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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    IMPORTANT UPDATE! I'm extending the deadline to January 18th! A few people requested this because of the busy holiday season. Please notice, this will be the last extension, so please get your entries in! Thank you!


    Design a ‘glitch’ character contest! 
    Hello everyone! Lately, I’ve been having a fun time with Glitch in the System, and I also am aware a lot of you guys are enjoying it too. So, I thought why not make some fun contest to bring other peoples' ideas in the story?
    So I considered it, and now this is official: the purpose is to design a minor character in the story. If you win, the design will be that said characters official look in the BZP epic, Glitch in the System.
    Now let’s get down to the technical stuff. Who are you allowed to design? Well, any minor character of your choice. It could be a character as prominent as Captain Yuuzian, or to those Matoran fishermen we met back in Section 5.

    Basic Rules: 
    - Like I said above, any minor character is allowed. Characters that are not allowed although are the characters Tachi, Komas, Makuta Szian, Zerak, and Niihlus.
    - Only one entry per person and you can only design one character. If you feel you should be allowed to enter more than one image, please say so, but I believe I'm going to stick with just one.
    - Obviously, follow all BZP rules. Nothing too gory, revealing, or offending.
    - It must be a new drawing never seen before on BZP.
    - You’re allowed to enter a digital, traditional, or even a 3D design of a character—they can be doing something, or it could just be them in a ‘Character Sheet’. I’m iffy about edits or MoCs cause I want this to be an art contest, but I may make exceptions.
    - I usually don’t like the voting system, so I will judge and have a few friends offer their opinions. I will also read through the entries and comments to see which entries you guys like the most as well.
    - I’m going to be as unbiased as possible. I will not be choosing who is the most talented or popular; it will be decided on the originality, and what best suits the character.

    General Information: 
    - It will depend on the number of entries, but only one or two entries will be the winners. So, I may get a bunch of entries with different characters, but there will only be one ‘canon’ character. The rest of the characters that did not get a final appearance in the contest will be finished by me.
    - It would be encouraged that you are a GitS admirer, or at least someone who is familiar with it to enter. In my epic, I do describe most characters in one way or another. True, you are the designer, but just be aware of how I originally planned the character. For example, Szian’s servant is green and dangly, so while you can have fun with different approaches, I probably wouldn’t allow someone who made him tall, red, and didn’t suit the GitS theme to win.
    - If you are uncertain of choosing a character right away—that’s fine. I have two chapters in the works that will be finished (hopefully) before the deadline; you can wait and read those to get a better idea of some characters. You can also contact me to inquire of a character you’d like to draw.
    - Just to be nice to you guys, here’s a list of the characters that are allowed to be designed. Choose any—I might be missing a few, and any descriptions of the characters you can find yourself. (Or I suppose, if you ask nicely I could find and show you)
    Szian’s Servant Philo T'Sak Makuta Muurax Captain Yuuzian Vheon Creolé Zimriah Naosu Usoan Toa Uchik Other?
    Entries: Just for easier viewing and organizing, please follow this entry form when you post your drawing.
    Member name: (Your screen-name)
    Selected Character: (Name the character that you chose to design)
    Entry Link: (A link to your entry)
    Topic: (Optional)

    Prizes: As of now, the only thing awarded to the winner will be that their design will become the official look of that chosen character. If you think the winner deserves more, you are welcomed to discuss it.

    If you guys have any questions at all, please ask them, I’m more than happy to help you out. For the most basic questions just go ahead and ask now; anything that would require some discussion, you may PM me.
    Since AC16 is ending soon, and the holidays are coming up, THE DEADLINE FOR THIS WILL BE JANUARY 18th, 2009 (12:00 AM EST). If you think it needs to be longer or shorter, please express your opinion.
    And now I hope some of you guys will feel obliged to enter! Please inform me via PM, or here if you want to or are just considering entering. I'd like to know so I can prepare how to organize the contest better. Good luck!
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Just for the fun of it, I started to ramble to Raia about some songs that I just adored and couldn’t help but find the music inspiring for GitS’ scenes, characters, and just other stuff. So just for the fun, I wrote up a soundtrack for GitS (band/singer music, anyway).
    Rise – Origa Yes – Coldplay Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Michael Bublé You Know My Name – Chris Cornell What’s It For – Emily Curtis Lying From You - Linkin Park The One Thing I Have Left – Hawk Nelson Hey Hey – Superchic[K] Iris – The Goo Goo Dolls Justice And Mercy – Flyleaf I’m A Believer – Smash Mouth There She Goes – Sixpence None the Richer Good Luck feat. – Basement Jaxx Revenge – Switchfoot (Bonus Track) Broken – Trifonic There were many others that have also been inspiring and I’m bound to change around the playlist, but it was sure fun to make! 
    …gosh I’m a nerd. xDD
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Well, we get entries, topics, and other things about how you should review and all that jazz... but I just want to clear something up real quick. I've discussed this with a few friends and I just want to explain something that I think most people can agree with.
    Truthfully I can't find the real reason why this is true, but unlike art we authors really appreciate any sort of feedback. I'm not trying to make anyone guilty, nor am I talking about myself. I'm mainly just saying this in general to a lot of people who struggle with writing here sometimes. People really, really like to know that you're reading the epic, short story, or comedy they wrote.
    Unlike art, you already know how many people look and leave. Looking art is relatively simple; no matter the enjoyment or emotion you'll receive from it, it's just a click of the button. Even though we’d like posts in anything we create, I can understand why some people would not feel like posting or why we—the artists—would not want certain people to post.
    But writings are a bit different, it takes longer to do. I think the easiest way to view it is: if someone took the time to read something of yours, no matter how long or short (especially the long though), they could spare the time to post and say they read it. It could be a long review or even just saying they enjoyed it, it’s all cool. Keeping up with that said story (epics) and posting when they can as updates arrive is a plus too. Also don't worry about getting in some apparently useless ramble, rant, or discussion about the story. Writers usually like to hear your views, likes, or even dislikes on the story.
    Authors WANT to know who's reading it.
    So my humble advice is to you guys: if you read the story, please give that author a comment. They usually don’t care if it’s a review, simple comment, or babbling about what they liked—it’s all encouraging to them (but friendly critique is always welcomed). A person may quit writing a story because they are not getting any reviewers, when in fact they might actually have some more. But they don’t know that.
    I’m not forcing anyone and it’s your choice to post how you like. =) But still, being considerate about this would be mighty nice to a lot of the writers here on BZP.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Oh man, after waiting like... forever, and after scrapping up $20 (okay... need to find $10 more to pay back mom), I ordered Prince of Persia back on Sunday, and it came today. =D
    Been playing it for the past hour or so, I haven't gotten much time or peace with it cause I have to play it in the living room on the family computer... but it's so pretty!
    It's like an artist painted the graphics. It's simply gorgeous. And then the new 'Prince' is such a hunk and is made up of so much awesome. Also the whole Elika-saving-you-from-death isn't as bad as I thought it be, she's a fun character to hang around with.
    ...Though, it's particularly eerie that the two are just like Komas and Tachi.
    I plan on writing a review on the game later, stay tuned.
    If I can, I shall spend the last of 2008 playing games, with some art and writing thrown in. Memorable huh?
  5. Lady Kopaka
    A lot has been going on in my life, especially during the year 2008. Even before then there was stuff that happened in such a short amount of time. I don’t want to start a pity party or compete with people, but I’ll be blunt and honest for once: I have gone through more than the normal kid has to deal with in their entire life. And it’s a lot to handle, and even harder now as a teenager trying to find your place in the world. You sometimes wish the world would just pause for you and let you calm down, just for five minutes.
    It forces you to open your eyes to things more; your whole perspective on reality is a dissimilar dimension than others. You struggle to stay sane; you trod through so much hopelessness. And even though you have some good moments time to time, it always seems there is something to be frustrated or saddened by.
    Lately, once and awhile I would watch others with envious eyes, or with lack of tolerance because of the trifle things they would complain about. Oh they thought that was bad, just wait until this happened. It is a cruel thing to think about, no matter the problem or situation. I sympathize with many—whether their problem may seem small or big. People take things differently, either it be loosing a best friend or simply not getting something you wished for. I believe there is no such way to rate how bad is something, or how it can become, you can only vaguely determine how a person takes it.
    This brings me to the point of this strange entry. I’ve always wanted to discuss this, but wasn’t really sure it was worth it.
    But telling someone you care, or you understand, or simply giving them another chance is far worth it. I’m not really discussing on giving more consideration for specific people, but the term in general. I don’t know what truly goes on in anyone’s lives, so please don’t take this the wrong way.
    There are so many things you guys can be thankful for that many people I know could never imagine having or simply dreaming of. All those Bionicle sets? I’m sure a lot of people on BZP don’t think how lucky they are to be blessed with that. A nice family? Sure, you have your fights, but families are a sanctuary, a hope, and a blessing. Do not take them for granted.
    Think twice before whining about something. I know I said everyone handles issues differently, but sometimes just think before doing or saying something. I was once ungrateful for the status of a friendship I had, and then I lost it all. You can never be prepared for when things like that happen; ignorance is truly bliss.
    Love and live like there is no tomorrow. Selflessly assist and respect others, because that snob at your school or on BZP may be living in the pit, and they just need some compassion to be set free. Before whining about what you got for Christmas, think about all the homeless children, or maybe just the kid across the street. Think about it.
    Do not try to fool yourself that you have a good or bad life, think shrewdly about it, or your egoism could snag others more than you will realize. Don’t say you’re life is horrible when it really isn’t: you are a person that feeds off the attention and your true problem is believing you need more people to tell you that they love you. Don’t lie and tell people you’re just fine when everything thing is falling apart—everyone needs help. Get it off your chest, cry on a friends shoulder. Friends are there for a reason.
    I wish I could say I’m not trying to guilt anyone, but I am. People need to get it in their heads that the world can be a terrible place for some people and you’re not the center of the world. It’s true that also sometimes you can’t do anything to help a problem… I always hated it when a parent nagged me about finishing some food left on my plate, because you can’t exactly give those leftovers to hungry children right then. But you need to understand that equation in heart, you really need to be aware of that without fogged eyes. And if you can do something against a problem, do it.
    This also goes out to the ones who do justly struggle and have no peace while they try to sleep during the cold, lonely nights. I admit I’m not and probably will never be a true optimist, but that doesn’t stop me from looking forward to a brighter future for myself and others. There will be always be a light and there will always be people out there that love you and will support you even if you don’t know it. Trust me on this one.
    I’ve learned the best way to help yourself is to help others first. Regardless of position, belief, or problems, this is always a sure way to aid. For 2009, I hope everyone will consider one of their resolutions for the year to become more considerate to others, wiser about your own troubles, thankful for what you have, and stronger against the tides of life.
    My problems have somewhat been a blessing; that I may be able to fight against the naivety and to encourage, caution, and help others. I’ve grown stronger, and little by little, just a bit wiser than yesterday. Everyone will always experience some troubles in our revered lives, but to the ones who have not truly bumped into anything yet—be thankful, be thankful and pleased as if you did experience misery.
    I cannot promise your problems will be solved now or later, and I pray for the ones who will meet unwanted troubles the bravery to fight it. But know as long as you keep your head up, your willpower stubborn and a friend at your side, you can make it through anything.
    I hope that I did not confuse or make any matters worse, and I could had easily dragged this on much longer, but for some reason something encouraged me to say a few words on the subject and I hope this encouraged you as well. So God bless, and I wish everyone a wonderful upcoming New Year.

    Fully alive More than most
    Ready to smile and love life
    Fully alive and she knows
    How to believe in futures
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Not for me, for you guys. Raia specially, cause she's been begging for this. xD
    New chapter finally posted in Glitch in the System. We're finally back on track in the story and... omg Komas/Tachi shipping. Seriously! 0:
    Also guys, don't forget about that contest of mine! I'm thinking about extending the deadline, but until then, I'd love to see everyone's entries. =)
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I'm going to follow the clichés and I'm going to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a happy new years. I hope everyone is having fun spending their time with family and friends, and I hope you also got what you wished for.
    ...And wow Christmas is basically over for me, what do I do now?
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Gahaha! I cracked that bloody, good for nothin', annoying little virus. Well, with the help of my dad (parents are the worse of procrastinators) we finally were able to get in my login screen.
    So, good news, I don't have to reformat (I think) and everything seems to be working okay... bad news, seems a couple system files are missing and giving me some issue, and then I have to fix some drivers... and the monitor's resolution is just being funky. But besides that, hurrah! x3 I feel like McGeek or something.
    Not daring to touch the internet on that computer until I fix everything though. So yeah... still busy.
    AHAHA, IN YOUR FACE YOU VIRUS! *is half crazed*
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Unexpectedly, I got a virus on my computer back on Saturday.
    Dad and I are currently trying to find the issue and even how it got there in the first place, but so far we haven’t fixed much. Worst of all, it wont even load up to the login screen, so it’s not like we can hunt it down properly. I was able to hook up the hard drive to the family computer and virus check/personally get my hands dirty trying to fix the issue in those system folders, but so far, it’s pretty much ineffective.
    It appears I’m probably going to be forced to reformat and reinstall windows like most people who apparently got this issue. Thankfully I was able to back up my files, but that still means I’m going to have a lot to reinstall and stuff. There may be a chance we’ll crack it—but either way I wont be on much because I’m going to working on this, or preparing for my finals this week.
    If anyone is curious, I’m getting an lssas.exe error before getting to the login screen. Speaking technically, lsass.exe is a file that is okay, but there is one called issas.exe where the virus/worm can come in and directly mess up the original (I believe the virus is called 'sasser'). If you guys have heard about this and know any solution, it would be nice if you could offer advice.
    Also, the deadline for the contest has been extended to January 6th, 2009 (12:00 EST); requested by Raia.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    It’s snowing.
    The first thing I did was run around outside in the dark, face up toward the dark blue sky, dancing around with the beauty of the falling snow. I just wanted to cry or something! It's not snowing a super lot, but just the perfect amount... it's so lovely.

    Stop laughing at me; I haven’t seen snow in years. You know how deprived I’ve been??
    Now it's just outside being all white and fluffy and pretty. The neighbors have some christmas lights on... aahh, snooowww. <3
    I though, find it really funny that the year I move from LA, that it suddenly snows there too.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough
    100 percentile, no errors, no miss
    I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much
    Don't worry 'bout dreaming because I don't sleep --

    I wish I could at least 30 percent
    Maybe 50 for pleasure then skip all the rest

    If I only was more human
    I would count every single second the rest of my life
    If I just could be more human

    I'd roll around in mud and have lots of fun then when I was done
    Build bubblebath towers and swim in the tub
    Sand Castles on the beach, frolick in the sea, get a broken knee
    Be scared of the dark and I'd sing out of key

    Curse when I lost a fight, kiss and reunite, scratch a spider's bite
    Be happy with wrinkles I got when I smile
    Pet kittens 'till they purred, maybe keep a bird, always keep my word
    I'd cry at sad movies and laugh 'till it hurt

    I'd buy a big bike, I'd ride by the lake
    And I'd have lots of friends and I'd stay out too late

    If I could just be more human
    I would see every little thing with a gleam in my eye
    If only I was more human
    I'd embrace every single feeling that came in my life

    Would I care and be forgiving?
    Would I be sentimental and would I feel loneliness?

    Would I doubt and have misgivings?
    Would I cause someone sorrow too? Would I know what to do?

    Will I cry when its all over?

    When I die will I see Heaven?
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Life has been mean to me lately, so I've been sad and very busy.
    Dad comes home today and says he has something for me, I guess he wants to cheer me up cause of all the tension.
    Instead of expecting chocolate or coke, he hands me a wireless adapter.
    I now have internet in my room in my computer.
    I think I can see a pig flying outside.

    …And just for the record, I will have a bit more time now, but just because of this convenience I’m not going to let it distract me. So, I’ll still be busy with life sometimes...although, you can defiantly say getting on will be a lot easier now.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Ahaha yeah… that’s what should had happened in the Destiny War podcast. >:[
    I’m obviously very smad, cause I loved our dear Ancient and now TSO just killed off his bestest friend. I used to like TSO and his recent anti-hero behavior… But what he did was just wrong man. I mean seriously, it’s almost as bad as stealing your friends Popsicle on a hot day… or throwing a banana on the ground for him to slip on. You just can’t go around killing your buddies!
    *Shakes head sadly*
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Is baaaack. ;D
    I had a great time. Usually I'm not much of a peoples-person, even around my friends... but I guess after I moved and became completely unsociable, you kind of get cabin fever. So, I had a blast partying, having a very delicious Thanksgiving meal, getting to be in one of my friend’s films (I got to be eaten by the monster! =D), and other good things. Best of all I got to see Quantum Of Solace and I must say Daniel Craig is such a hunk. *Fangirls*
    The driving itself... well that wasn’t so good. My siblings can be very loud, then we hit a deer and I basically hyperventilated (thank the lord we did not crash and a headlight was the only thing we lost), and I got really sick on the way home... it was very eventful to say in the least. I guess it's just another example of to get good stuff in my life; I have to receive dire stuff too.
    Anyway, I’m alright now and I’m just catching up on things. I got a lot of art done, but not too much Bionicle itself sadly. Still, I’ll see about uploading and showing what I got. Designing human rendition for the Makuta is fuuun. ^^
  15. Lady Kopaka
    *Is excited*
    Alright everybody, family and I are heading down to Louisiana for Thanksgiving, so I’ll be gone for about a week. I’ll miss everyone, but I is very happy. I’ll get see friends and actually socialize for once, hurray!
    In the meantime, I hope everyone else has a good holiday week— even if you do not celebrate this holiday, I still wish you a happy week. Everyone should have a day of the year to be thankful for all the amazing stuff we’ve been blessed with. Enjoy that turkey!
    Yes, I know we’ll all be sick of it… beware the leftovers!
    …Oh yes, and don’t forget about the new Glitch in the System chapter I just posted.
    (Thankyouthank you BCJ and Rapi for helping me while I rush to post it!)
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, Lady K is still dead, but she’s in a fangirlsm mood. :B
    New Prince of Persia game coming out December 2nd.
    Lady K has known about this for awhile, but she’s just recently been watching all the trailers.
    The graphics/plot/beautiful art direction makes her very happy. (Usually Cel-Shade looks icky, but it’s actually very pretty in this game)
    Not to mention the Prince’s voice is the same guy that did Desmond Miles in Assassin’s Creed.

    If it won’t be out of the family Christmas budget, Lady K thinks she knows what she wants for Christmas now.
    Squeeeee, alright, back to reality now. x3
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Why must it hates us so!? :angry:

    I actually like how Komas turned out, and the overall look is alright IMO... considering inking is evil (but fun, nevertheless) and first time to really ink semi-realism. I'm smad at Tachi though, she didn't come out like I wanted at all... so yeah, if I ever draw her in HB again, she'll look a bit different.
    I'll colour this maybe, and I'll update my art topic with more stuffs by Saturday. ^^
    EDIT: ...GitS readers/fans, you do know chapter 10 is up right? :3 *Is not really begging for reviews, she's just curious*
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Its been nagging at me for awhile, and today I just really noticed one thing I'm doing wrong, and I've been avoiding solving this problem for some unknown reason. My relationship with friends (Both in real life and BZP... but this is devoted to you guys) I feel at time, is one-sided, or simply empty. Am I just being a friend to please myself? To prove something, that I can possibly brag about? I haven't been as close or as helpful as I should be, regardless of my circumstance of being busy, that is no excuse.
    This may be a confusing entry for some, but this is kind of just to get my mind straight. I just felt the need to express my apologies to some people out there that I may had been ignoring, rude, or just not there for. I never want to take people for granted.
    My friends, or anyone else in need always comes first; not myself, an object, or even writing or art. Friendships and mere kindness is worth far more than anyone could ever imagine.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I hit my small toe against a bookcase last night, so now it's broken and it still hurts. A lot.
    My throat is really sore, I think I have sinuses.
    Then Photoshop crashed and I lost this really nice speedpaint scenery picture.
    Now I have to limp around today to some Homeschool thing, and I don't feel like going.
    But then I saw all the nice posts I got in my Hesitation topic and I feel a little better, thank you everyone.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Well, yesterday I had some… issues with my family, so I needed some space. I ended up sleeping on the trampoline last night, under thousands and thousands of stars.
    Now, if you have or even been on a trampoline, you obviously know those things are extremely comfortable, so it really wasn’t an issue. I contentedly hid under my insanely large and warm sleeping bag as I watched shooting stars and the sparkling Milky Way. We live in the country, in the middle of nowhere, between some wooded areas in a large field area, so aside from some neighbors’ lights; I was all alone out there in the silent and cold black night, just thinking some things over.
    I must say, it really relieved some stress and cleared my mind, I absolutely love the sky.
    Somewhat of an irrelevant entry, I just wanted to state if you ever are stressed or uncertain, just take a peak at the stars; somewhere up there you can find yourself.
    ...Okay so that’s cliché, but give me a break, it was romantically gorgeous last night. ^^;
    I now have an essay to do on Winston Churchill… that’s uh, due tomorrow, so I better stop procrastinating and finish it.
    (Oh and Iron Man is the bestest… I wish I could buy it. 0: )
  21. Lady Kopaka
    And you can take the one thing I have left
    I'd give it all away for so much less
    Can even take the heart inside my chest
    And you can take the one thing I have left
    Beat me to the ground and take my breath
    But you can't take who I am
    Squeee, can anyone guess who these two are? =D I’m having fun failing at trying to do semi-realistic people, though now I’m stuck trying to decide how’d it be best to colour it… Got any suggestions folks? (And yes you are allowed to point out all the evident flaws, too)
    Anyway, I was saving this entry to say I have an update in Glitch in the System, but I’m still trying to smooth some plot issues and trying to jump ahead of myself with updates. Usually I’m 3+ chapters ahead of updates, but because of the recent plot add-on I’ve had to do lots of squeezing in-between-older chapters, it’s been a tad confusing. I must say this epic is becoming a lot longer than I anticipated, but I’m still having a blast with it. (How did I write 36,000+ words in less than a few months? O_o)
    Sorry if this seems like a long, useless entry, I just feel like rambling a bit. Also I just feel so honored and thankful for the somewhat success of GitS, it’s been really encouraging my mood both in life and writing. Thank you everyone! *hugs* =)
    Oh right, there was a question I have for GitS fans:
    Okay, I feel that the past few chapters have been somewhat lacking. They are pretty long and you get some information, but I’m afraid I’m dragging things out so we’re not getting anywhere fast. From what I’ve studied, this issue may only be around for a couple more chapters, but I don’t want to bore anyone or make useless longwinded chapters. Do you think I should bring up the pace, or are you guys okay with a few more, slower hinting chapters?
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