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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Three days until my birthday... I already got one present, the soundtrack for The Empire Strikes Back. And ironically, today is my friend's birthday, he's three days older than me...
    Anyway, I finally saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and I was pleasantly surprised. Here's my rating; better than Temple of Doom, just as good as Raiders, and not as good as Last Crusade. (Last Crusade was my favorite of the trilogy, and still is the favorite of the series. Sean Connery FTW.)
    And they tied the characters together well; I had feared that they'd brought Marion Ravenwood back for reminiscence, but she was definitely there for a reason...
    Finals are approaching.
    Here's a short little survey that I made up. It's also kind of a free-for-all, so feel free to submit your own answer. Which book trilogy (or series, or single book from a series)) should be made into a film series? My top candidates were these:
    - Artemis Fowl
    - Angels & Demons (they're actually already casting for this)
    - Republic Commando (a movie of this would OWN)
    - Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor or Executive Orders (preferably both, with Harrison Ford returning?...)
  2. DudeNuva
    *sniff* No one's com since the last entry that normally comes. But I'm glad TMN's back, anyhow.
    Darth Vader: TMN? Is that the guy that was making fun of me earlier? *Takes out lightsabre* What does the T and the M and the N stand for? Why's he completely green? Why-
    Aren't you shutting up? I don't know that answer.
    Neither do I- hey! You tricked me! Feel the wrath of the Dark Side!!!!!! I WILL destroy you!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
    When we he ever learn? *Turns on flashlight*
    NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *Grabs a conveniently placed carrot* That's all, folks!
    Oh lol, oh lol, oh lol...
    Anyways, I have a few production updates about all of my enterprises.
    Firstly, I have joined my good friend, Sir Toa Matau Nuva, under the name of Silver Saber Studios. I'll now be writing stories for him under SSS, as well as write them independently myself for DN's Library. CKH will be neutral in this area, because he helped me out a lot, and a previous agreement puts CKH partly under the Silver Saber name.
    CKH Comics have been revolutionized in the making, in ways that will make churning out comics much easier. The first of these is that I've learned how to make speech and narration bubbles, which will save the trouble of trying not to put words and backgrounds of the same contrast together. This feature will take hold at Comic 9 and on forth. The second is that my friend, Dlakii: the Turaga of Takanuva, is currently creating backgrounds for my comics for the Koros of Ga-Koro, Ko-Koro, Onu-Koro, and Po-Koro. Now I shall have all Koros.
    CKH is coming out of the dark period of temporary closings and overdue comics that was previous in its life.
    I'll also announce two new PGSs and one new GS. Dlakii has renewed his slot as a PGS of the Comics, Joining the permanent cast is my cousin, whom you know as Trey. And lastly, Skye Green's Quest to Guest has expanded into the realm of CKH, as he has a GS spot now.
    Sir TMN will be joining the GS ranks soon enough as well, as he had a previous GS request that filled in after Dlakii's old one.
    Thus concludes my Crazy Koro Happenings News. Now, come on over to my place and gimme your thoughts!
  3. DudeNuva
    I just started making something called DudeNuva's Comics Version 1.0. I hope it'll be more successful than my other comics.
    So, have any of you guys ever made comics of any type?
    BTW, I encourage you all to visit Onuki's Blog, Ticheli Land, and help it in its quest for Blog of the Week!
  4. DudeNuva
    Hello, friends of DudeNuva. I have finally succeeded in overthrowing the Blog, so you'll be seeing some changes around here. The first!
    I have changed the name to...
    The Star Destroyer!
    Sorry; I had Tarkin come up with the name. It stinks. *Tarkin gives Vader the thumbs up*
    Also, I had some new content boxes installed. The first of which is a Recommended Blogs box, and the second is, I have recolored the links in Quick Links. We'll also be making a new picture...
    So, have fun in the new blog, and remember; one wrong step, and you'll be vaporized atom by atom!
  5. DudeNuva
    You heard right; the second in my series of Toa Inika reviews!

    The Can:

    At a whopping nine inches tall, this canister is more like a Box than anything. That's what's very unique about these cans; they're larger that the sets themselves!
    The front of the box shows a portrait of Matoro standing in front of lightning and a chain-link fence.

    The back shows how Matoro's functions work, small portraits of the other Inika, and the safety warnings covering the bottom half of the back.

    And here's the top, displaying Matoro's four blue Zamoe spheres and his light-up ice blade.
    The Pieces:

    As I dump out the contents of the canister, I find plenty of new pieces, some classic older ones, and of course, Matoro's Iden.

    Matoro's secondary color is a cool ice blue, which goes along great with his white coloring, not to mention his sword and Zamor spheres.

    Here we see Matoro's Zamor magazine, two white Vahki legs, his shoulder armor, and the white lower legs and knee guards. You'll also see thigh armor up to the top left.

    Here's Matoro's feet. His feet are the spiky type, which is also included in Hewkii and Jaller. We also have the Metru lower body and a pile of smaller pieces.

    This is Matoro's Kanohi Iden: Mask of Spirit. Also, we have the blob which the mask attaches onto.
    Might I comment that Matoro's mask doesn't fit as neatly onto the Blob as Kongu's does.

    Here's all of the pearly-silver pieces in the set. Matoro's crossbar body, Zamor Launcher, Ice Blade, and Chest Armor.

    The first surprise in this area is that the instruction manual doesn't have a horizontal picture of Matoro. It actually has a pan shot.

    A little way into the project, Matoro's body is done.
    Here's several more production pictures:



    That last image is Matoro's Zamor launcher. As said before, the Zamor magazine improves the shooting of the spheres. See the Kongu review for more details.

    Here's a last shot before we put on his mask and transform him into Matoro! (<Insert Vader breathing>)
    "Lord Matoro... Can you hear me?"

    Not onyl can that picture deliver a famous STAR WARS quote; it also gives you a closeup on Matoro's Iden.

    Matoro, as are all the Inika, is great fun to pose. He have a ton of flexibilty...

    ... Not to mention great balance, due to those huge feet of his.
    And the light-up sword and Zamor add even more interest and playing experience to this set.

    Matoro is possibly the coolest of all the Inika; not that I'd know. But thanks to his secondary color scheme and awesome blue elements, he can beat Kongu in any contest.
    Therefore, if you're going to get some Inika, I advise you to make Matoro one of them.
    Since you've all sat there nicely, I'll reward you with a surprise:
    This may or may not work for you guys, but I hope you enjoy it if it does.
    Those close friends I have may have noticed 'Trai' in the background. And yes, that was him humming annoyingly, not me.
  6. DudeNuva
    *Swings in on a rope as theme music starts playing*
    I'm back!
    Yeah, I had a ton of fun in Florida, but to be honest, I'm kinda glad to be back in PA. Not so glad to be going back to school, though.
    So, it's great to be back.
    But I'm still a bit disappointed that I haven't recieved a single PM over the break. I've left contacts with at least four people, some of whom I haven't heard from in months.
    Seriously, I need something to renew my interest in BZP. At this point in time, the only reason I ever come is to write my epic, my comic topic having been temporarily closed (and I don't intend it to reopen for a while). If this keeps up, then writing my story probably will be my sole reason for coming here.
  7. DudeNuva
    That's right, viewers. I'll be reviewing Kongu Inika, through a full, lenghy review.

    The Can:

    The canister is the same style as all of the ones we've seen through the staff reviews of Matoro, Jaller and Hewkii. This one has a Metru-Green cap, Kongu's sword, the blue zamor, and an awesome picture of Kongu himself on the front. Fairly simple, and my favorite part has to be the lightning.

    The back has a close-up of Kongu, a picture of Voya-Nui, and small portraits of the other Toa Inika.

    However, the most interesting part of the canister tends to be the top, which boasts a rack full of four blue-shaded Zamor Spheres and the light-up sword. This piece is actually two pieces, one being the green outer covering, and the other being a black base that holds these items.
    The Pieces:

    This shot is basically of all the pieces included in the set, ranging from his Kanohi Suletu, Mask of Telepathy, to his silver-tainted armor and feet.

    Some old pieces we've seen before; the two-socket connecters and the one-socket connectors. The two-socket connectors, however, never came in Metru-Green before.

    Some more familiar pieces, though these are harder to find; a Zamor Launcher, two Metru lower legs, and a Metru lower body.

    These pieces are entirely new. We have the two feet, which are primarily Metru-Green tainted with silver. We have the body piece, which resembles the Piraka torso. We have the two lower legs; these, however, are quite interesting, as they are the first to have a knee guard built in. This limits any unrealistic beinding, and adds a nice effect. Lastly, we have the chest armor, which consists of a swirl of green and silver.

    The new silver pieces; two shoulder armor pieces, two upper leg armor pieces, and Kongu's laser crossbow.

    Here we see Kongu's Zamor spheres, and the silver Zamor 'cage'. I especially like this piece, which holds all of the spheres in place. Though sometimes, the top one falls off, so be careful when tilting Kongu.
    In addition, the cage creates a top hold, thus surrounding the sphere in the launcher bay. Previously with the Piraka, the sphere was surrounded only by the sides and bottom. With the added top support, the sphere then shoots in a straight line until brought down by drag. To quote Dr. B:
    "This means you can shoot Vezok 3 times in exactly the same spot and give him one heck of a black eye."
    Which I ought to try...

    And the most questionable pieces of all; the 'blob' and Kongu's Suletu. Most seemed to either love or hate the 'mask on blob' concept immediately. I tended to like it. The mask fits comfortably upon the blob, which others were not so sure about.
    The Set:
    Here are some pictures in the building stages:



    Kongu's build is simple and straightforward. Though I must comment on the color scheme. I've seen Jaller and Matoro, both with a scheme of having the element colored armor and secondary-colored joints. On Kongu, this is the opposite, which had me a bit disappointed.
    I got over it after the set was done.

    Kongu is an awesome set, and very fun to pose. His light-up sword, which I unfortunately couldn't snapshot, is incredibly bright. Though as it's the same as Matoro's, just take Tom Dracone's say and pics. It's awesome.
    Therefore, I conclude that Kongu Inika is an awesome set. From the laser crossbow to the rapid-fire Zamor Launcher, I say that he's definitely worth it.
  8. DudeNuva
    My good friend, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, is currently in first place for the Mata-Nui S&T Contest Finals!!! Let us hope he pulls through with the win!
    Great work, Turakii.
  9. DudeNuva
    I just got Pridak yesterday, and I'm still not very sure of how I feel about him yet. He has many ups, yet many downs as well.
    To start, he has a large excession of blood on his face, much more than on teaser photos, which makes him seem more of a Ta-figure with white hair. Plus, the whole blood thing is just repulsive, and I'm sure that many other people think along the same lines.
    Then there's his feet. Heck, is he on a skiing trip?
    The Matoran swords on his upper arms greatly hinder his arm posability, but I fixed that by turning them around and placing them in the lowermost spot on the forearms.
    To the ups; Pridak has a joint directly in his waist, which connects the upper and lower bodies, which is great for posing and really gives him a fluid feel.
    He comes with four white double-joints, which will be very useful for MOCists; I myself with soon be building either a larger Takanuva or a Toa Kualus Hagah with these new parts. I've always needed those critical Ko-Toa pieces.
    There really isn't much else about him. I may dissemble him soon, in order to build the aforementioned Kualus. Overall, in my opinion, this isn't a very good set for a leader of the Barraki.
  10. DudeNuva
    I finally saw Dead Man's Chest yesterday, and it was an awesome movie. But I still can't believe how they're going to make the third movie if jack got eaten by a Kraken. O_o
    Anyway, it was really good.
    I like those moments... I like to wave at them as they pass by...
  11. DudeNuva
    Most people must not like Boromir or something, because ever since I made the theme change, no one has been commenting here. Except Tor.
    But hey, he comments on anything.
    Anyway... status report... I had an interesting weekend, the majority of which was spent simmering, typically while venting my anger into my new Star Destroyer and making it the most powerful in the galaxy. >8D
    And... the rest of my weekend was mainly playing Xbox.
    So yeah. The main deck of my Star Destroyer is complete. Working on getting it raised above the crew pits now. And then the outer wall goes on a curve around the bridge. Fun fun fun. XD
  12. DudeNuva
    If I counted correctly (which, chances are, I did ), then my Premier Membership will be expiring tomorrow... and besides, Dlakii said something about me getting PM on his birthday or whatever, so I must be right. XD
    That said, I consider my mission to be fufilled... I had a summertime of Bloggehness, which I didn't entirely use that much... which basically means that I won't be renewing Premierness again in the near future, if at all. But it was fun. I'll be reverting the Blog back to its original theme before I lose it. No good having Minas Tirith as my memorial.
    A few last updates. Check LGD tonight or tomorrow for a new film from Legosfilm Ltd.; I hate to say this, but it's not Imperial Inspection. It's another PSA, kinda, explaining why it's not Imperial Inspection. It's hard to explain. Just watch it when it comes out.
    Speaking of that film of death, it's still not even in the editing stages yet. But it will get done. Before 2009. That's all I can promise at this point. :annoyed2:
    And I know I said I was going to post the pics of my new Star Destroyer... look for those in LGD as well. And maybe some pictures of Kashyyyk, Echo Base, Mos Eisley, the new Death Star... lots of goodies.
    Since I can no longer use this as a base... or rather, a rarely-used base (I should call this place Dantooine... OOH! NEW BLOG NAME!), I'll just be... heh, a fleet on the move. Mainly in LGD. Which I've mentioned three times now...
    For now, ladies and gentlemen...
    Semper Fi.
  13. DudeNuva
    I have sustained yet another injury in my escapade of weapon-wielding. This one isn't as serious as the swordblade wound from Kung-Fu, but it's twice as odd.
    Okay, so you're all familiar with Indiana Jones, right? And you know he fights with a bullwhip.
    The sharp ones amongst yourselves already know where this is going, right?
    Anyway... I got curious. And no, I don not have a bull whip, but I do have a remarkably similar weapon like a rope (although my academy owns it.) I practiced cracking it, and I'm actually pretty good, but then, WHAP. Right across my chin. It's just a huge red mark, with a distinct whipcrack mark in the middle.
    Go ahead, tell me that I should be more careful.
    Okay, now, to the brass tacks:
    Oh wait... those were the brass tacks...
    Curse you, Turakii, for spreading these ellipses to me...
  14. DudeNuva
    Really, what are in those?
    Muahaha, double-entendre FTW. Anyway...
    - Still haven't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but I hope to see it tomorrow.
    - On the other hand, today I watched the complete Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was awesome... I'll be getting the trilogy for...
    - MY BIRTHDAY! June the 3rd... coming up in little more than a week. 15.
    - The calm before the storm, that's where I am. My classes have died down a bit recently, but Finals review is going to hit our laid-back class like a thunderbolt.
    - The pool was still freezing... summer is definitely not here yet.
  15. DudeNuva
    Actual content?
    Ever noticed how putting thoughtful and reflective content into your entry is basically reply suicide? (Although ToM seems to get away with it all the time, I wonder how he does it...)
    Anyway, here are some updates:
    I'm playing Lego Indy: TOA constantly... I just finished up Last Crusade last night, and after hearing the background music in those levels, I've decided that I'm getting the score. XD And I'm gathering up lots of bonuses and minifigures now, finally got a Treasure x2, it's all good...
    Finally making good progress with my movie. I recorded a lot of my own lines, and I'm still waiting on those of my three co-stars, then we need to go through and give it the special effects treatment as well, but at least I finished the first three minutes of it or so... for those who want an abstract sneak preview of Imperial Inspection, go check out the latest post in my Space Pirates topic. There be a link in one of them content blocks.
    My annoyance of past days subsided slightly, even though I didn't really accomplish what I was aiming for... I was able to get out with some friends today, which cheered me up somewhat.
    And finally, my job at a local recreational center has been confirmed and set in stone. Or paperwork. Or whatever. Anyway, it'll give a nice profit, I'm looking at about $550 by the end of it, only for 12 days of work. Not too shabby. That might pay for a UCS Milennium Falcon, or a large fleet of smaller LSW sets, or an Xbox 360 + Xbox Live, most likely the latter of these. Call of Duty 4 FTW.
    Let's end this entry on a survey.
    In my next movie (not the one I'm working on now, because it's already filmed and about halfway through post-pro), which of the following inter-dimensional visitors would you like to see walking the halls of the Death Star, or exploring the jungles of Kashyyyk, or perhaps braving the dangers of Mos Eisley? There are three choices:
    1.) Indiana Jones (and Henry Jones, Sr. and a bunch of Nazis) -- This could work well if we brought Han Solo in as well
    2.) Spiderman (and Doc Ock, and possibly Green Goblin)
    3.) Batman (going solo here)
    I'm leaning towards Indy myself.
  16. DudeNuva
    Seeing as the original topic died a short while ago, I've decided to create a topic within my blog to use for them now.
    It was a great shame that they had to be closed. But I think this "Entry/Topic" can serve as a worthy substitute. And it's better than a second topic, because here, I do the moderating.
    Anyways, guys; welcome to the new home base for CKH Comics.
    2/3/06-Introductory Comic: This small 6-panel comic explains, to some extent, how I got on Mata Nui, thus beginning the Crazy Koro Happenings Era.
    SAGA 1: Makuta's New Influence:
    Makuta has a trick up his sleeve to destroy Mata-Nui from within, starting with the two most threatful Koro, Le-Koro and Ta-Koro. Can the airheads from both villages stop the plot?
    2/16/06-Comic 1: The Rahkshi's New Style: The start of a Le/Ta-Koro saga. Everything is normal when suddenly, Takua runns through Turaga Vakama and, attracting Tamaru, starts up this whole mess. Let's see it.
    3/11/06-Comic 2: Captured...: At the same time, Tamaru is, as always, up to no good. Kongu is about to put a stop to it when an urgent message comes from Ta-Koro, sucking both Matoran into the trouble. Meanwhile, Jaller lays in a prison cell, lonely, until a mysterious Turaga is thrown in with him.
    3/21/06-Comic 3: Siege: The two Turaga gather up a strike team of possibly the worst teammates from their villages to rescue Jaller from the clutches of the evil Makuta. Tahu, unfortunately, volunteers to go as well.
    3/28/06-Comic 4: Rescue and Retrieval: Breaking in, the resuce group breaks out Jaller and the Turaga, now known as the Turaga of Takanuva. Before they leave, however, they need to find answers as to why Makuta is doing all of this. ToT is acting suspicious; does he know the secret?
    4/5/06-Comic 5: Makuta's Escape: DN has already gotten down to the bottom of the mystery, and charges in to talk with Makuta. It'll take a lot of brainpower and strength to get out now; no one has ever escaped Makuta. The team must get out, before Makuta makes them permanent residents.
    4/23/06-Comic 6: The True Plot Revealed...: DN and ToT finally get together, putting their various puzzle pieces into place. But by the time they discover Makuta's real plan... it has already started.
    5/8/06-Comic 7: On the Offensive: The Matoran of Ta-Koro and Le-Koro barely have enough time before they're attacked by Makuta's shadows. Le-Koro gets overwhelmed by Nui-Rama and Makuta personally sees to the destruction of the fortress of Ta-Koro. It will take the power of 7 Toa Nuva and a Turaga of Light to save Mata-Nui.
    7/8/06-Comic 8: The Final Battle: As the battle of Ta-Koro draws to a close, Makuta arrives in the midst of the battlefield, blowing aside our heroes. Right on que, DudeNuva and Dlakii arrive and jump to meet him. The final battle between the three is about to take place!
    7/16/06-Comic 9: New Beginnings, Lost Friends, More Morons...: The battle is over, Makuta is defeated. But Turaga Dlakii is nowhere to be found. As the celebrations continue over the island, DudeNuva can't join them yet.
    7/24/06-BONUS COMIC: Dlakii's Assignment: Dlakii isn't dead. He actually landed in Lewa's Landing, which is conveniently the location of some long-lost friends...
    4/30/06-Tamaru's 5-Step Plan to Take Over Mata-Nui: This is what Tamaru would have done to dominate the island. He ws fortunately stopped after step 2, but he still built a few good teleporters before his plan was busted.
    6/28/06-On the Run from the Pony Man!: Pohatu severely scares General Greivous with a simple, if not scary, request. GG fans will hate Pohatu for eternity now.
    More to come. As I said, this is not the end.
    So, with that said, please use this entry for anything related to CKH Comics.
  17. DudeNuva
    I just got Carapar today.
    He is awesome.
    I seriously think that this Barraki is the greatest of them all; he really captures the essence of sea-creature-ness from 2007.
    His bulk is in perfect accordance with his body size, too, and the Inika legs as his arms work perfectly. He comes with tons of Metru-gray pieces that were unavailable before, which is an added bonus.
    And his pincers are a definitely great weapon.
    Of all the Barraki I own, which has now gotten to four, I have to say Carapar takes the cake. He completely represents the year 2007 himself.
    Way to go, Carapar. Go tell Pridak to fall into an underwater ditch.
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