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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    So I recently got a new skate ramp and my friend came over with his deck. We were doing some stuff on it and then I screwed up and went flying. I landed on my back and right arm, and then I fell twice more and landed on my foot. So I have a sprained foot, I think a fractured bone, and I just did something to my neck. I am so not doing gym class tomorrow.
    If you want to see sorta what I did, here's my friend Joey doing a slightly less painful version of it: Boom.
  2. Tak-E
    A new thing has come to blogs. Munkies! So far you can adopt either one of them. They need to be placed where people can see them so they may smile and wave. We are searching for other colors as we speak. To adopt, simply fill out the form below: NEW COLORS FOUND! Green, Purple, White, and Black Munkies are available with the Brown ones.
    Munkie Name:
    Left or Right Munkie:
    Munkie Color:
    Your Name:
    Your Blog Link:





  3. Tak-E
    Well, most of my friends have started school by now. But I still haven't. I'm not home schooled or anything; I just start school on September 8th instead.
    So I just wanna ask as a question of the day - How is school going for you? Is it better or worse than previous years, and do you have high or low expectations for it?
  4. Tak-E
    July 5th, Drake Bell is coming to within an hour of my house.
    For a free concert.
    Do you know how psyched I am?
    He's like, my idol! His music is revolutional, and he's an amazing and inspiring guitarist!
    So, my question of the day is, who is your idol, and why? (Outside of family.)
    But that's really all that mattered to me today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
    Edit: Two things. For one, we can't make the concert because my dad has a bulging disk in his back that won't even let him move...Blah.
    Second, my Premier Membership has at last run out, and on the Fourth of July, at that! So for a bit the blog will be lacking. But tomorrow morning I'm gonna get up nice and early and throw in the envelope for Premier Membership. I'll be back within the next two weeks, hopefully.
  5. Tak-E
    Something interesting about the new Fall Out Boy single "What a Catch, Donnie" that I found was the fact that the background tracks of other songs aren't sung by FOB. They are actually the lead singers from a ton of other bands that were singing them. Here's a list.
    * Elvis Costello - "Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet"
    * Gabe Saporta (Midtown), (Cobra Starship) - "Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy"
    * Travis McCoy (Gym Class Heroes) - "Sugar, We're Goin' Down"
    * Brendon Urie (Panic at the Disco) - "Dance, Dance"
    * Doug Neumann (Doug Does) - "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
    * Alex DeLeon (The Cab) - "Thnks fr th Mmrs"
    * William Beckett (The Academy Is...) - "Growing Up"
    Oh, and a fun little fact for ya', their album has been moved to December 16th. Same day as the new All-American Rejects album.
    P.S. How do you like the new color?
  6. Tak-E
    Hey, everybody! It's been a long time! A really long time! I just wanted to update you on a few things, and explain why you never see me posting, blogging, or PMing anymore.
    I've transferred out to a public high school, and now am in a ton of choirs and show choirs in the school. It keeps me very busy. I've also increased my social life highly, and am working toward getting sing lessons and a job soon. This is all keeping me from BZPower. I will no long really be posting anymore. I might respond to PMs, but if you need to reach me (emphasis on "need"), email me at phillipar33@gmail.com. Since I don't have much time for BZP anymore, I'm also no longer paying for Premier Membership.
    To all of my close friends here, it's been a wonderful ride, and I don't love anyone here any less than I did when I sorta dropped off the face of the earth.
    Legend Kitana
    Toa Zeo of Ice
    Toa Omaga of Ice
  7. Tak-E
    I'm thinking of setting internation days for you. You'll get your own banner and every day it's a different member, and everyone can add it into their sig. I need at least seven members in order to do this, so just let me know. All members that join must wear the banners for the days.
  8. Tak-E
    I know, right? First thing you noticed! I didn't use •'s in my title! that's because they were in the Wall•E name. I just saw the movie, as you might be able to tell by my avatar and banner. And I'm in love with it! Wall•E and Eve are undoubtedly the most amazing couple in the history of, well...EVER! So yeah, that's pretty much it.
    Question of the day: Did you see Wall•E? What were your thoughts?
    P.S. Yes, I am aware of the environmentalist and other implications of the movie. I don't care, I choose to ignore them.
  9. Tak-E
    This morning, for once in a million days, I'm stuck at home with a fever. Nothing severe, but it was strong enough to crash me yesterday. I decided to stay home from school so I could recuperate. As I was semi-sleeping on the couch (meowing kittens outside were keeping me up - more on those cuties later), I got a text from my good friend who moved out to LA recently.
    "Did u hear the news bout steven curtis chapmans daughter?"
    That's what my friend asked me. Naturally I replied no and waited for an answer, but nothing came. So just now, as I log onto my dad's laptop - the only working computer in our house thanks to me - and I go into Mozilla Firefox (don't you IE fans get up in my face about that), I see what my friend had been talking about. Our homepage is set to the Fox News website. And in the major headlines, it said this:
    "Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, 5, killed after being struck by SUV driven by her teen brother at family's Tennessee home."
    And I cried. Now, granted, it's not easy for me to break into tears, but it's one heart wrenching story. And not only that, but I can't even imagine the guilt that this boy is feeling.
    So my question of the day to you is what do you think you would do in this situation? How would you feel? Would you ever be able to forgive yourself for doing something like this? Or if you were a parent, could you ever forgive your child for doing this?
    If you'd like to hear more about this, you can either read the story here or listen to a radio interview with Steven Curtis Chapman here.
    Note: Radio interview, as far as I've listened, is just an interview with Steven Curtis Chapman, and was done before the accident.
  10. Tak-E
    Yeah, so it's around eleven o'clock last night and it started raining so I pulled the screen out of my window so I could let my feet hang over the edge and get wet. However, I heard something move in the bushes so I pulled my legs in and leaned over the edge. My window ledge was slippery from the water on it and I, oddly enough, slipped and started to fall out the window. I reached up in vain and caught the edge of the window ledge. And that is the amazing story of my little trip. I'm fine now, but my cold that I have got worse.
  11. Tak-E
    So I recently lost a sister to the deadly grasp of college, and since then I've been depressed and pushing away from people. But I thought that I might let you all in on something that I've been keeping in the dark for a while.
    I love being in a relationship, treating a girl with love and affection, and being loved back. So way back in Feb. I asked this girl to be my girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and she said yes. About two weeks later she wanted to break up with me because people were telling me stuff I was asking her but that she wasn't telling me. After that I had one other girlfriend, who had used me for the sake of saying that she had a boyfriend. It's been about three or four months since I've had a girlfriend now, and I've been on and off depressed. I had a lot of friends before that I was confiding all of this in, but it became so overwhelming and I became so depressed that they wanted nothing to do with me and all pushed away from me, pushing me further into depression. I didn't do anything drastic, but I was very alone. The last remaining friends of mine were starting to spend less time with me and more time with their boyfriends and girlfriends and their other friends. As of right now, I have about three friends who I can really talk to. Other than that, I feel totally alone. And the worst part is that I've longed for a loving relationship and I haven't been able to get one. And it's been pushing me further into depression everyday. And was friends with a lot of girls, but then someone started a rumor that the only reason I did that was for... *ahem* ...yeah. Which was not ture, I just think that a lot of guys are rude and stuff and that girls are more caring and more understanding. So now everything's shot me right down.
    If you're a square because you are professional, then if you're not professional would you be called a circle? And in that case, which is better?
  12. Tak-E
    Well, I'm back. It wasn't as long as an absence as last time, luckily. (My last unexpected take of leave was for a period of months.) But, not much has happened in the past days. The only thing of interest was going up to Wisconsin to visit a soda bottling plant. My dad took me up because he had to go and deliver some of his formulas to the plant manager. They package the Wallgreens bottle sodas, which apparently my dad formulated - which is the reason we have so much of it in my fridge. So next time any of you stop by Wallgreens, pick up one of their Deerfield Gorumet Sodas from their fridge section and let me know what you think of them.
    But that's all that really mattered to me. This is Tak•E, signing out.
  13. Tak-E
    I've been awake for a while now.
    You've got me feeling like a child now.
    'Cause every time I see your bubbly face,
    I get the tingles in a silly place.
    It starts in my toes,
    And I crinkle my nose.
    Wherever it goes I'll always know,
    That you make me smile.
    Please stay for a while now.
    Just take your time,
    Wherever you go.
    This is actually a song that is special to me. I'm sure a lot of you know it. If not, go and look for it.
    No question of the day today. But if someone wants to give me a good bedtime story, I'm down with that.
  14. Tak-E
    So I was riding my bike and I rode down the hill to get to the horse stable next door (my friend who's a junior is the son of the owners, so he goes there a bit and we hang out). As he's getting in his car, I head down the really long downhill driveway, which is just like mine, gravel included. However, I ran into this deep patch of gravel and the bike slid out to the right. I got pinned under it. I got back up and my knee was bleeding, I could tell. My gears came loose on my bike, too. So I walked it over to the side as a horse trailer came up the driveway and I hooked them back up. Then I got back on and tucked my jeans into my sandels so they wouldn't get caught in the gears, and I headed down the driveway in front of my friend, his parents, and his sister who is a bit over a year younger than me. I then turned right and went down the road for a minute and went back onto my driveway, and they turned right and went home. Once they were out of view, I pulled up my jeans on my left knee and just stared at my leg.
    It was totally ripped up, right under my knee cap it was all cut up and there was a small trickle of blood going down my leg. I took a picture of it but not sure if I can post it here. Lol. Anyway, So I went back up to my house, took the picture, cleaned up the wound, and have been on the couch ever since.
    The End.
  15. Tak-E
    As I woke up today and yesterday, I found myself in utter shock that I wasn't leaping up or getting yelled at for not getting ready for school. The feeling itself was bittersweet. For one thing, no more school for three months! (Yes, I literally get three months. I don't go back till September 8th.) For another thing, I get to sleep in all summer. That's an upside, but it doesn't really matter that much; I don't need much sleep - I nap. But then there was one thing that had me in tears even as I was signing yearbook. I live forty-five minutes away from my school, and most of my good friends live out there, or the same distance in the other direction. For the next three months, I'll barely be able to see all of my good friends, or my friends, or my sorta friends, or even my mortal enemies.
    So my question of the day is this: now that school's over, what do you miss about it? Friends, relationships, the funny moments, the inside jokes? The categories go on and on.
    In other news, I'll be changing my main color to red very soon. So keep an eye out for the switch!
    We're in summerland. Let rock be rock, and live and let love.
  16. Tak-E
    Some of you may remember a long time ago, I posted a blog entry about my Rewind mixes that I was making. Well, that was a long time ago, and I think I'm gonna finish that long overdue project. I have my first two mixes up. Even though they have some retarded songs, they still are pretty good.
    I'll post more on it later. Oh, and the revamp on the blog has begun.
  17. Tak-E
    Well, The All-American Rejects's first single was released today from their new album When The World Comes Down. But you can't download it yet...
    However, I got it. I do that a lot, don't I? I can't say the name of the single, but for the next 24 hours, if you're a member on their site, it's streaming on there. I ripped a pretty clean version of the song, so if anyone wants it, post a comment or drop me your email.
  18. Tak-E
    Perhaps that will be my next color? The red reminds me of blood too much. Also, if none of you have heard the song Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin, I highly suggest looking it up. It's very good.
    Well, after a semi-absence, I've returned to BZP for the last few weeks before school starts. It's pretty...normal, actually. The only thing I'm waiting for is trying to decide what new phone I should get. Lol.
    I'm on T-Mobile, any ideas?
  19. Tak-E
    As of 8:32:47 Central Time (Chicago), I am officially fifteen. I'm posting this right now, because technically it's the last...now twelve minutes...of my actually birthday. It was pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. Friends, cake, gifts, and even some reflecting. With age comes wisdom, after all.
    So, my question of the day, or more so night, is what was one of your most memorable birthdays, and what made it like that? Comments and replies go in the reply box down below. This is Taki, wishing you all a happy birthday for me, to me. Night.
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