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Ask Me A Question, Any Question!

Lady Kopaka


I needed something to do in this here blog. :P


So I'm still finalizing my blog, but I thought it'd be cool to do this: you guys ask me almost any question, and I'll answer it. After I get enough interviews I'll add them to this entry, then link it in my bio section so you guys can checkout random facts about me.


It can be a question about me, my life or maybe something concerning art or writing. Go crazy. ^^


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A nun, Teridax, Zaktan, Stormtrooper #23, Vakama, Tachi, and Komas all walk into a bar.


Ouch. Since their heads are now kind of hurting, they all decide to go over to a grocery store to get something to drink. What do each of them buy?


*could not resist posting this question, because I bet you'd think of some awesomely hilarious answers*


*shall think of a semi-decent, serious-like question later*

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What year was Indiana Jones born?


What is a quantum leap?*










*Besides a really awesome TV show.

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What is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow?


That depends. Is it a European swallow, or an African swallow? :o

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*Tries to think of something serious*

Got it!

Could you list all of the electronic devices under your ownership?

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Guest kopakanuva13


Um... umm... Aha =D

What is your favorite music genre?

What was your favorite art piece to draw?

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What isn't your name?

Well, I'm sure durned glad it isn't Thelma Lu.


What tips can you give for planning an epic effectively? :)

I wrote this awhile back. It has some tips on handling an epic, and if you ever need any specific advice feel free to PM me. :)


What would you say is your best work of art?

I'd say, speaking strictly Bionicle art...it'd have to be my Hesitation piece. As for my best art regardless of genre...I have no idea!


Are you really a girl?

Maybe I should PM you that answer privately? o:


A nun, Teridax, Zaktan, Stormtrooper #23, Vakama, Tachi, and Komas all walk into a bar.


Ouch. Since their heads are now kind of hurting, they all decide to go over to a grocery store to get something to drink. What do each of them buy?

*Dies of laughter* Hmm...I know Komas would get a mountain dew, Tachi would enjoy some tea, Vakama would enjoy a energy drink, Stormtrooper #23 would get himself a pack of beer and Teridax would get a diet coke? Oh yeah, the nun...she'd probably share the beer with the stormtrooper. I dunno, I can't think of a witty response. xD


Whose guitar playing is more awesome; Santana or Brad Paisley?

Johnny Cash? ;D


What is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow?



If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Either Japan or Ireland. Or maybe Nepal, I can't rightfully decide.


What year was Indiana Jones born?

Wouldn't it be 1899?


Could you list all of the electronic devices under your ownership?

I have a computer, which was an awesome gaming computer. Now it needs a upgrade desperately. :(

I have an old mp3 player, a 4GB Sansa named crackers.

My Bamboo tablet! <3

I have a LG Chocolate...which is never used.

I used to own a DS lite, but I gave it away.


I think that's it. I love electronics/technology but I'm too poor to afford anything decent. :P


Who is your favorite famous artist?

There are so many, I blame my mom for getting me interested in all the classic artists. But I think it's Claude Monet right now.


Is this a question?

What are you trying to pull on me? D:<


What is your favorite music genre?

I wish I could cheat and say almost all of them, but I guess Rock will always be my prime choice.


What was your favorite art piece to draw?

There's this piece I'm currently working on that I'm really having fun with, even though it's taking forever to draw. :P (I'll link it sometime when it's finished)


Bring on the next batch!

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What would be the answer to Life, Root Beer, Apple Pies and why Sharks don't cry? =|


Nah, the real question is: What're your views on Gigantic Swords on tiny, frail Matoran?


~Exo Malakai

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Who's your favourite Starwars charie?


If you were a Bionicle: What species would you be?


Craig, Brosnan or Connery?


Your favourite quote?


Favourite TV show?


Sorry that there are so many ;^^ those are just what I could come up with in 2 min.

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OOHOOHOOH...I dunno.Dx I know as soon as I leave I'll think of something really good...le sigh.




1) You should start a Komas fanclub. No, that wasn't a question...but if you were to ever do such a thing, can I be the official procrastinator/Komas-hugger?8D

2) Brown rice or white rice?

3) Will Komas ever take off his goggles, be it in a SS, piece of art, or roleplay??

4) If M'riah and Tachi fought, and Tachi didn't use her lightnin', who would win?

5) Deep down Komas is fond of Dani. You know it. (no, this is not a question either. pfft, technicalities.)

6) Why can't I ask proper questions?

7) Lucky number seven! ...what is this oh-so-fun piece you mentioned in your previous comment, and have I heard about it?


Ehhrr, I'll think of better ones later...but I couldn't help myself.





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I wrote this awhile back. It has some tips on handling an epic, and if you ever need any specific advice feel free to PM me.


D'oh, I'd forgotten about that. :P

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Hiya, Greg, I gots a question for you.


1) Since the Vortixx of Xia manufactured the Maxilos robots, does that mean they also manufactured the Twin-Bladed Black Fire Sword?

1a) Out of curiosity, which would you consider more advanced technology? Maxilos or Exo-Toa?


Thanks in advance, this will be useful for the Wiki. =)


Oops! Almost forgot who I was talking to! Let me start again.




How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands? :P

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You read my brain, <insert real name here>.

*deep inhale*

1)If you could have any kind of vehicle(be it Bionicle, something from a movie, or a real thing), what would it be?


2)We all know the moon is not made of cheese. But, what if it was made of barbecued spare ribs? Would you eat it then?


3)If you were doomed to be an inanimate object for 3 weeks, what would you become?


4)Does this dress make me look fat? (you did say ANY question...)


5)Be honest. What is your real first name?


6)Say I could teleport back and forth from the Bionicle Universe to earth, anytime I wanted.(Human <-> Biomechanical Being conversions included) Would you go with me?


(I can't help but feel you'd become Either Tachi or some awesome Icy Lady when we got there...


7)Truth or Dare?


8)If you were trapped on a island off the coast of Florida, what would you bring with you? (this is a trick question)


9)What was your favorite Bionicle year?(09 don't count.)


10)Why doesn't Tachi ever use her Great Mahiki? :???:



I couldn't help but comment...

What's this whole deal with always serving applesauce in the same meal as pork chops??


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I didn't know anybody else knew this quote referance. Thought it was something my parents do to annoy me.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?




Cake or pie?



Don't be ridiculous. Woodchucks only eat gravel.



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