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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    A long time ago, someone on BZP posted a very interesting blog. I forget the specifics of it, but I remember it going along the lines of the writer (who worked at a department store such as Target or Wal-Mart) telling the readers how much of a help it was when people didn't leave things on random shelves when they decided not to buy them. The writer continued to explain the hassle and time of getting the misplaced items back to their correct spots, and then ended the post by encouraging readers to put items back on the shelves if they decided they didn't want them. Now, mind you, this was over six months ago that I read this.
    So today, as I was walking through Target with my dad - I was getting some toiletries for myself - we decided that we didn't want a certain CD and yet another DVD that we had picked up on the opposite side of the store. My dad instructed me to place them on a shelf as we walked past a few before hitting the check-out aisle. I took the items out of the cart and placed them on some stuff, and we walked away. But something was nagging at me that I couldn't explain. Suddenly, I felt compelled to go and grab the items and return them to their rightful spots, though I couldn't figure out why; and so I did. After I met back up with my dad, I finally remembered exactly what it had been that had urged me to do what I had done. I told the story to my dad, and he enjoyed hearing it.
    Now, I didn't just tell this story for the heck of it, or because it was the only interesting thing that happened today (by far, it was one of the least interesting things of my day). But I wanted to show you guys that your voice, no matter how small, reaches through to some people in the oddest and most interesting ways. So I want to encourage you all to continue offering your sage and seemingly-meaningless advice, because one day it could impact someone in ways you couldn't even imagine.
  2. Tak-E
    I've decided that I'm going to draw another Bionicle. I'd like your opinion on whom I should draw.
    1) Toa Tahu Mata
    2) Defilak
    3) A Doomatoran
    4) Toa Matoro Inika
    5) Toa Iruni
    Let me know what you think.
    You're sweeter than the sun, but what happens when the sun doesn't stay?
  3. Tak-E
    Well, most of my friends have started school by now. But I still haven't. I'm not home schooled or anything; I just start school on September 8th instead.
    So I just wanna ask as a question of the day - How is school going for you? Is it better or worse than previous years, and do you have high or low expectations for it?
  4. Tak-E
    Remember those special International Member Days I mentioned, here's one of them. On the birthdays of both Swert and Roa McToa, I present you with yet another IMD.
    As per request by Swert, happy birthday as well to Roa, and I have included her in this. Remember to PM these wonderful folks or to check out their birthday topics, wherever they lurk.
    Here's a sweet banner to celebrate the day.

    You don't have to use it, but it would be awesome if all of you did to awesome these two amazing members.
  5. Tak-E
    Good morning, good morning, it's such a happy day! Good morning, good morning, let's get up and play!
    Have you ever wondered why Trix are only for kids?
  6. Tak-E
    Tell me the song that the name of this entry comes from and I'll give you an award. Anyway, so last night my friend spent the night. We played Xbox 360 and stuff. Went to bed about 6, and woke up about 12. Then he left about 6 in the evening. And then I went and fixed my computer cause I missed the internet. Lol. Tomorrow my friend is coming over. Just finishing up the last of break with a bang. Anybody have any cool break stories?
  7. Tak-E
    Happy Memorial Day, people who actually read my blog. (And who actually live in the United States. For those of you who don't live in the United States, this might be a little more boring than usual for you.) Most of us just recognize this holiday because we get off school one extra day before it ends. And that's true, that is a good reason for this holiday. But it's not the real reason. Memorial Day is a day where we honor those who died in action for our country. So today, I highly encourage you to please, call up any friends or family who have lost someone who was killed in action and talk to them and let them know you care. It means a lot to those families when people do that.
    I'd have a question of the day here usually, but today I'd just ask if you could post just a thoughtful comment on your thoughts about today. Thanks, guys.
  8. Tak-E
    It's here, and just in time (I nearly died of anticipation). I'm gonna go pick it up in a bit, the Xbox 360 version (we're using my friend's 360 til I get mine). A review will be sure to follow either today or tomorrow.
  9. Tak-E
    I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but instead I'm procrastinating and making a collection of all of the Random Question of the Days that have been asked so far.
    Why do they report power outages on TV?
    Have you ever wondered why Trix are only for kids?
    Why is the show called unsolved mysteries? If they were solved, they wouldn't be mysteries, would they?
    If someone crashes his or her car on purpose, why is it still a car accident?
    Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
    Can you slam a revolving door?
    If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?
    Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there?...I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?
    If you dig a hole through the center of the earth, come out on the other side, and then let go, would you be falling down or floating up?
    If the serving size on a can of soda is one can, then why is the serving size on the little can one can, too? Wouldn't the little cans be 2 cans?
    Who's really gonna lick a tootsie pop for that long?
    Did another one really bite the dust?
    How did Walt Disney figure out how to make people pay to stand in lines all day?
    Why when people ask you ,"What three things would you bring with you on a desert island?," does no one ever reply, "A BOAT!"?
    If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
    Why is it that people duck in the rain, do they really think the rain won't hit them?
    Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they yell "chicken" they are insulting you?
    Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state: "Caution: May Cause Drowsiness"?
    Why do we sing "Rock a Bye Baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground?
    How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?
    Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Since when did rabbits lay eggs?
    Can you truly cry underwater?
    Who's this Roger guy?
    If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?
    How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?
    Why are red buttons always the most important?
    If you try to fail and succeed, which have you accomplished?
    Whose cruel idea was it for the word lisp to have an s in it?
  10. Tak-E
    So I woke this morning at 6:15, as usual, and run down to look outside.
    No snow.
    So I go to look at the TV stations to see if my school will be closed.
    I don't see it.
    So I go check the website that tells if my school is closed.
    School's closed.
    At this point, I run around my house screaming that my mom can go back to bed.
    Ironic, no?
    But there's still no snow. I mean, it snowed an inch last night, but there was nothing on the ground. I was so confused.
    So I go back to sleep, and I'm dozing on and off for a bit, but then I finally fell back into slumber.
    Now, my sister, her name's Kitty, she's sick, so she actually drove home and started throwing up in the toilet, which woke me up. Lol.
    So it's 8:40, and I sit up, and look out the window (which is right next to my bed).
    Snow is falling so hard and so fast, I literally am snow bound right now.
    I'm so happy! Lol.
    So I'll be around all day today, drop me a message.
    Oh, also, Turakii suggested a new idea for my blog. It'll be made an entry later. B)
    Edit: Also, how's this color? I'm thinking of switching to it for at least a few weeks. I've decided that every so often, I'll just completely change colors for a little while. Like I did during Christmas.
  11. Tak-E
    So, yeah. Plenty of things happening. Girlfriend and I split up. It's like there's a non-existing two week rule with me, I swear. Also, friends are giving me issues. Not a ton, but a few. And I'm helping another friend out with some problems in her life.
  12. Tak-E
    Alas, and yet so far. School ends in three weeks. My birthday is in two. And in one week, three finals and a research paper that I've had six weeks to do but never started. Now how smart am I?
    Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
  13. Tak-E
    Life's been okay lately. I'm on spring break right now. A few other cool things have happened.
    First off, I go to TRU because I got a 20% off coupon and was hoping to maybe get Kopaka or something.
    We, my mom and I, walk into the Bionicle aisle. There's still that buy two get the third one free sale going on. I see Icarax, and I turn to my mom and say, "I'm gonna get this instead." She looks at the tags on the sets and then glances over on me.
    "Why not get them all?"
    Of course, I did a double take.
    More like a quad take.
    Not being one to argue, I shove in all the Matoran, and Pohatu, Kopaka, and Vamprah into the cart (they didn't have the other two Makuta, but that's just fine, considering that I already had Lewa, so I would be wasting money then).
    Then, last night I got really sick. Bad, bad, bad fever. I was convulsing on the couch, and I couldn't move.
    Well, eventually I had to because I went to throw up.
    Today I was a whole lot better, though.
    So, that's my week. I'll be posting more in this week. I'm on spring break, baby!
  14. Tak-E
    So a lot of stuff has been happening this week, and I thought I might just recap everything for y'all.
    Monday: Monday was the day that nothing very special happened, but I did manage to make two new friends at school who are so awesome. They're these two 8th grade girls, and I'm pretty much their dog (my hair is fluffy like a dog's). This day also was the day that now everyone pats me on the head as I walk through the halls.
    Tuesday: Tuesday was again, not super exciting. But it was the second day of the week. The only interesting thing that happened here was that everyone decided they wanted to sign the dry erase board I keep in my locker.
    Wednesday: Okay, so here's where the fun stuff begins. Halloween was on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything. I was going to go to a party at my church, but my best friend, and girl friend, Miranda called, and I wanted to talk to her.
    Thursday: On Thursday things were quiet, but we discovered that the reason we've had virtually no homework, tests, or quizes this past week was because they're all taking place within the first three days of next week (one of them is even a mid-term). So it's pretty crazy. But my dad did leave to go to Brazil, so that made me happy.
    Friday: Ah, beloved Friday; Friday was the favorite day of my week. The day in of itself was pretty cool, but I found out one of my new friends I made is my school next week because she's moving. But after school, my friend Joey came out. And for those of you who have read all my Guitar Hero 3 related entries, you'd know that he's the holder and possessor of my Guitar Hero 3 game until I got my Xbox 360 at Christmas. So pretty much he came over, and I continued playing my career on the game. Then I got bored and decided to do something fun: battle people online. The first two times I did Co-Op with people online for some reason, but then I figured out how to battle. I was on hard, and the guy I was battling was on expert (okay, this isn't the fighting battle mode, it's the batle mode where you just try to get a higher score than your opponent on Pro-Face Off). He was beating me up until the very last verse of My Name Is Jonas, where I activated a full Star Power meter and rocked all the way home: a win for ♥TAKi♥!
    So yeah, that's my week. I hope y'all enjoyed reading about it. My hands hurt from typing for some reason. Probably because I don't like the keyboard on my dad's laptop, where I happen to be residing while writing this.
    NOTE: I won't have Premier Membership for at least a week, so I won't be updating my blog for a while, probably. Just PM me if you need anything.
  15. Tak-E
    I spent the night at a friend's house yesterday. He has this huge collection of LEGO Bricks. I looked through 'em and found a few old Throwbot arms and bodies. He let me have them. I went home and immediately went to work making new adversaries for my Toa in my epic. So now I have Throwbot pieces.
    On a different note, I have over $3000 worth of Bionicles...yet only about $20 worth are put together. In this manner, I have finaly started to rebuild my entire Bionicle collection! What a day!
    Ever read The Toa Nuva Go Crazy? It's a comedy by me. Check it out in the Library -> Comedies.
  16. Tak-E
    So I recently got a new skate ramp and my friend came over with his deck. We were doing some stuff on it and then I screwed up and went flying. I landed on my back and right arm, and then I fell twice more and landed on my foot. So I have a sprained foot, I think a fractured bone, and I just did something to my neck. I am so not doing gym class tomorrow.
    If you want to see sorta what I did, here's my friend Joey doing a slightly less painful version of it: Boom.
  17. Tak-E
    Yeah, it broke. About a month ago. But I fixed it now!
    What if I change the world..
    If I lead the way?
    What if I be the one..
    That takes the blame?
    What if I can't go on without you?
    What if I graduate?
    What if I don't?
    What if I don't?
  18. Tak-E
    Since I'm not doing an IMD today, I thought I'd take a break and let you all know what's going on in my life.
    Currently, I start school on Monday. Thursday was my Freshman Orientation, and I got to see a lot of "friends." However, I did see one of my best friends, Heather. We hung out and talked and stuff. Found out some sad news that two of our sophmore friends were pulled out from the school. However, my friend Gabby who had been expelled for one year (don't ask me) is back now. Looking forward to seeing her since I've only had her older brother take home notes over the past year and that's how we communicated. Also, my friend Tyler from work is now going to my school. He used to go to the same school of the girl I asked out on Valentines's Day (not sure if there's a blog post on that...), but he was a grade above her and thus graduated. So now we have the same classes and we'll be carpooling with each other.
    In other news, I am currently waiting for my friend Joey to come and pick me up because I am going to spend the night at his house. He has an Xbox 360 and I had ordered Halo 2 for him off of Ebay (he had Halo but his parents would never take him to a store where he could get the game). So it just came in the other day and he came over and we played it. Right now his Xbox Live router is on the fritz, but I'll fix it once I get to his house and his friend is gonna join us in some fights.
    So, I'll have a laptop (my dad's out of town so I can take his wherever I want) so I may or may not be online at least a bit. If you need to reach me, I'll have Skype and Windows Live Messenger. My Skype name is anewho1 and my Windows Live Messenger account is phillipar33@hotmail.com.
  19. Tak-E
    Well, today I was getting out of gym (8th period, second to last class) and my dad met me as I got out of the gym and told me to get outside ASAP and that he had signed me out. So I quickly changed and ran upstairs to grab my bags. I got out to the car and noticed that the freakin' road was flooded! The whole area was flooded from torential rain that hda started about fifteen minutes ago. I got into the car and saw my older sister. Apparently, some person in an SUV crashed going 45 mph into her Toyota Matrix while she was turning out of a McDonalds. So I had gotten out early so we could go home and then go to get her car.
    In other news, tomorrow is See You At the Pole: a day where Christians gather together in the morning around flag poles and pray for our schools, nation, and anything else in general. So if you wanna go, just check to see where you might be able to meet. And if you don't have it going on, call some friends and just find a flag pole.
  20. Tak-E
    Apparently I sleep too deep. Last night, in the middle of the night, my sisters were trying to wake me up to tell me something I'd never expected. Instead, I found out this morning while grabbing something out of the fridge. I was asking what there was to eat for breakfast.
    "Well," my mom answered, unaware I didn't know. "We're going out to get some food for Uncle Mike's funeral."
    I didn't think much of it. But then I turned around. Almost spun into the fridge door.
    "Uncle Mike's funeral?"
    "Didn't you know?"
    I paused, sat down. I didn't wanna cry.
    Last night my Uncle Mike, not past thirty, passed away. He was in a nursing home because he had seizures, but he was still an amazing man. Nothing bad happened. He died in his sleep. He just stopped breathing. Heh. I'm attempting to hold back tears right now typing this. I don't know if he was a believer. But I can only pray that he was.
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