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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm quite content to say I regret nothing.
    No, I'm not here to socialize, nor am I here to act like a harlequin. That doesn't mean I won't jot some stuff down here, but I'm not interested in being an entertainer- and no, I don't plan on being one of those passive agressive guys in the corner, mumbling and rolling their eyes either.
    Trimming the fat away, I'm here to sell off my Bionicle collection and I plan to provide information on that here if any of you would happen to be interested.
    But hey, hello again everyone!
    P.S: I plan on ignoring all the nonsense I've jibbered on here before, as nearly two years have passed and would serve as a poor example of who I am now, so I would be thankfull if you could give me the benefit of the doubt and do the same.
  2. Ka-Chan
    In which case, I'd be the G-Man.
    Why do I keep coming back here? I'd have myself a witty statement prepared, but I'm done with the facade. One way or the other, I just gotta scribble down some reflections for my own sake and anyone else who happens to be listening.
    It's been the best and worst of times with college.
    On one hand, I'm up till 3 in the morning on a daily basis now grinding away at whatever algebraic towering pillar of crud my prof. has thrown at me that day. I rarely have the time to go out and do anything, and the same goes for my friends. Ironically, I thought leaving homeschooling behind and starting college would turn things around. Instead, thanks to things like Course Compass and all other sorts of college necessities being digitalized, it seems like I'm more dependent on computers then ever.
    And I hate that.
    But on the other hand, I've made a few new, odd friends along the way. I guess in an environment were the average walking corpse spends it's whole day mashing buttons on it's cell phone in the middle of class, I'd be much more attracted to befriend the noisome minority.
    I've also come to redefine my standards for "Hard work" and "stress" . Homeschooling made me soft, and whenever in retrospect I'm glad to be driven up the wall. It's rough, it's demanding, but it's good for you.
    But let's face it, after a weekend of partying and hanging out with long-time-no-see friends, I'm more then a little reluctant to get back into the meatgrinder.
    So I'll just savor this birthday weekend for what it is and keep it in mind whenever I feel like going Columbine or getting myself banned into the stone age on sites like these for the fun of it.
    The good's worth cannot be determined without the weight of the bad, after all.
    And now I'm off to spend 7 hours in a ceramics studio- toodles all!
  3. Ka-Chan
    I had to post on the site.
    I needed to find a way to vent my excitement or I might explode.
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent is made by Frictional Games, and also gave us the Penumbra series; the one horror series in any form of media that has successfully made me scream and stopped taking part in it on several occasions. Not to mention a good extra hour or so of gametime simply spent frozen in place, telling yourself you got to do something but you refuse to actually do it. If you've ever hesitated about jumping into a pool you know is freezing while hovering over the edge, you'll know exactly what I mean.
    Most of you won't care, but this isn't about you.
    This is about me blogging about the ridiculous anticipation I have. This is gonna be the first game I've seriously played in forever. The weather is perfect out for a scary game: dark, cold, gusty and the sounds of rustling leaves and branches making you wonder if something is just outside your window.
    I can't wait to play, but I'm so tense too. I'm psyched and horrified at the same time.
    I'll be back with some stories and possibly a screen shot or two. Possibly. I might just be busy hitting the 'escape' button over and over again.
  4. Ka-Chan
    It is evil.
    The crusty old relics at the DMV who watch you from the passenger seat like bloated rats are evil.
    The fact that it's the first part of the test and bumping a cone means game over is especially evil.
    The fact that I did it perfectly every time I practiced it and then the one time I got it wrong was on the test is evil.
    The fact that I will probably parallel park once a month yet it being so ridiculously emphasized over everything else is evil.
    Insert any Mermaid Man references here if you grew up with that stuff.
  5. Ka-Chan
    Really, when will the can sucking site stop telling me the password I just used to log in earlier is "incorrect' and just let me change my stupid name already?
    Maybe it was cute the first year when I thought having an identity crisis online as some weaboo girl wasn't creepy, but seriously.
  6. Ka-Chan
    After the first few days of your brain feeling like it's going to hemorrhage from non-stop work, it ceases to hurt and just feels kinda numb while you grind away at you several hundredth algebra problem for the day.
    You know I'm in need of a mental break if you see me on here.
  7. Ka-Chan
    So this guy named Jay Schaefer decided he wanted to make a small house because he felt the regular sized house sucked away too much of his money away on things like heating bills and mortgage payments. So he built himself a tiny house from scratch. On his own and with no experience. The results?


    That thing is a mere 100 square feet. Note that that sounds bigger then it actually is. We're talking a tenth the size of the average house here. Oh and you can hook it up to your car and drive it around like a camper.
    So. Maybe I wouldn't mind it being a little bit bigger to have room for friends to hang out in. Regardless... Guess what your humbler blogger wants to do instead of pay rent for apartments or spend half his paycheck on mortgages for the rest of his life?
  8. Ka-Chan
    Avatar is one of those movies where the more and more I think about it, the less I like it. Kind of like every George Lucas film.
    And Unobtanium....Really?
  9. Ka-Chan
    Not only do those bums at Games workshop continue to promise a Necron update yet never even touch them, but I just checked their site for the first time in months and they jacked the prices up on them by at least 15 percent.
    14 bucks for a single metal Pariah. What a crock of nonsense!
    I definitely need to start selling this stuff off before I get used to the idea of spending that kind of money.
  10. Ka-Chan
    Call it reassuring, call it ominous, but whenever I find myself bored senseless I just take a look at my schedule of Fall college courses. Can't forget the whole "Try and find a job in this miserable economical environment that isn't indentured servitude to faceless fast food corporations" part, either.
    Suddenly, being bored to death is a luxury I'm all too happy to have while it lasts.
  11. Ka-Chan
    I figured I had matured more then this. Perhaps it's just that I have so much I can spend that I've begun contemplating things I never would have considered before. Maybe the resurfacing of the Toy Story franchise reawakened some inner kid in me?
    But man, I got a bizarre urge to get my hands on some Turaga. Maybe the Bohrok Va too.
    Why? I have no clue. I always knew I wanted Nuju, but this bad? Holy dooley.
    I own the green guy *yes, I forgot his name*, Nokama, Vakama and the black one... But I never managed to get a hold of Nuju or Onepu. That's where the dilemma comes into play.
    Unfortunately, people on Ebay think that six 4$ figures *which would add up to a mere 24$* apparently quadruples into 100$ worth. Seems they're trying to appeal to collectors, and I guess in this scenario I 'technically' fall into that group. The difference being I don't feel like spending a full blown Benjamin on 2 inch tall plastic robot men.
    So I guess my real question is this: Anyone on here got a more reasonable alternative? You wouldn't get a lot of money out of me, but I might be willing to trade off things.
  12. Ka-Chan
    "Lukas Shepard was trying his hardest to concentrate. Saren had gone rogue and effectively jeopardized his position on the council, as a Spectre and ultimately the entire human race... He and his allies would have to bring down the leviathan themselves. And yet despite this grave burden of responsibility now weighing down on his shoulders, he couldn't even begin to devise an approach. The annoyingly cheery elevator music softly prancing about in the background saw to this as he stared blankly across the elevator. The Quarian and Krogan seemed to have succumbed to the same audible assault as well, their minds reduced to bowls of intergalactic tapioca. Light rippled across blank, dilated pupils while the sickeningly upbeat techno diddied on in the background.
    The silence was shattered by a howl as Shepard snapped his head to the right to spot the source. The elevator next to their own was crossing paths during it's ascension. In it a man in bulky, worn armor adorned with gluing blue lights was fending off a mummified creature that was far more hideous then the husks Shepard himself had encountered on Eden. Meanwhile a heavily armored feminine with a cannon for an arm was blasting away at what Shepard could only describe as floating green jellyfish. Another clad in massive red armor adorned with golden eagles and skulls was engaged in hand to hand with a counterpart in black, gold trimmed armor wielding a chainsaw. Despite their independent struggles, they all glanced over simultaneously at Shepard and his party as the two elevators crossed one another. The whole group in the other elevator briefly forgot their conflict, long enough to laugh and point rudely at Shepard along with a variety of other colorful gestures. And just as soon as they appeared, they disappeared.
    'Man,' Shepard thought, 'I really should have just waited for that elevator' . He briefly glanced over his shoulder to try and get his comrades opinions on the encounter, only to see they were still patiently gawking at nothing while that wretched music carried on in the background. "
    ...Someone please tell me what is with every game made by the guys who gave us KOTOR and big cities filled with running around in circles running errands for people?
    I have no idea whether that is a good thing or a bad thing but the world of games will never be the same.
  13. Ka-Chan
    No, no photoshopped shenanigans involving the sci-fi game and the card game here. You may all leave now.
    Nah, just kidding.
    About the leaving part, not the Uno. There is no Mass Effect card game, much less Uno.
    Sorry to disappoint...
    Anyways, Steam had both Mass Effect games for steep sale. Originally I had no interest in the games, but I must admit the whole idea of your actions in the first game leading to consequences in the second sounded really cool. So naturally when I see the first going on sale for 5 bucks and the other for 20, it's fairly obvious I had to at least give them a spin.
    Of course, all I ever knew about the games in advance was that they were basically mass-budget dating sim games *CoughspoilerUglyBlueSpaceLesbianscough* , but hey. Can't knock it till you've tried it, I suppose.
    Not to mention I was getting bored with all these grimdark sci-fi games. So Mass Effect looked more then a little...Colorful. Who knew in the advanced future of humanity, all female military personnel would be issued pink and white armor? The camouflage worked great during the siege against the fortress of self-proclaimed dictator for life Willy Wonka, but it looks a little out of place here.
    Regardless, from what I have played of it it's actually pretty fun. Am I about to spend hours on end playing it? Not from the looks of it, but it got me off Team Fortress 2 and Killing Floor, so I won't complain.
  14. Ka-Chan
    Well, how else would you explain why I'm back here? One minute Wyatt tells me the site's gone berserk with the signature guidelines and a month later I finally give in to curiosity and sign back on.
    I aced my art and film classes, not to mention graduated. Somehow, I figured finishing homeschooling would suddenly yield more excitement in my life, but not so much. That's up to me and I am working on it.
    Warhammer 40k is starting to bore me. I'm planning on selling both my Necrons and Chaos off to...Well, whoever I can sucker into buying them. Why do I keep the Tau? I don't know. Something about them still appeals to me. But yeah, ultimately I feel like my hobbies should be a little more productive then little green army men. Don't get me wrong, Necrons are still awesome... Just not worth actually owning.
    Video games are starting to bore me. Most. Lost Planet 2 is a blast when playing with my camaraderie, but this online stuff is a silly way to waste time away. Oh and once I evolve this Puptar thingy into that big green guy *Tyrannitar, I think* in Pokemon I can finally stop playing.
    Still waiting for the day when a plane crashes just outside my street. Don't lie to yourself; brushing shoulders with death is the best way to spice one's day up!
    I got a friggin' Art Tablet for graduation! Of course, the software that comes with it is just as, if not more, complicated then Photoshop ever was. So art may or may not ever show up on here. See boredom.
    I'm going to get a nice big electric guitar soon. I figure it was time to get into something new, and I've always wanted to make music on par with Tool, A Perfect Circle and Bad Religion.
    Does this make me an interesting person? PFFFT get out of here. If you want interesting, go visit an insane asylum or something. I'm saving all my prankster daydreams for New Years Eve: 2012. Well, maybe not the Gman's Pizza one, but still.
    Already bored of being on the computer, talk to you all in awhile or something!

  15. Ka-Chan
    "I wonder if I lost all my stuff when I uninstalled TF2?"
    After several minutes, I am relieved to see I have not after reinstalling it.
    An hour later...

    I'm so funny
  16. Ka-Chan
    I'm not particulary fond of online versus games- but I've always played Team Fortress 2. There is one thing I've found, though. The game's coordinator-and-teamwork attitude is spoiled by two things.
    The Demoman and Soldier.
    Now, I don't care so much about losing as long as I still have fun in the process, so that's not the issue here. I'm not one of those people who plays these games to win and feel awesome or something because it's just a game. But when I'm just trying to unwind and find I can't enjoy the game because we're getting steamrolled by a team with several dozen Soldiers and Demomen who just hammer M1 over and over again, praying their splash damage will kill everything in sight -and it usually does- then I have a problem.
    Where's the boom, you say? Where's Carl screaming and raving about how he wants to send all the Scottish cyclops back to Scotland in several dozen neatly arranged pieces? What about digging an Axetinguisher into the skull of a rocket-spewing neanderthal? Well, I've found that no matter how hard I try, I can't get that angry. It's a game. I don't get angry as much as I just get this bitter taste in my mouth because I'm slowly losing interest in a once-great game because it's getting spoiled over by FUBARed classes. If anything, I feel more like a winner walking away from defeat with a calm demeanor.
    The way I see it, I have no interest in playing something that only makes me angry and costs me time. I guess that's where I'm truly bothered- I know I'm just growing bored of online gaming.
    Don't get me wrong, though. In-game I still loathe those two cheap classes, but I find I just don't really care about it as soon as I turn away from the screen for a moment. Let them have their victories. Let them have their ego-boosts from being good at a game. I've got better ways to spend my time then them, and that's what matters to me.
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