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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Being the football fan that I am, I'm psyched about the new upcoming Disney film, Invincible.
    It's about a player of the Philadelphia Eagles football team, Vince Papale. Who, incidentally, actually grew up right near me!
    I can't wait to see it. It just has so many ties to my town's history, so I think it'll be awesome.
    Hm... what else can I use this entry for...
    Oh yeah, a not-so-public public service message! If you read this, stop by the Chronicles of Le-Koro for a new chapter, and DN's Comics for some new comics!
    Thank you for your time. *Hears crickets chirping*
  2. DudeNuva
    Hola! Wan Pablo. <insert more Spanish phrases here because DudeNuva is too lazy to write more of what he learned>
    Anyways, I really can't believe I haven't written anything in this Blog for ten days! But as most of you know, I've had limited time, due to more schoolwork and my grounding. I'm aiming for more mass updates in all of my topics this weekend.
    I have two Inika reviews, one Titan review, plenty of DNComics, the first in the new series of CKH Comics, several new chapters in my comedies, and much, much more!
    So be ready for lots of DN awesomeness this weekend!
    Closing question; what would you rather? A 'blog topic' to use for CKH Comics, or a fresh new official topic?
  3. DudeNuva
    Everyone knows I'm in
    Over my head!
    Hence the title.
    But yeah, a lot of things are happening that make me say that. The most important of which is the departure of my long-time buddy, Sir TMN, the ex-author of my comics. I needed him to help me with stuff, and now I can't contact him. >_<
    Then there's the problem that I can't continue any stories until I settle with DNComics 2, which I had planned to start... last week. And with no stories, my reputation as a great comedy writer is going downhill very quickly.
    My homework is piling up, and I have limited time here anyway; most of my spare time tonight will be spent trying to fix a problem completely unrelated to BZP.
    And then, I haven't PMed any of my friends for over a week.
    HELP ME!!!
  4. DudeNuva
    Prepare for one of the longest and most random entries you'll ever see in DudeNuva's Object.
    Okay, let's start out with a quote:
    "He spent 9 years in a labor camp in Ti... Tibe... Tibequador!"--Timmy Turner
    Now then, to my ramblings.
    Okay, so I was in math class today. It was my last class. And through the whole day, I'd been hiccuping like mad. I was doing fine with them, actually.
    Me and my friend had wandered onto the topic of Canadian bacon. We're not sure how we got there, but were pretty sure it had to do with the bottle of Canadian water we mauled. Anyhow, we were paying no attention to class. And I was in the middle of saying "bacon" when I had this huge hiccup. Every single person in the room looked at my friend. He pointed at me, but I pointed back.
    Then for five minutes afterwards, we were laughing really hard, and I had laughed so long that I had actually lost my hiccups!
    So, DN's wise words of wisdom: if you have really bad hiccups, starting talking about Canadian bacon. They'll stop after a megahiccup and a few minutes of laughing.
    What this has to do with anything, I do not know.
    Next; I'm planning on restarting CKH's sequel, which as yet is being called "Crazy Metru Happenings", though that could change easily. I wrote a prequel to the sequel (which really happens during the original) called The Ride of the Ponies, without competition one of the most random stories I've written.
    And that's it. I'll leave you with another quote:
    "Those people are trying to kill us-"
    "I know, Dad!"
    "Well, this is a new experience for me!"
    "It happens to me all the time..."--Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  5. DudeNuva
    Just got done with my Comedies rounds... reported some spam, wrote some reviews, addressed noobs about the Comedies Standards...
    Anyways, I'll try to write entries a lot more often now. But oncce again, I changed the colors and the name, to fit my new Antilles theme.
    To inform those of you who don't know, Captain Antilles is the leader of Alderaan's Rebellion Fleet in Star Wars Episodes III and IV. He's also featured in Lego Star Wars II as the first player in the game.
    ~Captain Antilles~
    (BTW, I'll only sign off like that in my own Blog and Blogs of others. On the forum, I'm always DN.
    Well, I'm always DN, but...
    Oh, you get the point.
    Talking in parentheses is fun! )
  6. DudeNuva
    Caution: Do not read if you have severe thrill issues.
    You have been warned.
    To start off this entry, I'll say one thing; my science teacher is awesome.
    We were experimenting with liquid nitrogen today, the hypercooled gas that makes up most of our atmosphere. He poured some into a glass, then put some random things in there to see its effects on the objects.
    The hot dog turned into glass. He dropped it onto the table and starting randomly peting slabs of beef at us.
    But let's not get into that...
    He also froze a water balloon, a superball, his water bottle, and lots of others.
    Then he told us all to go out into the hallway for the best part. He actually dmped the whole tank of nitrogen out into the hallway, where it flooded the whole hall with the gas and made everyone in the other classes scream "Oh my gosh, it's a fire! " Then we laughed when they came outside and saw it was us.
    That's it, really.
    Oh, and in LA, I wrote this story about a guy named Mr. Greene, who was interviewing another guy. My friend said to add more life-like stuff to the story, to replace all the dialogue. So I randomly put in this:
    Suddenly a teacher burst in to the room. "Mr. Greene, your son just died!"
    "Hold on, I'm in the middle of an interview!"
    Other parts like birds flying into windows and cars crashing into trees were later put in.
    That was my random fit for today, now take your laughter and go. :wakeup2:
  7. DudeNuva
    I can Blog five times as fast now.
    Although you really wouldn't notice it that much, anyway. So it's kinda pointless.
    In other news...
    100th Blog Entry in DudeNuva's Object!!!
    Can I get a booyah?
  8. DudeNuva
    Anyone ever seen Family Guy: Blue Harvest? It's a Star Wars parody.
    (After looking at the burning mass that was John Williams and the LSO) "Oh my god! John Williams! Just great, now we have to do the rest of this thing with Danny Elfman."
    The funniest part is when Chris lightsabers his head off in the middle of the Market Street theme. XD
    Anyway, moving on...
    STILL haven't seen Crystal Skull. On the other hand, as previewed by the above random reference, I just received two soundtracks for my incoming birthday: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. I can't wait to listen to them, but of course I need to wait until Tuesday to open them...
    *walks off humming the Imperial March*
    Oh, and for those that watch my LSW films, I'm nearly done principal photography on my latest project. It took so long because there's a HUGE battle scene in it.
  9. DudeNuva
    Ha! I got your attention!
    Yeah, I tried to get people to comment in my epic by saying that there was dancing monkeys wearing sombreros jumping through rings of fire. As soon as I posted the next chapter and said that, I had 3 replies.
    Anyway, I just did some bloggish renovations; take a look around! You'll notice the new category links farther down the page, as well as a DO policy in the intro block.
    Read the policy. You'll likey.
  10. DudeNuva
    Cee Estee, one of the greatest members on BZP, left in a whoosh of his own memorable style, but creating a goodbye topic and a spam topic.
    Let's all spend a few minutes remembering the great deeds he did for us...
    We salute you. Ceeya, Cee.
  11. DudeNuva
    Yeah, I did.

    It's a drawing of my friend, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. I haven't drawn something in quite a while, so taken into consideration, this is a fair example of my skills.

    EDIT: And here's one of me!
    [/billy Quote]
  12. DudeNuva
    Yeah, I kinda forgot about this both last Monday and the previous one... so yeah, here's another newly retitled Bloggish Thing of the Inordinate Times.
    BTotIT #2: How many Blogs are posted at the top of your Community Page? Who are the owners of these blogs?
    Have fun and stuff.
    ~DudeNuva: All-American Noodle~
  13. DudeNuva
    That is all.
    Nah, not really. Here's the more important news; Darth Vader tried to rip my arm off after he found out that Antilles was in the Blog, mainly because he thought I was Captain Antilles risen from the dead to persue an everlasting vengeance on him. That, or he wanted my cookie.
    He's mean. :angry:
    Darth Vader: It had chips in it!
    Shut up, you're in Time-Out.
    ~Captain Antilles~
  14. DudeNuva
    Things are going better and more smoothly. I may be allowed return by after this weekend. But not sure, though.
    I apoligize for not answering any PMs prior to my departure. I'll try to get back to everyone as soon as possible.
    Wish me luck.
  15. DudeNuva
    I finished my AC13 entry draft; I'm not sure if I'll be making changes after this, but I won't be entering it yet.
    Here it is: entry draft.
  16. DudeNuva
    I just got Barraki Kalmah, and I'm telling you, this guy doesn't disappoint! His head design with the three eyes is really cool, and the two tentacles, when measured together, are 14 inches long!
    So now I'm entertaining myself with duels between Ehlek and Kalmah.
    On a completely different note; I expected BZP to be vacant because of the Super Bowl, but I guess the members here just don't like football.
    The Colts are up by two now, so I'm gonna get back to the game. Seeya later.
    *disappears in a puff of purple smoke*
  17. DudeNuva
    Did you know it's illegal to say that in theatres?
    Yeah, that was my random fact for today.
    For those of you who were expecting actual entertainment, go here instead. Plus, if you reply, I'll give you a cookie.
    Nah, not really.
  18. DudeNuva
    10/10 for originality.
    Anyways, I'm leaving to go to my other house at the shore. Where I can hang out at the pool for hours on end. Yay pools!
    But it looks like it's about to rain. Which happens every weekend when we decide we're going down.
    But rain is awesome. I love going in the pool during rainstorms. Until thunder comes. Then we stay for a few more minutes until the lightning actually comes.
    And I'm really close to getting Matoro Inika.
    Hm... what else should I say in this really pointless entry?
    Hm. Yep, that's it. :wakeup2:
    *Llamas a'splode *
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