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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    No, this isn't an entry about Green Day's Time of Your Life. But it is about a band whose Wikipedia entry I was just editing.
    As of July 21st, 2008 - Boys Like Girls has announced that they have a new album slated for this year.
    Added to the albums of The All-American Rejects, Plain White T's, Drake Bell, and the High School Musical 3 soundtrack, it sounds like I'll have no lack of music this school year.
  2. Tak-E
    That's what my dad said to me as we were driving in the car this morning. Of course I smiled and said thanks, but I didn't really know what I was supposed to say to that. I mean, sure I could've gone, "Thanks, you're a great dad." But it doesn't mean the same thing coming back after he says I'm the good son first.
    So the question of the day is, have you ever heard something like this from your parents, and what did it make you feel like?
  3. Tak-E
    Last night I went out with my folks to see the new Prince Caspian movie. It was amazing, to say the least. I don't really want to post a review for you guys, but I don't want to reveal any spoilers. So when I say you'll love the part at the end that you see coming the whole movie, you'll have to take my word for it. Actually, there was a song at the end of the movie which I liked a lot. It's called "The Call" (talk about irony) by Regina Spektor. It's calm, so nothing special. But it's unique and powerful in its own way.
    So my question of the day is, if you had to pick a song - one song - that you listen to that gives you hope and encouragement, or that you just think is special and unique, what would it be and why?
    And to continue from my previous entry, yesterday Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter was laid to rest, and her memorial service attracted over 700 people. Keep these people in your prayers, guys.
  4. Tak-E
    I'm gonna be revamping my blog in a few days. Maybe tonight if I get bored. Lol. But I need a new display picture. That's the biggest thing. And it has to be of me in a red shirt. I'll just wear a red shirt to my friend's house tonight. That works.
    Summer's been...good? Bad? I'm not exactly sure right now. It's been interesting. Two weeks in and already it's all weird. But no matter what, I promised myself that I will never go back to how I was last summer. (Wondering what I was like last summer? Go back to 2007 summer blog posts and most likely I'll sound retarded.)
    So, my question of the day for you guys is, how's your summer going so far? Better than expected? Worse than expected? Or are you still waiting for your expectations?
    But that's really all that mattered to me today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  5. Tak-E
    New personal pic. Let me know what you think. I was just really bored. Note that the two posts for today are like, really early in the morning.
  6. Tak-E
    All week long we're having an International Member Day for members who signed up for it in my blog. All members who will be in it need to support the other member's banners.
    Today our member is frankin-kal-96. While some consider him a priest, we know him better as a clan-starting state fair-going kinda guy. One of his best things this summer was going to the state fair. and doing all kinds of amazing things; Indian dancing, black hole suction, and rock concerts. This guy has it made and is living large. He, knowing how stupid the entire world is, has a map of the world in his blog.

    And now for the banner for today:

    Okay, ready guys? Anyone who wants to can put this in their signature. Participants in this project must. Also, no credit is needed for using this banner. Just don't edit the code.
  7. Tak-E
    Good morning, good morning, it's such a happy day! Good morning, good morning, let's get up and play!
    Have you ever wondered why Trix are only for kids?
  8. Tak-E
    50 degrees. Fifty stupid degrees. After a week of gorgeous 80 degree weather, you think mother nature would be happy. But, alas, as all mothers, she just bought me a brand new Bionicle, let me hold it, and then stuffed it in a corner for my birthday. Haha.
    So, my question of the day for you guys is what are your opinions on this crazy weather? You like it, you hate it, you don't really care because you don't live in the States? Lol.
    In other news, I'm drinking a bottle of Ice Mountain water <insert promotional information on Ice Mountain water here>, and listening to Avenged Sevenfold's latest single, Afterlife. It's pretty awesome. Some tight rifts, and powerful lyrics. Oh, and The Rev kicks butt on the drums, too.
    Well, I gotta go take a shower and hit the hay. Sorry to those who were expecting me to come online today, but I have to catch up on sleep (I missed my alarm this morning, and can't afford to miss it again ).
  9. Tak-E
    Summer closes down now. Locking all its rides.
    It closes all it's portals, it puts away the kites.
    The laughs of kids all playing, swinging in the air.
    The sight of the young lovers, kissing everywhere.
    You feel the wind blow through your hair, the smell of sweet incense.
    The feeling in the air of every growing sense.
    Your older, wiser. Your stronger, more brave.
    You have enough common sense to not dig your grave.
    You hum the tune of summer.
    You whistle the tune of fall.
    The winter's 'round the corner,
    The snowmen comin' round.
    You'll miss the sight of green, you'll miss the sight of blue.
    But in the end, you'll discover,
    It made a better you.
  10. Tak-E
    A long time ago, someone on BZP posted a very interesting blog. I forget the specifics of it, but I remember it going along the lines of the writer (who worked at a department store such as Target or Wal-Mart) telling the readers how much of a help it was when people didn't leave things on random shelves when they decided not to buy them. The writer continued to explain the hassle and time of getting the misplaced items back to their correct spots, and then ended the post by encouraging readers to put items back on the shelves if they decided they didn't want them. Now, mind you, this was over six months ago that I read this.
    So today, as I was walking through Target with my dad - I was getting some toiletries for myself - we decided that we didn't want a certain CD and yet another DVD that we had picked up on the opposite side of the store. My dad instructed me to place them on a shelf as we walked past a few before hitting the check-out aisle. I took the items out of the cart and placed them on some stuff, and we walked away. But something was nagging at me that I couldn't explain. Suddenly, I felt compelled to go and grab the items and return them to their rightful spots, though I couldn't figure out why; and so I did. After I met back up with my dad, I finally remembered exactly what it had been that had urged me to do what I had done. I told the story to my dad, and he enjoyed hearing it.
    Now, I didn't just tell this story for the heck of it, or because it was the only interesting thing that happened today (by far, it was one of the least interesting things of my day). But I wanted to show you guys that your voice, no matter how small, reaches through to some people in the oddest and most interesting ways. So I want to encourage you all to continue offering your sage and seemingly-meaningless advice, because one day it could impact someone in ways you couldn't even imagine.
  11. Tak-E
    So, just my plan for tomorrow. I'll be going to the Museum of Science and Industry at 9 A.M. (it's an hour drive) to meet up with my favorite little cousins, and two aunts and two uncles. My dad, my two sisters, and I are going. Then, coming home at 3 P.M. (so I'll be home by 4 P.M.) and then get ready for the dance tomorrow. Lol. I'm sorta looking forward to it. Not a ton, but it'll be fun, I know that much.
    I've been offline lately because of homework till 10 every night. It's been so obnoxious. I can't describe how annoying the first week back from break is. Lol. But it was spirit week, so it was fun.
    Ttfn. Ta ta for now.
  12. Tak-E
    Lol. Best and funniest answer to that question gets an award. I'm so tired. I started back at school today with Andi my stuffed animal bear (yes I do actually carry a stuffed bear from class to class) It's spirit week. Today was homecoming re-run day (from two years ago). So our whole school was filled with country-folk. Lol. Tomorrow's hunting day. I don't know whether I should wear my camo pants or be a ninja (they hunt people...). I'm hoping to make a big hit. But I'm really looking forward to Friday, Spirit Day. I get to spray my hair blue and spazz out at school. And then the day after that is the Sock Hop dance. I'm looking forward to that. I discovered that the girl I like, well, she likes me back, but she's not allowed to date. So we're just going with a couple of our friends. It'll be fun. Lol. Thad (our vice-principal) is gonna teach us how to dance to the music. It'll be...interesting. We're all way excited. Apparently about 300 of the 500 high school kids are going (that's a lot for a school event). Usually we get very few, but it's only our school's third dance ever, so I think people are very excited.
  13. Tak-E
    So, this is the first week of Ask ♥TAKi♥! I got a lot of questions, so I'll answer them, and then I'll be adding them to the new content block, along with my answers.


    Yes, it is quite enough, I think. I'll answer these in order.
    1) A long time ago, back in 2001, I used to do farm-related things with a group called 4-H. Some of our friends there were close to my older sister Kitty, who was involved in the club as well. But one time, our friend who was about 14 at the time came over, and he had Lewa and Onua. And he was showing them off. and I took the masks off, and he got mad, because he was like, "Those are really hard to put back on!" But I just snapped it back in place. And from that point, I wanted to try and get more Bionicles than him (which I succeeded in doing ). But I haven't seen him in years. I merely collect and follow the story because I like it.
    2) 2001, pretty much just read answer 1 again.
    3) I got into Code Lyoko when I randomly saw the ending of a few episodes of the show, and then one time caught a full episode (this was back in season one, mind you). And I managed to catch a marathon of it, and I thought it was the coolest show ever. And then, the season one finale aired in the marathon, and I totally thought that was the end of the show, and I was so sad I cried! So when I found out that wasn't the end of it, of course I was hooked. Lol. So, it was the summer of 2004, considering that the show started in the fall of the year before I got into it.
    4) I origianlly discovered BZP in 2004, I'd say right about when the 2005 set images surfaced. I had been linked there from BIONICLE.com. Lol. I joined twice. The first time, it never went through, so I got tired. But then I saw that there were cool discussions going on, and I wanted to be a part of them, so I rejoined again in 2005, and I've been here ever since.
    5) Now, that's a hard question. I do like the new Bionicle sets, I won't deny it. But I dislike them somewhat. I mean, what makes me like a set 100% is when I see it, not have a clue what the storyline around it is, and I immediately fall in love with it. And I haven't had that feeling since the Piraka and Toa Inika. To me, that was truly the last "great" year of Bionicle (because it was the last real year of carefree childhood I had before becoming a teenager). So, I think the sets are pretty good, but not like the sets of old (2001, 2002, 2003, and 2006). However, I love the storyline. Even if I stopped buying the sets finally, I'll always follow Bionicle's storyline. It's just hypnotic in a way that draws you in like no other. It's unique, special, crafted with care. I love the direction it's taken, since I like things where I can be involved, and be proud to have knowledge from the story's past so I can bring it into play when needed.
    6) So, to the alien question. I am from another planet. However, not Krypton. I am not powered by our yellow sun, and my arch-nemesis is not a bald businessman. I actually have a whole day-dream that, to this very moment, is a story in progress about a planet called Train, and its evil version Moldar. And there are these little crystals and all this cool stuff...*voice fades away to the shadows*
    7) Favorite TV show is tied between a few, but I'd go for Chuck, currently. If not that, then Supernatural, Smallville, Reaper, The O.C., That 70s Show, Boy Meets World, or Code Lyoko
    8) I don't really have a favorite book, but it might by The Messenger, by Lowis Lowry (sp?).

    1) I'ms doings fines. How's ares yous? (Couldn't resist. Tee hee.)
    2) I have hearts in my name for the most amazing and unbelievable reason in the entire known universe: I like hearts.
    3) I actually put them there. Same like I put in here the ♫'s and this bowtie: ►◄

    If I had the chance, I'd like to be a Reference Keeper. Mostly because I envy TLH, and he's one of my best friends, but also because I think I'd like to earn my way up the ranks, not just cheat into one of the positions.
    Well, that's all for this week's edition of Ask ♥TAKi♥! Send in your questions for next week. But not just about me, I'll help with your personal issues that you wouldn't mind having mentioned in my blog. Remember, all identities will remain Anonymous unless you don't want it to be Anonymous. That's my promise to you.
    Send 'em in!
  14. Tak-E
    Since I'm not doing an IMD today, I thought I'd take a break and let you all know what's going on in my life.
    Currently, I start school on Monday. Thursday was my Freshman Orientation, and I got to see a lot of "friends." However, I did see one of my best friends, Heather. We hung out and talked and stuff. Found out some sad news that two of our sophmore friends were pulled out from the school. However, my friend Gabby who had been expelled for one year (don't ask me) is back now. Looking forward to seeing her since I've only had her older brother take home notes over the past year and that's how we communicated. Also, my friend Tyler from work is now going to my school. He used to go to the same school of the girl I asked out on Valentines's Day (not sure if there's a blog post on that...), but he was a grade above her and thus graduated. So now we have the same classes and we'll be carpooling with each other.
    In other news, I am currently waiting for my friend Joey to come and pick me up because I am going to spend the night at his house. He has an Xbox 360 and I had ordered Halo 2 for him off of Ebay (he had Halo but his parents would never take him to a store where he could get the game). So it just came in the other day and he came over and we played it. Right now his Xbox Live router is on the fritz, but I'll fix it once I get to his house and his friend is gonna join us in some fights.
    So, I'll have a laptop (my dad's out of town so I can take his wherever I want) so I may or may not be online at least a bit. If you need to reach me, I'll have Skype and Windows Live Messenger. My Skype name is anewho1 and my Windows Live Messenger account is phillipar33@hotmail.com.
  15. Tak-E
    Apparently I sleep too deep. Last night, in the middle of the night, my sisters were trying to wake me up to tell me something I'd never expected. Instead, I found out this morning while grabbing something out of the fridge. I was asking what there was to eat for breakfast.
    "Well," my mom answered, unaware I didn't know. "We're going out to get some food for Uncle Mike's funeral."
    I didn't think much of it. But then I turned around. Almost spun into the fridge door.
    "Uncle Mike's funeral?"
    "Didn't you know?"
    I paused, sat down. I didn't wanna cry.
    Last night my Uncle Mike, not past thirty, passed away. He was in a nursing home because he had seizures, but he was still an amazing man. Nothing bad happened. He died in his sleep. He just stopped breathing. Heh. I'm attempting to hold back tears right now typing this. I don't know if he was a believer. But I can only pray that he was.
  16. Tak-E
    For fans of the TV show Smallville, you'll know 33.1 to be a scary place...a place which I had the unfortunate experience of visiting. Let me spin you a yarn...
    My dad and my sister Alex (senior in high school) and myself were visiting my oldest college sister, Kathryn (who is in servere pain because she can't eat anything and anytime she does she throws up [please keep her in your prayers]) and we were heading into the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the first floor, and then accidentally leaned against the buttons and pressed the third floor. Since we were on the fourth floor, we stopped at the third floor and got out (not knowing that we weren't on the first floor). No one was around, and very few lights lit the long corridors. We walked along and saw gray doors and signs that said "TESTING FACILITY." We were all freaked out. We still couldn't find anyone, but we heard a tapping. Soon enough, a nurse came walking down the hall. She told us we shouldn't be there, and then led us through the hospital for ten minutes until we came out where we were parked. We thanked her and headed to our car. We're still freaked out. There were some of theose one-way windows there, too. Maybe they were testing us...
    If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

  17. Tak-E
    How come LEGO can't get a licens to make Spider-Man 3 sets? They made sets for the first two movies.
    Mega Bloks got the Spider-Man 3 license first.
    Vent your anger, no flaming, here.
    If you dig a hole through the center of the earth, come out on the other side, and then let go, would you be falling down or floating up?
  18. Tak-E
    It's about 2:30 A.M. right now. My dad and my sister went out to my aunt's house to help plan for the wake and funeral (see last entry). But I can't sleep, and I don't know why. Well, I do, but I wish I didn't. My uncle's passing is nagging at something, and I don't know what it is exactly. All I know is that it's something that I wish I had asked him - something I wish I had a second chance at.
    You see, my uncle had a disease known as MS. I'm not exactly sure what it is, or what it does. But even as a man in his thirties (maybe early forties), it rendered him unable to walk and barely able to talk. I remember stories my dad would always tell me about how my uncle was so athletic when he was in high school. He was in track, soccer, basketball, ping pong - and he was in a huge family in the fifties and sixties. After that I know next to nothing about his life, though.
    Whenever I would go to visit my uncle, he would always have a smile on his face - DESPITE the fact that he could no longer do anything that he used to love to do. He couldn't even hold a book up to read. But he was always happy, always laughing and loving, whenever I saw him.
    So the question that I wanted to ask him, today's question of the day that is more rhetorical than the others, is this: How, in the midst of such suffering, such pain and loneliness, did he stay happy and content with himself? What gave him the strength to keep going?
    What made him who he was?
  19. Tak-E
    A few things. First off, I've picked my new color. It'll appear on everything starting March 9th. So watch out for that. Secondly, I'll also be changing the name of my blog, as well as my hearts for my blog (they'll change to another symbol, unless I get protest about that). And finally, I wrote a free verse poem, based off of a discussion I was having with my friend the other day. Let me know what you think about it...
    What if I’m not meant for this?
    What if I could make a mark in this world?
    The price I pay would be my love.
    But, could it be worth it?
    Not all have love; that is true.
    Is it my reality?
    Is it my destiny?
    I didn’t choose it.
    But that doesn’t matter.
    I know who did.
    And maybe there’s a reason.
    Maybe, in the end, I’ll make an influence.
    One day, I could change the world.
    Just a single price,
    The biggest toll;
    On me, my heart, my life.
    I want the eternal joy.
    But what if I’m not meant for it?
    What if I could save you?
  20. Tak-E
    So a lot of stuff has been happening this week, and I thought I might just recap everything for y'all.
    Monday: Monday was the day that nothing very special happened, but I did manage to make two new friends at school who are so awesome. They're these two 8th grade girls, and I'm pretty much their dog (my hair is fluffy like a dog's). This day also was the day that now everyone pats me on the head as I walk through the halls.
    Tuesday: Tuesday was again, not super exciting. But it was the second day of the week. The only interesting thing that happened here was that everyone decided they wanted to sign the dry erase board I keep in my locker.
    Wednesday: Okay, so here's where the fun stuff begins. Halloween was on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything. I was going to go to a party at my church, but my best friend, and girl friend, Miranda called, and I wanted to talk to her.
    Thursday: On Thursday things were quiet, but we discovered that the reason we've had virtually no homework, tests, or quizes this past week was because they're all taking place within the first three days of next week (one of them is even a mid-term). So it's pretty crazy. But my dad did leave to go to Brazil, so that made me happy.
    Friday: Ah, beloved Friday; Friday was the favorite day of my week. The day in of itself was pretty cool, but I found out one of my new friends I made is my school next week because she's moving. But after school, my friend Joey came out. And for those of you who have read all my Guitar Hero 3 related entries, you'd know that he's the holder and possessor of my Guitar Hero 3 game until I got my Xbox 360 at Christmas. So pretty much he came over, and I continued playing my career on the game. Then I got bored and decided to do something fun: battle people online. The first two times I did Co-Op with people online for some reason, but then I figured out how to battle. I was on hard, and the guy I was battling was on expert (okay, this isn't the fighting battle mode, it's the batle mode where you just try to get a higher score than your opponent on Pro-Face Off). He was beating me up until the very last verse of My Name Is Jonas, where I activated a full Star Power meter and rocked all the way home: a win for ♥TAKi♥!
    So yeah, that's my week. I hope y'all enjoyed reading about it. My hands hurt from typing for some reason. Probably because I don't like the keyboard on my dad's laptop, where I happen to be residing while writing this.
    NOTE: I won't have Premier Membership for at least a week, so I won't be updating my blog for a while, probably. Just PM me if you need anything.
  21. Tak-E
    Hey, everybody. Sorry I haven't been very active on the forums or in my blog as-of-late. I've been swamped by schoolwork now that the school year is down to four weeks. I'm so excited, though, I must say. It's been a heck of a year. The only sad thing is that every person that I'm close with there is planning to leave when the school year's terminar (finished, in Spanish). It makes me really ... distraught. I mean, sure, everyone has to split up some time, but why now? The only reason I'd go back to my current school would be if my friends stayed. If they didn't, I wouldn't go back. Lol. Life there is too much of a ###### hole without them. Haha.
    Anyway, it'd be nice to hear some thoughts and comments from you. This has been Taki, and you've just been filled in.
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