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Blog Comments posted by Tobi

  1. I'd help, as I'm somewhat good at drawing using a computer, but my abilities end at paint, as I've never had photoshop, GIMP, etcetera. And Vista sucks. And my mom won't let me download anything to use.



    Peace, Nostrum

  2. Name: Nostrum Xoder

    Mask color: Silver/medium grey

    Mask type: Kanohi Genkei, Great Mask of Sealing

    Gender: Male

    Race: Unknown type of Toa, similar in appearance to a Inika/Mahri

    Home island or continent: Baka Nui

    Primary Color: Orange

    Secondary Color: Light Grey

    Element: Air/Chakra

    Physical description: About 3-4 inches taller than a normal Toa, looks somewhat like an Inika but slimmer. Generally wears a long black coat, white gloves, black slacks and combat boots.

    History: Born on Baka Nui about 2700 years ago, Nostrum had the Kanohi Genkei on his face from his birth. His island was generally peaceful, and he was bored easily. He left the island at the age of 21, and began travelling. He dissapeared from the face of the universe for about 1200 years, than returned to his home island, finding that it had been turned into a corrupt hole of theives and vermin. He set out to restore order, and having done so, left again. He roamed the islands as a bounty hunter for about 600, often working to restore order to corrupt islands. It was about 400 years ago when he met Dalek, and they combined their power and expertise to bring down a mega-corporation, HASNAL, that was industrializing every island they came across. After that, they parted on less than friendly terms, and it is unsure whether or not Nostrum still considers Dalek an ally.

    Personality: Calm headed usually, Nostrum gets angry around ignorance and injustice. He often says "The past is gone, the future hasn't arrived yet, so all that that leaves us is now," something he picked up at a bar in Po-Metru.

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