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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
    Okay, on a more serious note;
    The homework over the last week was huge, so I was basically kept from BZP again. But now I'll be online a lot more.
  2. DudeNuva
    I know it's not 2007 for five hours, but all the same, Happy New Year.
    I don't know about you, but I'm staying up until 2:00 tonight. Heck, I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow. Maybe I'll just work on my spriting and watch TV.
  3. DudeNuva
    Darth Vader: Ah, so I see you took my advice and came to DudeNuva's Fortress. You are all fools. If you watched my movies, you'd know I trick lots of people, and you as well. I tricked you into coming. Now, I will use the power of the Dark Side-
    *Someone lights a candle*
    AAAHHH!!! It burns!!!!
    Silly Vader! Diabolical tricks are for smart people, not iron-lung villains! If you watched your movies, you'd see you got yourself killed!
    Did not! I was a hero!
    In case you haven't noticed, this is MY blog.
    Oh yeah.

    Anyways, enough skits. Time for today's bloggerific entry!
    Okay, so today was my last day of school, and now I'm free to goof off all summer. I plan to use this summer for many things:
    1.) Continuing my unslaught of stories.
    2.) Making my first-
    You weren't supposed to tell them about that.
    Shut up, Vader.
    But he's right, I wasn't going to tell you that. Anyway:
    3.) Making more LEGO Star Wars diaramas. In case you don't know, check out my Brickshelf for a full-scale Star Destroyer starship hangar. I'm planning more things in that area.
    4.) Growing my collection of LSW minifigs and 2006 sets.
    And that's pretty much all you have to know.
    Thus ends today's entry that was half-hearted.
    Didn't sound half-hearted.
    Time to do my workout video! 1, 2, 3, 4,-
  4. DudeNuva
    Darth Vader: I am going to destroy DudeNuva. He has not included me in his AC12 entry like he promised.
    Dude, I never said you'd be in it. I said you would be somewhere inside here:

    That be my Death Star final sketch, matey. You like it?
    I think it's horrible. It has not I, nor the Emporer, nor my awesome spaceship.
    And one more thing; look forward to a MOC that will most definitely mark me as 'Obsessed With VeggieTales'!
    ~Cap'n DN~
  5. DudeNuva
    For those of us who are Americans, let's all celebrate Independence Day!
    O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
    What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
    O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
    O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
    On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
    Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
    What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
    In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
    'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
    O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand
    Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation;
    Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
    Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
    Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
    And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
  6. DudeNuva
    Time for some shameless advertising!
    GO HERE NOW!!!
    And don't forget to post, because I'm too lazy and not interested enough in Sonic to do so!
    Oh yeah, one more thing.
    After all, he's the one who thought up shameless advertising. (ugh, I feel so shameless...)
  7. DudeNuva
    I've been stuck with "Some Purple Guy" for almost thirty days, but these days couldn't have gone by slower! Ever since I thought of a new, positively gold name on Monday during Spanish class (just... just don't ask...), I've been striving to reach today. But of course, it has to be exactly at 6:30, which leaves another hour of purpley torture!! *pulls hair out*
    And I don't know why I keep stressing on words!!!
  8. DudeNuva
    ... of room.
    Greetings, fellow cool dudes of BZP.
    I know, I am cool. B)
    Curse these word filters. >_<
    Anyways, DN is going to make a crossover with me for AC12! I'll be a star!
    But we all know that Turakii is going to conquer with her Spork.
    Oh, you mean DJ Funkdaddy McSpork?
    No, don't even talk about that. O_o
    I feel like I'm getting ripped off of a Blog entry.
    Maybe you are.
    Nah, that can't be right.
    Why do I feel like some kind of low-budget cereal-box comic?
    What do you expect, you're a Blog entry.
    Okay, I should end this entry before it gets stock lowerage. For all who care, I'm trying to enter AC12 and AC12b.
    What about-
    ~DudeNuva Ooh Ooh and Darth Vader!~
  9. DudeNuva
    DN's back.
    No, seriously. I just kicked Captain Antilles in the can for not doing anything for three straight weeks. Can't let fictional characters run your blogs anymore...
    *looks at Turakii's blog*
    And yet...
    Well, yeah, you get the picture. I've changed my name back (and due to friendly advice, am never changing it to something without "DudeNuva" in it again, mind you), and now, hopefully, will be returning on a gradually normal basis.
    I won't go into details about that.
    Now, I've noticed quite a few things, including the death of my comics topic, and I've pretty upset that I missed so much. I plan to get back on top of things.
    Well, I'm off to convince TMN that I won't kill him for letting DNComics die on his shift. Seeyah!
    P.S.- I'll try to answer my PMs over the next few days, starting with the more important ones.
    I guess this applies to all 14 of you.
  10. DudeNuva
    I can't believe I let that DudeNuva steal an entry from me. That's not honor...able-ful.
    Anyways, I was looking through the Galactic Internet when I saw something from this planet!
    A new game, with me as a LEGO! For some reason, I've always wanted to be a LEGO. BTW, don't you guys here at BZP really like LEGO Bricks, right?
    Anyways, it's a game for most platforms, and it's really cool. I can't ait to get it and play through all the levels with me in it!
    By the way, we have my Super Star Destroyer docked on Neptune, and as soon as the game arrives in September, we'll get it! That means I'll be here for a long time... MUAHAHAHHAA!!!
  11. DudeNuva
    I just thought of a game that will keep Blog-viewers entertained!
    Note: Uncanny resemblance to COT game included.
    Anyways, here's the game. I say a name relating to Bionicle, be it a character, location, object, etc.... for example, DudeNuva. Then you have to come up with a name beginning to the last letter of the last word in that term. For example, Avak.
    In the event we run out of names for a letter, I start the game over. But you have virtually all of Bionicle to work, so I highly doubt we'll run out.
    Okay, let the games begin! We'll start with...
  12. DudeNuva
    Seriously, this is the third year in a row we got snow days or delays on Valentine's Day! And we even have another delay today! It's so awesome!!!
    Darth Vader: We don't get snow in space. :angry:
    And... this loser is back, again. Just try to ignore him, though.
    Darth Vader: What? How dare you- ~DudeNuva~ -get this thing off me!
  13. DudeNuva
    As the title suggests, I am very, very bored right now. >_<
    I feel like writing some kind of new comedy, but my brain is kinda on "standby", and I can't get through a beginning paragraph without laughing in frustration (as odd as that sounds) because the story is so stupid.
    TCOF needs to be updated, but I really don't feel like writing a 1,500 word+ chapter that I don't have heart in, because then the whole story will just crash.
    The Comic Emporium hasn't seen any replying activity in a week now; that may be because of the lack of comics, but some people haven't commented on the last five anyhow.
    Half of my friends on here seem to have imploded, or else been abducted, or stuffed into a pinata, so I haven't had a conversation with anyone in... hm, six days, yep. This isn't helped by the fact that most of my remaining correspondents haven't sent a PM in a long time.
  14. DudeNuva
    My Premier Membership will be expiring on the eleventh, and I may not even be online to create another entry. (Mind you, my last one was weeks ago.) So, just in case I don't, I want to say farewell to the Bloggy or, as I've come to know it as, the Object... y.
    However, that isn't my last news. Unfortunately, soon, I may also be saying farewell to BZP itself.
    A lot of factors have influenced me to think this; for those of you who know me well (probably all two of you, nowadays), you probably already know what these reasons are. My decision is not final, but regardless, I know that I'll be gone from BZP for at least until July, or until something happens which makes me return earlier.
    As I've said, I may return in a few weeks, I may return in a month or two, or I may never return at all. If that be the case, and I'm not returning...
    Commemorate the Pirate Captain Noodle Magician Dude Antilles Nuva.
    As of now, Crazy Metru Happenings and DudeNuva's Comic Emporium are officially canceled, never to be continued in any instance. The Cost of Freedom may continue in the event I return, but this is undecided. So for those of you who've been frequently asking for the next chapter in CMH... use your imaginations.
    Well, lads and lasses, I'll hopefully be seeing you later.
    I'll be contacting some people later on, so don't think that I'm leaving without personally saying good-bye to friends, savvy?
  15. DudeNuva
    Opening quotes...
    King Neptune: For the crime of sinking Atlantis, Cosmo, you will be fed to the Kraken.
    Timmy: Oh, come on! That seems like a pretty harsh punishment for sinking Atlantis one time!
    Cosmo: Actually, I sank it nine times.

    So, I would tell you about the stuff I got for Christmas, but it's way too much, and barely any of it is LEGO. So instead I'll inflate my ego.
    I'll begin writing comedies again sometime in January. For now, I'm on vacation. But I realize the situation set by Exo, that the comedies forum barely has comedies anymore. I can change that.
    But not right now.
    I'll create my new comic emporium in January, too.
    Oh yeah, Turakii gave me an idea for my next username: "Some Purple Guy".
  16. DudeNuva
    School doesn't start in two days.
    Get out.
    Yeah, I've been gone for... eh, two weeks now. I have gotten nothing done in that time, save for my summer reading, which you wouldn't be interested in at all. Heck, I wasn't.
    So yeah, DudeNuva-wise, I've not done anything.
    Oh, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Get out.
  17. DudeNuva
    *walks in under guise of a potted plant*
    Maybe I should make an entry now, after... 18 days...
    Anyways, here's what's new in DN's life.
    Firstly, DudeNuva's Comic Emporium recently opened in the Artwork III forum, and it is the new home of both DNComics 2 and CKH Comics. I encourage all to visit.
    Secondly, I posted a new comedy a week ago named "The Toa of Fire Applications", which I also encourage you to read if you are tired of reading bad comedies.
    And that's it for BZP, now let's get on to real life.
    To explain the title of this entry.... Last night, during one of my Kung-Fu training sessions (for those of you who don't know from reading Turakii's blog, I'm a third-degree black belt), I... well, I had a bit of an accident. >_< I was in fake-combat with one of the purple belts; he had a staff, myself a sword (though it was a bit on the dull side [for the practice], so I still have no idea how it happened). Anyways, during the practice, the sword was hit the wrong way and sent flying into the inside of my lower knee.
    So now I have a two-inch long scar. It really didn't hurt much when I got it, but because of its location, it makes going from a standing to sitting position a right pain. :annoyed2: (though half of that problem may be because of the horribly inept band-aid that is on it).
    What annoys me so much is that
    1.) I was fighting a purple belt
    2.) I inflicted the scar with my own sword and I don't even know how.
    3.) It really isn't a serious injury in general, but the way it happened makes it worse.
    So, yeah, I'm kinda annoyed.
    Now, what else is new...
    Oh yeah:
    I recently bought Ehlek (who is awesome), and I also built two Mahritoran from my own pieces; one white, one blue. I would provide pics, but my camera is currently... acting weird.
    And that's it. Hope you enjoyed my ramblings.
  18. DudeNuva
    Vader said I could do this one, as long as it somewhat involved him.
    Anyway, I was looking around the Net, and I found this!
    A Mini-site for LEGO Star Wars II!
    I'm very excited abuot all of the things it says here, and can't wait until the game is released this fall!
  19. DudeNuva
    And no, I'm not talking about the musical. Chicago: The Musical is just all-out psychopathical. Like Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker. Except instead of a guy with a purple coat and war paint, it's a bunch of... you know what, how about I stop now and get to the point.
    So Torhuki just flew off to Chicago for his trip to that Lego Discovery Center or whatever, which is an amusement park of some sort. There's also a Lego Store there. I WANT TO BE THERE.
    He even has a chance of meeting Avohkah Tamer. I really want to be there.
    And guess what? I am going there. OVER HALLOWEEN. Which isn't at all helpful. And the worst part is, I was gonna go out as The Joker this Halloween. Even though I'm 15. The Joker is awesome.
    Whoa. This blog entry is oddly interconnected so far.
    So anyway, I'm heading in the same direction as him, except I'm going far from Chicago after I get there, to South Bend, to visit a cousin who attends Notre Dame University. And while we're briefly in Chicago, I might try to persuade my parents to go to that Lego Store. Woohoo.
    Ready for the final interconnection? The Dark Knight was partially filmed in Chicago. Avohkah Tamer will back me up, methinks. And The Joker's in that movie. See, this is incredibly strange.
    That is all. As you were, gents.
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