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About VeoiTheRascal

  • Birthday 07/07/1993

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    … Imagine a world with no visible light but that one little sliver where all the micro waves, infrared, radio waves, and ultraviolet dwell. Now imagine this world with inhabitants that see radiating heat and gamma rays all adorned with that ONE wave length of visible light. You wanna' know where I'm from? I come from the land of the Minus Green.
  • Interests
    I have a few things, which obviously includes bionicle. I like to draw them (all though most of them don't get finished), build them, collect them, write about them (most not finished either), read about them.... well, you get the idea. What I don't like though, is trying to make myself known. I'm the lazy type... so when ever I read something from epics, ss or general descusion, I tend to not reply to most of them. Also the problem with finishing things... heh, well I guess I'll have to try harder!

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Tohunga (5/293)

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