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Status Updates posted by Deerbird-Chan

  1. With that logic, murdering your neighbor is OK because there's a war going on.

    What you said was still needlessly offensive and you need to realize that and own up to it. Moreover, there's no reason to spread beliefs/propaganda that extreme on a website where kids could easily pick up on these habits - without even knowing the other side, what the argument really is, or who the

  2. You don't get nearly enough comments. :^ You smell nice today!

  3. Janice, you never do the dishes around here. :v

  4. Just google up "Sam the ugly dog" sometime. Should take you right to it. :>

  5. C-C-C-COMBO...

    ...Oh wait. We didn't have much of a combo going here, now did we?

  6. He will always be remembered by his many appearances on talk shows. :v And by his website.

  7. Nice inverted Sam the ugly dog pic. :> Too bad he died in 06'. :

  8. That is fine. :v I like tea. Is it served with crumpets?

  9. :v I drop in to wish you a Zyraelish greetings now.

  10. :U TOO MUCH LYG.

  11. The bar is to the right and down a couple blocks. Tell them not to yell so loud. It hurts my delicate eardrums. :^

  12. Sorry, I'm... very uninspiring right now. D:

  13. Uhh... maybe because you're eleven years old?

  14. Fqhqhgads... :v

  15. No clue, gumshoe. :v

  16. It's funny because of the understatement! I GET IT NOW! :[b ]

  17. I am. :V It's Biogreg! HE CLAIMED I WAS ONLY A TINY BIT!1wunwun

  18. ... Uh. Is that special or something?


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