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Brave Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Brave Dragon

  1. Yeah, though I wanted to change it, but I didn't want to go through the effort of telling people that I changed it. >_>

  2. dude...I just realised that you didn't update the link to my new art topic in your blog. =0

    Funny how I noticed it a month ago and didn't get around to tell you that. =\

  3. Hrm, yeah. Played a lot at school until I got home and had to deal with a slow ISP.

  4. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.

  5. Err....no. oO;

    I think you've got the wrong person. =.=

    The only stuff I wrote about are minor Tahu drabbles that no one cares about.

  6. I guess you can call that the "beauty" of Bionic anatomy, as they seem to have a proportion of their own. But if they wish, I rather have them stick to a set proportion. :|

  7. *looks at your personal photo*



  8. Because I'm special. 8D

  9. I think half of year from now, I get Hahli's mask. Now, ain't that a scary thought? :

  10. Nu....*huggles Cortana* :

    But I can build you one. XD;

  11. I got mine at Best Buy. Though my friend told me she got hers for 50 at another Best Buy, so I'm like. >[

  12. I'll have Tahu send you my hug. :>

  13. erm... practice drawing toa feet for four to five years? oO;

  14. that's pratically it. :\

  15. It's like Indiana Jones 3 with Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. xD;

    Manly of men.

  16. I kid you not that is my Chinese name. >3

  17. That's all right. Drawing good takes 99% practice/skills and 1% talent.

  18. You kidding me, right?



  19. :D Thanks. I'm just working out the kinks, but it could be better. x3

    Need to finish the illustration of my next chapter. x0

  20. Is it truly necessary to add you on steam? :o

  21. I kinda feel like my work's sub par at the moment, but... yeah, I made my avatar. :0

  22. Gosh darn what a bummer. The PM systerm's down. =[

  23. Uhh... *reminds*

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