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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    My internet has been going outrageously slow; especially when it comes to uploading things on brickshelf/maj. It’s ridiculous.
    Anyway, anyone remember that draft I showed of 08 Lewa and Tanma? Well I found it in my brickshelf and completely forgot to show the completed versions. Whoops. o_o


    Even for concept art, the proportions and colouring is all off, sorries. Dx
    And yes, I have one snazzy drawing (OMG IT'S GOING TO BE REEL BIONICLEZ) for GA soon, and then... well... art topic ahoy?
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I got my hair cut finally!
    It's like... really short, I've wanted a style like this for the longest time. D=
    But tis awesome, maybe I can show a picture of it (or draw it). =D
    Now, excuse me. My brother is launching a rocket that I cannot miss.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    You know, it gets really old being one of six siblings sometimes, I don't like being ignored/laughed at. *Sighs* :[
    Aside from ranting, don't forget Chapter 9 is up in GitS. And on a lighter note, I and Rapi have learnt something quite interesting, if anyone will get it:
    Steampunk goggles + Daniel Craig + Frank Sinatra=Komas

    (Edit: Added images to the math )
  4. Lady Kopaka
    She doesn't look, she doesn't see
    Opens up for nobody
    Figures out, she figures out
    Narrow line, she can't decide
    Everything short of suicide
    Never hurts, nearly works

    Something is scratching
    Its way out
    Something you want
    To forget about

    A part of you that'll never show
    You're the only one that'll ever know
    Take it back when it all began
    Take your time, would you understand
    What it's all about?
    What it's all about?

    Something is scratching
    Its way out
    Something you want
    To forget about

    No one expects
    You to get up
    All on your own with
    No one around

    Something is scratching
    Its way out
    Something you want
    To forget about

    No one expects
    You to get up
    All on your own with
    No one around
  5. Lady Kopaka
    ...Gotcha didn't I? *gets shot*
    The purpose of the title is the name of a new Short Story I just posted which has been hiding in the depths of my computer, and I finally made myself post it. It seemed like a good time and all, hearing about the hot buzz concerning BL11.
    Enjoy guys, and don't worry about GitS. An update will come soon; I just wanted to work on some other stuff.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    If it's anyone, I'm awarding it to Toa Lhikan Hordika. <3

    Gotta love using a phone for a camera... anyway, he was SUPPOSED to just be sending me Zaktan, in exchange for some art of mine that still needs to be finished. Obviously, I got more than I bargained for. x3
    Now if school/chores/job would get out of the way for a mere 5 minutes I'd try to have time to build Kopaka! Don’t worry dear, I’ll get you out of that box soon!
    TLH, you are the coolest guy on the planet right now. Thank you so much, I feel so spoiled! I really didn't feel like I deserved all this stuff at all... I'll be sure to finish your drawing soon!

    Ooh, wait. Not the whoppers. He didn't send those. Those are mine. They just wanted to be in the picture.
    EDIT: About the Zakky heads:

  7. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, I don’t have too much time to make any nice entry, because I should be in bed now. D; But I shall point out a few random things:
    - Life is crazy with school and stuff, so I may be away more than I thought. The so called ‘break’ was kind of nice, but working straight until 5PM on school I’ve decided, is not worth it and overall was very stressing… not to mention PSAT is within a week or two, so I’m scrambling around trying to prepare.
    - I actually have furniture in my room! Well more simply, a bookcase, dresser and a soon-to-be built corner desk. Best of all an actual bed too, I’ve been sleeping on the floor with a mattress since we moved, so it’s all nice to have actual new furnishings than using ancient stuff since I was born (really, I don’t remember a time without that old bunk bed and dresser!)... The new stuff isn’t fancy authentic stuff, but I’m happy either way. :]
    - The concert was AWESOME. We got Switchfoot, Third Day, Red, Jars of Clay, and Robert Randolph and the Family Band. We had to leave early, which stunk… but the rest was amazing! I’ll see about showing a few cool pictures sometime.
    - I <3 downtown Nashville!
    - Yes, I am very behind in PMs. Sorry, I'll try to catch up soon.
    - Guys, Glitch in the System, Section 8 is edited (Thanks Jack). I just haven’t uploaded it. Quite a few people over the days PM’d me their own edited versions, and that’s very nice of all, but just for the record I knew BCJ was going to do it within a day or so-- he is after all my editor. So like I said, thank you everyone, but to save people the trouble please don’t worry about editing. I’m used to BCJ’s editing style and I’ll keep him unless I request another to assist.
    …Okay that did come out longer than expected… but alright, alright, off to bed. IN MY REALLLL BED FRAMMEE. *Crashes*
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Good day mates! Schools been a hassle, but I'm survivin'!
    I come to be sayin’ that in honor of talk like a pirate day, I have FINALLY updated Glitch in the System! Our dashing Toa partners and witty pirate crew have hit quite the snag in this chapter, read it to find out what happens!
    Here be the link
    Also, ignore/pardon any grammar mistakes now. BC-J is usually my editor, but he’s been busy and I wanted to add it cause of this piratey day. It’ll get it fixed up in a day or so.
  9. Lady Kopaka
    By Karzahni, I loathe school— I’ve been avoiding the dreadful stuff… It’s such a darn mess. Trying to learn geometry and everything else unaided is not fun. Not at all. >:[
    I’m going to take a break from the computer for roughly a week. I need to catch up in school and discipline myself better to finishing all my subjects. I have a lot of work and I don’t want to fail like I did with my freshmen and sophomore year. I personally blame life in general for messing up my school, but for now on my education is on my head.
    I’d like to apologize for not adding a new Glitch in the System chapter recently, but I’m having a tad setback. Hopefully when I’m back I’ll have a new one up. Sorry!
    TLH/Rapi/Whoever: if you see me on IM block me and demand that I get off and do school. xD
    But, in short— I’m gone for the week. Don’t expect reviews, PMing or the sort from me, but then again don’t be surprised if you see me on, I’m not doing school all day.
    I have some good news though. I have a job now, so money, yay! Aside from that, nothing too exciting is happening, so I’ll get back with you folks later.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    I hate choices. I can never make up my mind. :[
    So on Saturday, around the same time I have a choice to go to either one. There’s a Switchfoot concert, and then our church is having a formal. You know, dancing all that jazz.
    And I can’t decide what to do, because I have never been to a dance before or a concert. Argh!
    Either is a risk because I don’t have any friends around, so the excitement of it all may be less enthralling. I’d be joining my sister to formal, or just going with dad to the concert. Third Day and a few other cool bands will be at the concert, so that’s probably a one of a kind deal. The dance probably comes every year, but I’m not exactly sure and I’ll be a Senior by then.
    My old man will be arriving from work soon and will demand to know my choice, so someone quickly hit me on the head with a frying pan and make me choose!
    EDIT: Alright, I've decided I'm going to the concert. Thanks for helping me out guys.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah I blame you. Aprons too I suppose.
    But seriously, he's just too cool not to draw, everyone loves our dear Mutran!
    Since you totally inspired me, this picture is dedicated to you, Uncle Khote.

    Concept art and all, so I will probably change around a few things... Just don't tell me to remove the apron. Mutran must has apron. <3
    EDIT: And though this is concept art, a lot of the offs in this picture are about to drive me mad. Thanks for pointing out flaws guys, I'm gunna fix it asap. ^^
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Well I’ve wanted the game Oblivion for like, forever you see. So my dear ole’ friend Rob down in the Bayou State found Oblivion at some flea market for dirt cheap, so he got it for me. It just came in the mail today along with the expansion pack so… huzzah!

    Thankyouthankyou Rob, your awesome! 8D

    *Runs to install*

    (Not like he will read this but I'm so happy either way )
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Whoo fail camera skills! 8D
    I now has matching copper huna's for earrings. Thanks TLH and Omi for the masks; I finally found some use for them!
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Toa Tachi is evidently very, very sad.
    ...Uh, we can spray paint extra pieces? x3
    Anyway, on the subject of sets and whatnot, I'd like to say I'm officially doing the Art-Set trade with Toa Lhikan Hordika. He already PM'd me with an offer in return for a drawing I just recently did.
    Sorry to those were interested, maybe I can do another trade later!
    *Cough* by the way chapter 7 is up in GitS… *Cough*
  15. Lady Kopaka
    *Is only 8 hours from Brickfair and is missing out. ;;*
    Well, in other news today I have discovered that watercolours are not as evil and annoying as they appear.

    It's Takua! I wanted to give him browner hair and the backgrounds, but I had trouble with some colours. It being so watery… and all you know. So I thought it best to leave it be.
    Boo, his neck is too long. I wish I noticed that before I coloured it. :/
    And yes, yes, I am working on actual Bionicle drawings... someone please tell me to stop starting new drawings, it's not helping me at all with older stuff. xDDDD
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Gahaha I REALLY need a life. xD
    My brother (Sir Tahu) and I were getting bored/nerdy on Bionicle today and I was oddly hyper. So since we were having fun playing around with the sets we made this recording… podcast… thing.
    Warning: This recording is obnoxious, loud, and surprisingly cheesy. Not to mention you will have to put up with it for 15 minutes. Beware of really random and odd discussions, and my voice was being weird that day… and I saying ‘like’ every few minutes didn’t really help either.
    *Throws ice cream at brother*
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, I was going to post this in the trade section, but I’m not all sure if this will get much attention there…
    Anyway, if one did not know I’m a big Zaktan fan. Sadly I was never able to get his set because I was poor/life got in the way from letting me buy him. I admit, I rarely get sets because of lack of money, but I really would like to get him. Though now, he’s super expensive on places like Amazon or he’s a rare find in stores. I’m sure I could find him somewhere around the various cities here, but I can’t afford to go and waste gas just to find a Bionicle set. :/
    So maybe those who have an extra Zaktan lying around, we could do a trade?
    I’m willing to send an original drawing by me, fully coloured and it either being a Bionicle or Non-Bionicle, the size of the paper being 8.5x11. I’d probably do a full character view and a simple background maybe, though it all depends on what you want. I don’t think I can do official characters, because of copyright, you know. (I think...Right?)
    I know most of you would prefer money or some cool rare collectible, but I have neither… :C
    So if this fails I’ll just delete/close this entry; I’m not sure if a drawing by me even merits the trade! But still, any of you guys interested? Feel free to ask questions here and if you’re 100% sure about a trade, PM me. I’d prefer to have Zaktan and his container in good condition, though I’m not too picky about instructions and stuff.
    Thanks for hearing me out.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Lady K has finally caught up with serials. =D
    So like… I read Chapter 2 in Dwellers in the Darkness… Hope I'm not spoiling anything but...

  19. Lady Kopaka
    I have noticed something as of late. All thanks to Glitch in the System. And UK too.
    You people....
    Stay away from my braaaaaaiin! D: now everyone is out to devour it!
    *Puts a hard helmet on and runs away*
  20. Lady Kopaka
    ^Click for a larger version^

    Dude, I totally did it. I have completed the video game Mass Effect!
    Since the majority of my family was off in town for a few hours, I was able to grab some extra minutes on the computer and finally beat Mass Effect. I died a zillion times, Saren was annoying… but I did it!
    The ending was sooo good. Joker was awesome, I saved the council, I smashed some Geth skulls, the whole plot was amazing… and have I mentioned that Joker is just so cool?
    They better come out with the sequel soon, yay for Bioware.
    Just for who is interested, my character was Hau Shepard, and an all out goody-two shoes Paragon. It took me about 20 or so hours to beat it… but I didn’t do a lot of the subplots and stuff, since I was saving a lot of it for my female character when I replay.
    Now I must do fanart! ... Er, after I catch up with what art I have now… :/
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Maybe you guys can be a bit better than Swert and BCJ with guessing who these guys are. (LOL HE'S NOT GALI SWERT )

    These are drafts for some Human Bionicle artwork. These two characters are actually on separate pieces of paper and in a Character Sheet, but I decided to merge the two main pictures so you guys could see. Like I said, tis a work in progress and some things may change. (For example, the right guy's hairdue probably will have to change because it's off character. :/)
    The designs are pretty much fail with both design and proportions even if the final version is supposed to look 'sketchy/drafty'.
    ...but hey I did art, Human Bionicle art! I got a bunch more stuff, both HB and Original Bionicle, hopefully I can show final stuff in real topics soon.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Gaha, so I kinda disappeared... Not like any of you guys noticed. On Thursday we had some friends down in LA visit us for a day or two, and then our computer's CPU fan asploded and died. =/ But my techy dad fixed it MacGyver style and I finally can catch up on the zillion of Pms and emails I have.
    Still, I've done lots of useful things... For the first thing I actually organized my piles of drawings in some folders and counted I had about 30+ unfinished drawings, all various things like Bionicle art, requests and late birfday presents and just other stuff. I need to stop drawing stuff and not finishing it. ;;
    Seriously guys, if I don’t get some new art up soon, I demand someone take me hostage until I finish some of it to show.
    My family finally settled switching over to a new phone service, I originally wasn’t going to get a cell phone since the older one I had I rarely used, but since I'll be getting a job and stuff, I was er... persuaded to get one. Yeah, it had nothing to do with me being able to get a LG Chocolate.
    Lady K loves that chocolate! =D
    Oh yeah, while I was internetless and busy, I was able to catch up with Glitch in the System up to Chapter 9. Aside from some rewriting and grammar editing it may need, I'll defiantly see about updating tomorrow. :3
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Some people you can never please
    You might as well just let them be
    They mock everything not their own
    From their imaginary throne

    But I won't bow down,
    even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy

    So hey hey, this song is for us
    So put your hands in the air
    if you're crazy like us
    Hey hey!
    Hey hey, that's freedom you hear
    Comin' right to your ear,
    that's the sound from our bus
    Hey hey!

    Why try to be like someone else
    When you can only be yourself?
    No one can sing the song you do
    Be true, be legendary you
    So I won't sell out,
    even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy

    So hey hey, this song is for us
    So put your hands in the air
    if you're crazy like us
    Hey hey!
    Hey hey, that's freedom you hear
    Comin' right to your ear,
    that's the sound from our bus
    Hey hey!

    Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you
    When you can be anything that you want to?
  24. Lady Kopaka
    Random, random life entry!
    I finally saw Appleseed: Ex Machina last night. It was amazing. 8D
    Ok but more seriously.... Dude, someone please remind me not to do crazy things on the go-kart. I now sit on this chair with super aching arms and a back, and I'm still trying to figure out what I did to make myself so sore.
    Like I mean... sure I did go a few feet in the air over bumps and driving worse than Matau with a blindfolder, and I pulled my arms to death trying to get the piece of junk to start... and then my dog went loose and I had to run around the universe to catch him… but that's completely irreverent! I would lay in the hot tub to feel better… but its hot here! No thanks!
    Also for goody news, I’ll be getting my license in a couple of weeks, and mom says I don’t have to pay for gas and insurance for awhile. Yes, I told her she was insane.
    I'm still searching for a job, but it's going to be tough since we live so far away from anything, and I really need monies. Maybe I should start doing commissions. Mmm yes? No? Maybe? Cheese?
    Well, this entry is over. Excuse me as I try to find some chocolate. :3

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