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Brave Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Brave Dragon

  1. I

    Pity I couldn't get my hands on the Briareos figurine. :

  2. Been listening to the OST of 2nd Gig while doing my AC15 entry. xP

  3. Welcome to my world. >]

  4. So, you like Ghost in the Shell: Stand Along Complex, too?

  5. Photos...? *gasp* Stalker!

  6. How should I work on an ideal like democracy? Start with the symbols?

  7. Haha, I'm trying to get into the building across the street from Brodie. xD;

    And I dunno. Tahu tends to do that. :\

  8. I'd just discovered that we do have a GLBT club. :> But it's more towards the gay. I'm gonna have to go find it again. >>;

  9. That's all right. Drawing good takes 99% practice/skills and 1% talent.

  10. Uhh... *reminds*

  11. You're name make me laugh in the inside.

  12. I guess you can call that the "beauty" of Bionic anatomy, as they seem to have a proportion of their own. But if they wish, I rather have them stick to a set proportion. :|

  13. Awesome sauce. 8D

    Maybe you can convince them to open up an art guide. xP

  14. Haha, I dunno. Been steering towards technopunk rather than steampunk. 8D

    But I agree that their Bionic anatomy throws me off.

  15. Nutin' much. You?

  16. Okay Auntie, I will. =3

  17. Err....no. oO;

    I think you've got the wrong person. =.=

    The only stuff I wrote about are minor Tahu drabbles that no one cares about.

  18. Well, um thanks. ^^;

    I'm pretty much handling Legendary alright. Mostly I just have to snag a partner to help me out. XD;

  19. Gosh darn what a bummer. The PM systerm's down. =[

  20. I kid you not that is my Chinese name. >3

  21. lawl, no prob. -.^

  22. dude...I just realised that you didn't update the link to my new art topic in your blog. =0

    Funny how I noticed it a month ago and didn't get around to tell you that. =\

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