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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Sorry I haven’t been around guys…got tied up with stuff and been kinda sickish. ><; But anyway, the deadline’s over finally! I allowed some late entries to slip in though, so don’t worry about that guys.
    Anyway, as I begin to decide (which is going to be quite hard!), here’s all the wonderful entries. Feel free to point out what you guys would like, but don’t forget to give a cookie to all of these guys! They made some great stuff and I appreciate it greatly. =D

    Member name: Toa Tarik of Fusion
    Selected Character: Szian's servant.
    Entry Link: Link.
    Topic: Link.
    Member Name: Skullkid525
    Entry Name: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic Link: Link
    Member name: Jithra
    Selected Character: Szian's Servant.
    Entry Link: The Entry
    Topic: Szian's Servant
    Member name: Captain Flowers
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Mr. Links Uncle
    Topic: Mr. Links Aunt
    Member Name: Zebrow
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: Eliama: Toa of Sharpies
    Selected Character: Vheon
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: *DWAN*
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Member name: Raia Svit-kona
    Selected Character: Creolé
    Entry Link: Thar be weapon masters here...
    Topic: N/A
    Member Name: Fenu toa of metals
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: I think you forgot the part where we were pirates.
    Topic: Here it is
    Member Name: Onyx.5
    Chosen Character: Toa Uchik
    Entry Link: Broken [uchik]
    Topic: Topic Link.
    Member Name: Christophe
    Selected Character: Captain Yuuzian
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: Link
    Member name: ~Miyuki Takara~
    Selected Character: Makuta Muurax
    Entry Link: Link
    Topic: N/A
    Well, that’s them all I think, thanks again! Also, I have been informed by a few friends that they have entries but they are trying to finish them...If you guys can finish them before tonight (like, 12am), I will add them to the entry list.
    I'm spending today judging, and either tomorrow or the day after I will announce the winner. But to make sure I don’t do anything unfair by accident, I’m going to ask a few friends who are truly unbiased to these BZP artists (they don’t usually go to BZP, but are familiar with GITS) to throw in their opinion in to assist with the final decision.
    So hang tight, the winner will be announced soon enough! =)
  2. Lady Kopaka
    (Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)

    ::NEWS::IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision. SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks. Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

    Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)

    (made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

    (made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

    (made by Raia)

    (made by Raia)

    Hang in there guys, it's coming soon!
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Reposting, because why the karzahni not?
    For people who have already read glitch, I have a short story sequel. Otherwise on the GitS front, it's time to say goodbye to the fanfiction version. Currently attempting to make it a original sci-fi/cyberpunk graphic novel. Let's say 'attempting' is a keyword here.
    I also am drawing a bionicle drawing (first one in what...two years?). It's a biomechanical version of Nuju. I'd like to do a HB of some character as well, but I am unsure who.
    Welp. That's about it. Just sitting here doodling and eating cereal at 2AM in the morning.
    Oh and I got in a wreck because a deer thought it would be funny to attempt to flip my car. But you know, life. It knows how much I love all these bills.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    I would like to make this small announcement to my Glitch in the System readers (thanks for all the comments and consideration!) that the next chapter may take a bit longer to be updated. Why? Here are the reasons:
    I am experiencing a bit of a writers block. Not necessarily with the story, but with the writing. What I have written lately has not been up to quality in my opinion, and I have scrapped a lot of pages. So I may take a day or two to take a break and just think about how I want the story to unfold. I usually try to stay 2-4 chapters ahead of the publicly shown updates on BZP. I’ve fallen behind on that, and I intend on finishing chapter 8 before posting the next chapter. I have officially started school today, with new books and everything. So I’m cracking down on that and will be taking school seriously for the next month or until I get the hang of my Junior [11th] year. School is taking priority for a bit, but hopefully will not be too disturbing for my activities here and projects concerning art and writing. I have a bunch of other projects regarding art that really needs to be finished, and some life issues need to be sorted out. This mini break could help people out who are interested in GitS and have not read it yet; it gives people time and a chance to catch up without falling behind. ~ ~ 
    I usually update a chapter every 3 days to a week. It may take a bit longer than that obviously as I try to sort tings out. Of course I won’t be quitting on GitS and it won’t take a month for me to update each new chapter; I’m just giving a warning to why the next chapter (or 2) could take a bit longer.
    Sorry about this, but don’t worry, this wont spoil GitS. In a week or so everything should be back to normal.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    And you can take the one thing I have left
    I'd give it all away for so much less
    Can even take the heart inside my chest
    And you can take the one thing I have left
    Beat me to the ground and take my breath
    But you can't take who I am
    Squeee, can anyone guess who these two are? =D I’m having fun failing at trying to do semi-realistic people, though now I’m stuck trying to decide how’d it be best to colour it… Got any suggestions folks? (And yes you are allowed to point out all the evident flaws, too)
    Anyway, I was saving this entry to say I have an update in Glitch in the System, but I’m still trying to smooth some plot issues and trying to jump ahead of myself with updates. Usually I’m 3+ chapters ahead of updates, but because of the recent plot add-on I’ve had to do lots of squeezing in-between-older chapters, it’s been a tad confusing. I must say this epic is becoming a lot longer than I anticipated, but I’m still having a blast with it. (How did I write 36,000+ words in less than a few months? O_o)
    Sorry if this seems like a long, useless entry, I just feel like rambling a bit. Also I just feel so honored and thankful for the somewhat success of GitS, it’s been really encouraging my mood both in life and writing. Thank you everyone! *hugs* =)
    Oh right, there was a question I have for GitS fans:
    Okay, I feel that the past few chapters have been somewhat lacking. They are pretty long and you get some information, but I’m afraid I’m dragging things out so we’re not getting anywhere fast. From what I’ve studied, this issue may only be around for a couple more chapters, but I don’t want to bore anyone or make useless longwinded chapters. Do you think I should bring up the pace, or are you guys okay with a few more, slower hinting chapters?
  6. Lady Kopaka

    Yes new art, new style, and it's still a WIP[Work in progress]. I haven't shown much art in my blog lately...

    For once in months, I am happy to say I like this drawing. Regardless of what other people think, and there's the problem of the stiff pose, small hands, and long/odd torsos. Maybe it'll look better when finished. >_<

    For who they are and more info on my updated style (Ok I admit, not a big change, but I'll explain), you'll just have to wait and see. :3
  7. Lady Kopaka
    *Is excited*
    Alright everybody, family and I are heading down to Louisiana for Thanksgiving, so I’ll be gone for about a week. I’ll miss everyone, but I is very happy. I’ll get see friends and actually socialize for once, hurray!
    In the meantime, I hope everyone else has a good holiday week— even if you do not celebrate this holiday, I still wish you a happy week. Everyone should have a day of the year to be thankful for all the amazing stuff we’ve been blessed with. Enjoy that turkey!
    Yes, I know we’ll all be sick of it… beware the leftovers!
    …Oh yes, and don’t forget about the new Glitch in the System chapter I just posted.
    (Thankyouthank you BCJ and Rapi for helping me while I rush to post it!)
  8. Lady Kopaka
    I’m going up to Tennessee to see relatives and stuff from Thursday-Sunday. I’ll be able to get internet access there, but I wont be on much and don’t expect to see me on AIM/Yahoo/MSN.
    I was going to update my art topic today, but I don’t have time. In fact I really shouldn’t be on now (packing and stuff), but I needed to tell you guys. I’ll really only be gone for like, 3 days so no need to miss me or stop with the PMs, I’ll get around to them while I am on my trip or when I get back.
    But I will, try to update with bunches of new art and stuff when I get back. But don’t forget to check out the redesign of my topic, thanks Bioni-Cool Jack!
    So anyway, see you guys! *Hugs and stuff*
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. They were really sweet! Swert's the one who made me put my age back up, hahaha...the weird feeling of going "Oh, I'm adult?" keeps coming and going, but I'm in a indifferent state about it.
    Birthday was full of Prince of Persia yummies. Saw the movie, my friend got me this awesome graphic novel on it, and we played the games all day. The one thing lacking is we forgot to get a small PoP Lego set for the birthday cake, but we’ll get them later.
    Speaking of the movie: IT WAS GOOD. First movie based after a game that was actually really good. I admit, I am partly biased as I'm a big PoP fan, but then again I did have high expectations. My dad who usually chews out most movies really liked it. You'll either love it or have no interest/be meh over. But definitely not a 'bad' movie at all. It was done very well. Though...something felt missing? I'm not sure. Ah well, definitely going to buy it and cuddle it when it comes out on DVD.
    Don't usually care much on presents, but I got some nice ones this year. Mainly, my parents surprised me with a card saying they'd get me a new tablet. Wasn't expecting that! It's counting as both my grad present too, but I still think I'll contribute to it a little since our money's so tight, though.
    Now I'm just sitting here, having a 'party' with friends on a chat and probably going to bed soon. Then tomorrow it's time to get caught up with work and all that; a lot has been going on, but without the school stress I'm handling things so much better. Sorry for being fail about staying on top of the commissions. I’ll try so hard to send the PMs this week and actually start them!
    Okay, enough of me rambling about myself. TLDR: I had a good birthday. You guys take care, and thanks again!
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Not sure who is interested, but sorry about not posting yet what happened in Mizzou. I'm trying to write one thing so I can post, share, email all my friends and family without writing multiple things or explaining a hundred times what I did. >_O
    Also, yay me, guess what?
    A friend of mine gave me his old PS2; I can get FF games now! And other good stuff...like...mmhh...good stuff.
    ...But I need monies to buy games, argh. >=F
    OOOH OH YEAH. I just counted my art; I have like 20+ pieces. (Yes I'm crazy, and this all includes random art, Bionicle, manga, my epic stuff, and so on) So I'll probably update soon with 10 or so pieces then again in a week with the rest.
    So yabba dabba doo?
  11. Lady Kopaka
    *Decides to blog before she must go to bed*
    Ok, mega awesome day today! I will try my best to keep it simple. XD
    Ok, after a sleepover we had on Friday night (btw, awesome), we left for the veterans parade. Let me tell you it was small, but really fun to watch. Candy goes everywhere, big marching bands, horses....Oh and old guys driving go-carts. No seriously.
    It was fun, and then after the parade, we went over to a local place called the 'Kent House', where everything and everyone(workers of course) are dressed up in 18th century style, lots of history, fun and best part...food.
    Couldn't resist KIE.
    I was going to get some Jambalaya, but it was sold out by the time I got some. ;_; So I got myself a nice warm bowl of spicy gumbo with rice...Mmhh!
    Another cool thing was that this really popular chef down 'ere was there. I can't remember his name...dadnabit.
    But anyway, my mom must love his cooking or something, because she wanted to get a picture with him. XD! But she was to chicken to ask. *Pokes fun of mom*
    Oh yeah, and my dad and a whole bunch of others were the 'Village Players'. All dressed up and playing some of the greatest folk (Am I using the right words? ) music, dad brought and played his banjo/guitar. It was real fun to watch and the music was great.
    [/is still hyper]
    I love being Southern.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Lately my poor blog has been so covered in random stuff on art and Glitch, I decided to be merciful to it today. xD
    So these past few days and upcoming ones are quite busy. School, doctor visits ( ;.; ), art and other crazy things. What I'm most excited for is we're going down to Louisiana in a week! You have like, no idea how excited I am. This is probably the first trip I've ever been on that we're going just because we really want to, and does not involve business trip or something annoying like that. I miss good ole' Louisiana. 0: If you're curious, LA is our choice of a summer vacation 'cause we used to live there a year ago, so we're having family/friend withdrawals. :<
    I'm planning on getting my hair cut before going, because I look terrible with long hair and it's just plain annoying right now. You guys have any suggestions for styles? I'm leaning toward something short and thinned/really layered. If uh...you guys help me out, I'll show a picture of me when its cut!
    And yes, you can suggest crazy stuff. I was actually thinking of getting something Motoko-styled.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Happy 4th of July everyone! May America be blessed by God in years to come.
    Right now neighbors have BAGS of fireworks, and its driving me crazy. Sure a few is cool, but I mean, there not even half done and it’s really loud and annoying.
    Though I wish we could have gotten fireworks, but dad says there a waste and mom said we couldn't afford 'em, so maybe next year!
    I think now, my story is now completely edited and ready for the upcommin polls....I hope. I guess during that time, I should start reading all the stories I haven't read.
    I guess I am getting to lazy to update my art now. Don't worry, I will....And I really need to do something about that website.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Currently Listening To: General Grievous - Star Wars Episode III Soundtrack
    Currently Doing: Browsin' BZP and talkin' on AIM.
    Currently Reading: Shabanu by Suzanne Staples
    I have nothing really important to say, but I want to make an entry anyway. =D
    Well as everyone knows my list is open...But like got full in less than a few hours; congrats though who made it, and be quick to PM me others when I get an extra spot. And that will be soon as I am finishing Kinali.
    Also I am finishing up some other non-request art, so I really hope it ends ok.
    Well...My life? It’s almost 70(F) out, my sister is painting her dresser drawers in the garage, and I still need to finish my math lesson, having fun reading my book called Shabanu. Very good now. So...life is good.
    St. Patricks day is almost here too, I'll be wearing all green...and hey, I might even take a picture of myself and show everyone. But besides that nothing is happening so...
    I really want to play Scratches. BC-J got me back in it. ;-; ...Which reminds me I need to read his epic along with some others as an epic critic...If the server doesn't DIE. *Says it really loud to gain attention*
    ...Board message...Board message again...
  15. Lady Kopaka
    HEY GUYS LET'S MAKE 2018 AMAZING. Because 2017 was one of the most exhausting years I've had to contend with.
    Between current events, moving six hours away to a new town, a medical withdrawal from college (after attempting to return from a six year hiatus), my dad getting a serious cancer, financial problems (but at least I have generous family and friends to keep me homeless), health still NOT improving, friend struggles, and...I'll just cut the list early there. Suffice to say you get the idea.
    It wasn't all bad and I need to remember the good, but yeah, let's not do a repeat of that again. I hope your 2017 was better at least--and if you're struggling like me, let's stick together and hope 2018 is kinder. We can do this!
    I haven't canceled CATALYST, but with my health and life situations I've fallen dismally behind. I hope to be back in the groove soon. Either to continue it or have a new plan.
    Take care all~
  16. Lady Kopaka
    I was going to update my art today. Seriously. No really. I have like...3 new drawings along with 2 requets.
    But um, I kind of got caught up with playing Guild Wars, working on some GIS stuff for dad, and I am now just working on my SS entry. But alas, now that I have art to show, I will only have to scan and stuff! I will try my best to do that tomorrow.
    But yes, I am entering the Short Story Contest #3. For awhile I was not going to enter due to me winning the S&T, but what the heck. I love entering contests. And this gives me a very good excuse to turn my one year story thing into the entry.
    So far it's looking very good, as I have said before awhile back. It is based from a movie that I enjoy. And I am still thinking of a song...I have found many by Enya that would do very good, but I am unsure if they will be long enough. Because by the looks of it, this story is going to be long.
    ...Now lets just see how my grammar will be.
    ....*pauses for a moment*
    ....Oh my gosh.
    I missed the TOTA RECORDING!!! ><
    Sorry SPIRIT. But I do have a worthy explanation, my grandma has been here a lot of the day so yeah....
    *decides to keep it a short entry so she wont murder the readers*
  17. Lady Kopaka
    I'm going to follow the clichés and I'm going to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a happy new years. I hope everyone is having fun spending their time with family and friends, and I hope you also got what you wished for.
    ...And wow Christmas is basically over for me, what do I do now?
  18. Lady Kopaka
    I'm surprised I didn't show this sooner, he's much too fun to draw for his own good. xP
    Just finalizing his human version look and outfits; I could had spent hours more on this picture being picky about proportions and other details, but bah, I’ll fix them later…yes I know, I say that all the time!
    ...gotta love that tight black shirt on him though. :3
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Lady K has finally caught up with serials. =D
    So like… I read Chapter 2 in Dwellers in the Darkness… Hope I'm not spoiling anything but...

  20. Lady Kopaka
    If it's anyone, I'm awarding it to Toa Lhikan Hordika. <3

    Gotta love using a phone for a camera... anyway, he was SUPPOSED to just be sending me Zaktan, in exchange for some art of mine that still needs to be finished. Obviously, I got more than I bargained for. x3
    Now if school/chores/job would get out of the way for a mere 5 minutes I'd try to have time to build Kopaka! Don’t worry dear, I’ll get you out of that box soon!
    TLH, you are the coolest guy on the planet right now. Thank you so much, I feel so spoiled! I really didn't feel like I deserved all this stuff at all... I'll be sure to finish your drawing soon!

    Ooh, wait. Not the whoppers. He didn't send those. Those are mine. They just wanted to be in the picture.
    EDIT: About the Zakky heads:

  21. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: *Trying to wake up*
    Currently Listening to: Bring 'Em Out - Hawk Nelson
    Currently Doing: Drawing!
    Yay I'm back, hello BZP, hello home, hello computer, hello, hello hello!
    Had lots of fun up in TN, mostly stayed up late and slept late. But hey, I got lot of art done, and just bought the newest Hawk Nelson CD, Cars Soundtrack, an Avatar DVD...and err, I think that's it.
    Though I am glad to be home, then again, we have school. ;-; I no want to start school.
    ...You know I had a bunch to say, and now I forgot all...Well yall can ask questions about my trip if even more curious.
    Ok, maybe I can be a bit detailed on my art at least, I got 3 requests almost ready to show, a few more picture, and a group shot of 4 doods *CoughguessCough*, and it looks really cool. And I'm going through and organizing my maj off-topic art, since like I haven't touched it that much, so it has a lot of my old and ucky art.
    Why does the idea of my art sticks to death keep on slipping in my mind? It's getting on my nerves and hurting my esteem. >< Even though...It is true.
    Um, what else to say? Am I missing anything else? Mmhh?
  22. Lady Kopaka
    ...for random fun! First person to get my 23,333 profile view—or at least the closest—gets a free sketch! Just screencap and PM me!
    Congrats to Tifosi92! That really went fast...next time I'll make the kiriban bigger. Anyway, apologizes to you guys that didn't get it. I'll be doing another one in a few weeks!
    Update, Sept/24/09: Commissions are officially back. Still a lot going on, but I have gotten a hold of some things to handle this again. As I’ve said before, this money is going into savings for college and bill paying, so thank you very much!
    Current commissions are going well, and at least three are close to being completed. (once I finish this batch, I'll better organize myself so commissions are finished sooner) If you were interested earlier in getting one from me, now is the time to ask about it.

    Pricing is for cleaned/shaded artwork. My standard paper is usually 8.5x11 cardstock. 
    Shipping (if requested for original):
    (note: this is just an estimate. Shipping is determined by where you live/how large the drawing is)
    Black & White (Pencil/Digital sketch)
    Headshot/Bust -
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background - $
    +Complex Background - $
    +Extra character/or other - $
    Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)
    Headshot/Bust - $
    Full view Single Character - $
    +Simple Background -
    +Complex Background -
    +Extra character/or other -
    1) If your drawing is digital, I usually won’t send out a copy, you can print it out yourself. However, if the drawing is large or you have any problems with printing, we can work something out.
    2) I accept pretty much any forms of payment. Cash/check must be USD. Most of the time, I will require you to pay before I begin drawing.
    3) Though I will try my best to follow what you want, please give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to improve anything during drafting, but I cannot overwork myself with finicky nitpicking.
    4) Prices will differ with larger and more unique projects. When I receive a request some pricing may be changed. It is determined by materials, time and the drawing itself.
    5) You’re welcomed to ask how your request is coming along, but please to not get rude if I’m working slowly! My life can get really rough sometimes, and art projects can take awhile, depending on the drawing. I try to finish on a week to two week basis, and if it will take longer, I'll inform you.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Some people you can never please
    You might as well just let them be
    They mock everything not their own
    From their imaginary throne

    But I won't bow down,
    even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy

    So hey hey, this song is for us
    So put your hands in the air
    if you're crazy like us
    Hey hey!
    Hey hey, that's freedom you hear
    Comin' right to your ear,
    that's the sound from our bus
    Hey hey!

    Why try to be like someone else
    When you can only be yourself?
    No one can sing the song you do
    Be true, be legendary you
    So I won't sell out,
    even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy

    So hey hey, this song is for us
    So put your hands in the air
    if you're crazy like us
    Hey hey!
    Hey hey, that's freedom you hear
    Comin' right to your ear,
    that's the sound from our bus
    Hey hey!

    Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you
    When you can be anything that you want to?
  24. Lady Kopaka
    *Is only 8 hours from Brickfair and is missing out. ;;*
    Well, in other news today I have discovered that watercolours are not as evil and annoying as they appear.

    It's Takua! I wanted to give him browner hair and the backgrounds, but I had trouble with some colours. It being so watery… and all you know. So I thought it best to leave it be.
    Boo, his neck is too long. I wish I noticed that before I coloured it. :/
    And yes, yes, I am working on actual Bionicle drawings... someone please tell me to stop starting new drawings, it's not helping me at all with older stuff. xDDDD
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