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Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion

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Blog Comments posted by Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion

  1. 261: Aye... I've never been a fan of adding planets that can't logically be related to the rest of the Bionicle story, but if Vahkuax wants to do a story set on this planet, I'll approve the idea.

    262: Aye, good idea.

    263: Aye; like dotCARBON I'm sort of ambivalent to this one, because it cheapens the sheer alienness and fun of the early parts of the Toa Inika's story, but I won't say Nay.

    264: Aye; again I'm not really fond of the idea but I don't have a good reason to say Nay beyond personal preference.

    265: Aye, pretty interesting idea and would work well for a plot device.

    266: I'm not sure how any society could possibly hope to survive something like this, or how it could ever be kept limited to one dome, but since it's obviously going to play a big role in Zorrakh's writing, Aye.

    267: Aye; yet again I am somewhat unsure on this one but mostly because of personal preference.

  2. 253: Aye, no problem with the name.

    254: Aye, no problem with this.

    255: Aye, no problem with this.

    256: Going to have to say Nay, just because of the name. It would be like naming a Bionicle organization The Freemasons or The League of Nations; the Illuminati were a real-life organization that existed at one point in time. However, I have no problem with the concept itself, so I will change my vote if the society can be given another name. I understand that's kind of a major upheaval especially if the epic is already written, but I can't approve of the name for a Bionicle organization.

    257: Aye, I don't have a problem with this if, as Koji says, it is properly explained in the epic how it was possible for an organization without powers to do this.

    258: Aye, this is a pretty cool idea.

    259: Aye, no problem with this.

    260: I love the idea of a Toa of Fungi. Aye. While I must agree with dotCARBON that it is uncomfortably close to overlapping with a Toa of the Green's power, I think because fungi are not actually plants but their own separate type of lifeform, it's passable.

  3. 245: Undecided. From the somewhat vague description, this sounds too powerful to not be a Legendary mask, which should have side-effects to breaking it and shouldn't have a wearer. I will consider changing my vote if we could specify exactly how it makes things chaotic (like, does it confuse people, cause natural disasters, etc. - I want to know what the limit of its power is), and preferably if we could also have the curse be just a side-effect of using the mask (the "bad luck" is transferred to the wearer as well as the target) rather than an actual act of self-defense on the mask's part, which would imply it is sentient.

    246: Aye, but I would prefer if we could say it is a very rare Kanohi, because if these are easily accessible, it raises a big plot hole in the 2004-2005 story: if this mask is at all common, the whole "planting the wrong destined Toa team in the stars" subplot now makes Teridax and Lhikan look dumb because either just could have used this mask (both would have had good reason to be cautious about who got the Toa stones) and seen through Mata Nui's trick. I'm totally fine with the idea of it being a rare mask that only organizations like the Order or a few powerful individuals had access to.

    247: Undecided. It's similar to the canon Kanohi Matatu as well as Ballom's Kanohi Dayku, but it isn't quite identical to either. However, I'm not sure if it's really different enough to qualify for a separate Kanohi. Maybe we could find some way to differentiate a bit more?

    248: Aye, pretty cool idea.

    249: Aye, good idea.

    250: Aye, though the Great version never wearing off after just ten seconds of concentration seems a bit overpowered.

    251: I'm kind of adverse to having Matoran words that sound too obviously like an English synonym to their translation but Aye, I suppose.

    252: Aye; it doesn't really make sense why any language would use the same word to refer to two individuals primarily defined by their glaring difference in authority, but I'm assuming it has some relevance in one of Koji's stories.

  4. So it's pretty much a bunch of short stories at first, then the big bad shows up?

    More or less - there are still overarching mysteries and the chapters still flow one into another, but for the most part, they are disjointed. The big bad shows up pretty early, actually, but first as more of a mysterious force, only gaining a face towards the end (kind of like the Monster from Lost, if you ever watched it).

  5. Yes, I would say that is a reasonable solution and one that would cause me to change my vote to Aye on that proposal. But until we make that official and until I get some word from Iro on making the Mask of Leech an elemental mask, my vote on these two articles remains undecided.

    Since the Avsa is already the Canon Mask of Hunger I don't believe that the prospective Arkaiva should be considered Elemental. :shrugs:


    Ah, true, I had forgotten about the Avsa being called Mask of Hunger. I'm still not quite sure, because now that you mention that, this mask is actually pretty redundant. But I guess I will give a reluctant Aye. As for 234 - assuming we can say it is considered immoral by only some Toa, my vote is also Aye.

  6. 234: Undecided. My problem with this is that Toa find this power immoral. However, since we have already established Anger as an element associated with a Matoran tribe, doesn't that mean there are likely Toa of Anger? Unless they find their own power immoral, it doesn't seem to make sense that a Toa wouldn't use this anymore than they wouldn't use a Mask of Gravity.

    I see what Auserv and ChocoLvr13 find strange about the powers being immoral, I would however like to say that, as was stated at the time of their proposal, Cu-Matoran are an environmental anomaly, and as such were never intended to exist, much less to become Toa. Maybe the solution is to say "Some Toa feel that the Kanohi Zech is an immoral mask, while others disagree.", like the Kanohi Xioth?


    Yes, I would say that is a reasonable solution and one that would cause me to change my vote to Aye on that proposal. But until we make that official and until I get some word from Iro on making the Mask of Leech an elemental mask, my vote on these two articles remains undecided.

  7. My answer is the same to all of these, but since Ausar doesn't like "aye to all" answers, I will go ahead and write it all out. :P


    4b: Aye, congrats to ChocoLvr13.


    33b: Aye, congrats to Koji.


    35b: Aye - thanks guys. :D


    36a: Aye, congrats to Zorrakh.


    50a: Aye, congrats to Zahaku.


    107a: Aye, congrats to Tohunga Tahnok.


    110a: Aye, congrats to .Carbon.


    144a: Aye, congrats to Makar.

  8. 180a: Aye, a well-thought out idea and probably critical to Iro's writings.


    229: Aye, no problem with it.


    230: Aye, again, no problem with this.


    231: Undecided. Can't we just call it a Mask of Hunger (with Leech as a common alternate title, in case someone's already referred to it as the Mask of Leech in a story) and make it an elemental mask, since this prospective "Leech" mask seems to be functionally identical to a Vorahk's power? (And if so, I wouldn't be sure if Toa would still see it as immoral - see my comment on Article 234.) I'm going to have to reluctantly say Aye.


    232: Aye; I'm not particularly fond of the name, but that's my own personal preference.


    233: Aye, this is a cool idea.


    234: Undecided. My problem with this is that Toa find this power immoral. However, since we have already established Anger as an element associated with a Matoran tribe, doesn't that mean there are likely Toa of Anger? Unless they find their own power immoral, it doesn't seem to make sense that a Toa wouldn't use this anymore than they wouldn't use a Mask of Gravity. Aye, on the grounds that only some Toa find this power immoral, while others do not.

  9. 165a: Aye.


    223: Aye, no problem with this.


    224: Aye, though if we do get some more Great Beings named, having to retcon this might be annoying.


    225: Aye, it makes sense that there would have been some kind of organized force standing against the Brotherhood.


    226: Aye, no problem with this.


    227: Aye, that's a cool name.


    228: Aye, no problem with this and it seems likely that Iro's stories depend on it.

  10. I would say a probation for each of these members until/unless they can provide a good reason why they haven't been able to vote, as I usually say. As Kohila has explained his absence I would recommend exempting him from probation. Albeit, the explanation was really more of a "sorry, I forgot" than a genuine reason, but in case such a thing happens to me in the future, I'd like to think that would be enough to explain my absence, so I'll overlook it. :P


    As for Cap'n K, obviously, hold back on probation until that problem is straightened out.

  11. And Auserv, you could always base your storyies in a Alt Universe.



    Well, at some point, the story departs entirely from the canon story. Already I've made too many radical changes for this to be a simple alternate universe (most importantly being that the universe has alternate timelines of its own). It would have to be another reality entirely, that just happened to have a few things in common with the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe. :P

  12. I guess this would be a good opportunity to point out to everyone that my series as presented on BZPower would have to be heavily altered to fit into the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe - many events simply don't work in the canon Bionicle universe, which violates the rule that the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe only adds to the canon story rather than altering what had already been established. Just a few examples - I have a story depicting the League of Six Kingdoms as a well-established force when the story takes place before the Barraki were even created canonically, and a few Dark Hunters appear before the Dark Hunter organization was formed canonically. Also, some stories are set on islands of a small archipelago that simply would not fit anywhere on the Matoran Universe map published in 2008, and of course, starting in my third epic I've featured events going beyond the scope of the canon Bionicle universe, introducing god-like characters and dealing heavily with their affairs. Books after the one I'm writing now will focus even more heavily on them, and by the ninth book (with the sixth one about to end now) they will move from mysterious players in the background to actual main characters.


    My overall point being: My series can only be semi-canonical within the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe, and beyond the sixth book, it can't really be canonical at all. This is the main reason why I have added very little to the group yet, because I haven't had a chance to sort out what can even be suggested without conflicting the main story. Once I get some freetime, I will go through and figure out what parts fit in canonically and what parts don't, and then I'll start working on putting the adapted version on the wiki. Also, between books, I'll try to do some more short stories or even short sidestory epics that can fit into our canon, so I don't run out of things to contribute to the group after Book 6 ends.


    Oh, and I'm willing to do the work of a compiler or a sculptor. I have experience with MediaWiki markup, so once I get everything of mine onto the wiki, I can do some technical stuff.

  13. 190a: Aye, I accept the revisions.


    195a: I voted Aye originally and I'm voting Aye again.


    218: Interesting idea, but it seems almost useless. I guess I'll vote Aye anyway though.


    219: I like the idea a lot; Aye.


    220: Aye, another good idea.


    221: Aye. I don't really like that it basically serves no purpose but to bypass training, but I'm okay with it.


    222: Aye, good idea.

  14. 211: Aye, I think this is a pretty good idea.


    212: Aye, interesting idea, especially their language.


    213: Aye, but exactly why did Xarkhan wipe out the cult? That wasn't clear to me.


    214: Aye, no reason to oppose.


    215: Going to have to say Nay. Even ignoring the fact that Takanuva has repeatedly been said to be the first and only Toa of Light, this would just create a major plot hole. One Toa of Light was enough to worry the Makuta - six, devoted to purging evil, would certainly not have held out on killing off the entire Brotherhood a long time ago. (I suppose this article has been withdrawn anyway now, seeing as how it's been crossed out?)


    216: Aye, this is a really interesting idea.


    217: Aye, no reason to oppose.

  15. 164a: Aye, no reason to oppose.


    184a: Originally I denied this because it sounded too impractical; the revisions haven't really changed this, but I suppose I will vote Aye because with the new details I just feel like it's so well thought out that I don't have a good enough reason to deny it.


    205: Aye, this seems like a pretty good idea.


    206: Aye, again, no reason to oppose.


    207: Aye, both seem like good ideas.


    208: Aye, I like the sound of the word.


    209: Aye, I have always liked the idea of Matoran being able to temporarily transform into Toa, and the different forms add an interesting element to it.


    210: Aye, another good idea that makes Matoran characters more capable.

  16. Article 201: Undecided; it sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure if Matoran technology could create a device like this. If I remember correctly, everything on Metru Nui was just clockwork stuff; recording and playing back sound as well as having some way to recognize when it has reached the person the message was meant for just seems like a bit much for Matoran tech.

    Yes, but it's Makuta technology

    I don't see that stated anywhere in the article, but if that's the case, I suppose I will change my vote to Aye.

  17. Articles 196-198: Aye, no problem with any of these.


    Article 199: Aye, but this isn't necessary to form the Kaita, correct? This could be skipped in a situation in which the Kaita desperately needed to be formed quickly?


    Article 200: Aye, I like this idea quite a bit.


    Article 201: Undecided; it sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure if Matoran technology could create a device like this. If I remember correctly, everything on Metru Nui was just clockwork stuff; recording and playing back sound as well as having some way to recognize when it has reached the person the message was meant for just seems like a bit much for Matoran tech. Aye, on the grounds that these Gukko Messengers are actually Makuta technology.


    Article 202: Aye, it's an interesting idea.


    Article 203: Aye, though I'm not quite sure why anyone would agree to play it if the stakes are so high.

  18. Article 184: I'm going to have to vote Nay; it's an interesting idea but just too impractical.


    Article 185: Aye, I like the idea; reminds me of the scan visor from the Metroid Prime series.


    Article 186: Nay, Will Bending might work as a mask power by itself (I see it as separate from Mind Control in that this changes the target's will rather than just controlling his mind, essentially meaning the target believes those actions were his own idea), but I don't like the added "material bending" power as it seems too unrelated. Going to change my vote to Aye now that the article has been revised, as it does make more sense. I'm kind of averse to the terminology, since inanimate objects don't have a will to stay in their current state - that's more of just a basic principle of physics - but in a science fantasy world like Bionicle, I think it can pass. Besides that, it seems critical to Makar's writing.


    Articles 187-188: Aye, no problem with either of these.


    Article 189: Nay, this is basically the Mask of Adaptation which already exists in canon, as Zahaku pointed out.


    Article 190: Undecided; I would approve it if there were limits on the kinds of attacks it can reflect (for example, only energy attacks with a range and scale proportionate to the size of the wearer). Nay - I would approve of the limits specified by Iro in Comment #22, but without these actually being in the article I can't approve it.


    Article 191: Undecided; this mask could be extremely overpowered as it seems you could pretty much make anything explode with minimal effort. Are there any limits? As no limits were ever specified, I'm forced to vote Nay.


    Articles 192-195: Aye, I have nothing in particular against any of these.

  19. Article 177: Nay. I don't think a universe could become an alternate timeline temporarily; that just doesn't make sense.


    Article 178: Nay. As pointed out, the Brotherhood didn't know about the Order at that time. Also, the "several thousand Matoran corpses" thing kind of bothers me, because I can't really imagine the Matoran Universe having more than a few million inhabitants at most; unless the Brotherhood had been saving corpses for years for some reason, I'd think that's a lot of Matoran to suddenly die without having some major repercussions throughout the rest of the universe. Now that the article has been revised, I change my vote to Aye.


    Article 179-183: Aye, I don't see any reason to oppose any of these.

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