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Everything posted by Searon

  1. Also, Kabs, ya night wanna explain that you're not a gal. You just like pink.

  2. OMG Lucky Ni! I wanna go ta Anchorage!

  3. Dok, your love life, is like, really complex. I hope everything works out in the longrun. Whatever that could be...
  4. Searon

    Startin' School

    Poor, Poor, you. Mine starts Sept. 4.
  5. Searon


    Duz u has a lavor 2?
  6. Searon

    It's Been Fun...

    Yeah, srsly, you're entries are huge! But how'd you get a blog w/o a premier account?
  7. Sup Kabs! 4 stars 4 you

  8. Wow you have a lot of friends! P.S.:Five Stars

  9. Searon


    lol, thats funny
  10. Searon

    Thingy The Thing

    Like Ohmigosh, that was the best movie I ever saw!
  11. -Star Wars -Anakin's head from Ep I wearing his pod helmet -I like Social Studies/History -Soccer and B-Ball -Spork
  12. Searon

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    Uh, cool, about time you get a girl who can stand you
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