pirate aura about it, but very Skakdi just the same. Its style and design really stuck out for me.
    Eliama: Toa of Sharpies wins with her Vheon design!
    This image was just too cute to pass! I could totally imagine Vhoen like this. Very formal and cool, but it also looks like the pirates have grown on him. And you just can’t go wrong with dashing dreadlocks.
    Thanks for entering, and congratulations! Your designs are now official for those characters! But we still have one last thing to clear up:

    ~Honorable Mentions~ 
    Creolé by Raia Svit-Kona
    This image was just so snazzy; it nearly made it to become a winner. I loved the design of him and certain quirks about him…the boots, his face, the gun, it really helped his character.
    Toa Uchik by Onyx.5
    It had a strange and unique style to this, and even through its humanoid appearance, I really loved certain parts of him. Like the torso, his legs, and just that overall creepy and that ‘broken’ feeling.
    Though the finalists didn’t win, they do get something. Their designs are now considered to be the ‘concepts’ of the characters. Half official, if you get my drift. If I ever get to designing them, their renditions will be the base of when I decide to finalize them.
    Thank you so much guys, I had a lot of fun. Warning to the winners though, if I ever decide to draw those said characters, pardon me if I might change a thing or two…we can blame the artistic license. =P
    Sorry to those who didn’t win, but I really did enjoy all of your entries and it was seriously a hard choice! Someday I may decide to do something like this again, but for now, please enjoy the winners beautiful art!
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Sorry I haven’t been around guys…got tied up with stuff and been kinda sickish. ><; But anyway, the deadline’s over finally! I allowed some late entries to slip in though, so don’t worry about that guys.
    Anyway, as I begin to decide (which is going to be quite hard!), here’s all the wonderful entries. Feel free to point out what you guys would like, but don’t forget to give a cookie to all of these guys! They made some great stuff and I appreciate it greatly. =D

    Member name: Toa Tarik of Fusion
    Selected Character: Szian's servant.
    Entry Link: Link.
    Topic: Link.
    Member Name: Skullkid525
    Entry Name: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic Link: Link
    Member name: Jithra
    Selected Character: Szian's Servant.
    Entry Link: The Entry
    Topic: Szian's Servant
    Member name: Captain Flowers
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Mr. Links Uncle
    Topic: Mr. Links Aunt
    Member Name: Zebrow
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: Eliama: Toa of Sharpies
    Selected Character: Vheon
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: *DWAN*
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member name: Raia Svit-kona
    Selected Character: Creolé
    Entry Link: Thar be weapon masters here...
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: Fenu toa of metals
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: I think you forgot the part where we were pirates.
    Topic: Here it is
    Member Name: Onyx.5
    Chosen Character: Toa Uchik
    Entry Link: Broken [uchik]
    Topic: Topic Link.
    Member Name: Christophe
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: Link
    Member name: ~Miyuki Takara~
    Selected Character: Makuta Muurax
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Well, that’s them all I think, thanks again! Also, I have been informed by a few friends that they have entries but they are trying to finish them...If you guys can finish them before tonight (like, 12am), I will add them to the entry list.
    I'm spending today judging, and either tomorrow or the day after I will announce the winner. But to make sure I don’t do anything unfair by accident, I’m going to ask a few friends who are truly unbiased to these BZP artists (they don’t usually go to BZP, but are familiar with GITS) to throw in their opinion in to assist with the final decision.
    So hang tight, the winner will be announced soon enough! =)
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Through all the crud that's been happening, there's one thing that's making me feel better.
    It's snowing here finally. It’s not much and it isn’t really building up on the ground, but it's enough to hearten me. I think I'm going to walk outside and just sit by the frozen pond on the dock and just try to relax. Boy do I need some fresh air.
    Edit: Back inside (it was beautiful out there) enjoying a warm cup of African Red Tea while sitting here enjoying this peac--no wait, family is stressing me and now I got to do work around the house. It was fun while it lasted.
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