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Status Updates posted by Hakkums

  1. Xaeraz would play along. :D

  2. Xaeraz, stop stealing my stapler or I'll staple you to a puffer fish. :)


  4. XD Yay! Originally, the banner read "Don't tell Munki I'm stalking him" but I thought it'd get me in trouble and it'd be setting a bad example. :P

  5. XD

    Round 1, Cap'n.

  6. XD

    You guys are win.

  7. y hallo thar. :D

  8. y howdeh partnur

  9. y thx thar

    Sets, stop bugging me. =P

  10. YAR! *beats into wall with Gravity Hammer*

    So much Halo is good Halo! XP

  11. YAR! *impales with Energy Sword*

    There's no such thing as too much Halo! XP

  12. YAY! *high fives* There will be much Husi in the future for you. :D

  13. Yeah... I had to do a double-take at the top of your profile to make sure I was commenting in the right one. Not much new for BZP. I don't hang out here that much. Junior in highschool, only a month into it. Boring times.

  14. Yes, though a shredder would have been more effective.

  15. Yo dawg, happy birthday tomorrow. Saying it now cuz going to school tomorrow is bound to zap my mind of memory. D:

  16. You eatz me! =O

    *nibbles and fishy-scurries for my life*


  17. You just COULDN'T say keel, could you TPTI? >> I wish I could keel anything, but I don't. :(

  18. You need another comment. Just because I like cutting in front of Sera. Plus I've never commented. ^^

  19. You should delete those christmas comments of mine. Those are just embarassing now. :P

  20. You want a smilie of terrible proportion, ugliness, and lots of letters? HUZZAH! C|8^3D

  21. You're not entitled to commenting here Nihy. :P

  22. You're not entitled to revolution, Cap'n.

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