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Status Updates posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Alright- thanks for the support


  2. Oi mate, get your rear-motor over to the Desecration RPG! 'Not as interesting around there otherwise.

  3. I'm contemplating employing Arxis as a moderator since you have been able to get on as frequently. Your opinion?

  4. And here I am again. What's going on?

  5. Just drop me a PM whenever you get on- chances are I'll reply.

  6. No problem, mon capiton.

  7. Your next name should be "Uber Moose" . Sounds cool to me.

  8. Meet the Spartans Megatron is made of Win.

  9. Well looking forward *Uh, sorta- probably doesn't bode well for us XD* to you coming back into the RPG. It's been very...Stiff, to say the least.

  10. Is your connection THAT screwed up?! ...Dang, I thought I had it rough.

  11. Drop a pm by when you can.

  12. Yes! So I'm not a complete failure 8D!

  13. So you mean like the girls in Lucky Star, right?

    Heavily stylized in appearence but older?

  14. *slaps forehead*

    Bah, I'm killing myself here. So it just means "short girls", or am I still phailing to grasp Japanese?

  15. Alright, alright, so you got me there. I just prefer "pure" cute then the whole gothica gig. Still kawaii, though.

  16. If you think I need to take up the hobby of admiring cutesy stuff, then you should know that I crank out a lot of bishoujo drawings XD

  17. If you think I don't collect that kinda stuff as a hobby, then boy, are you wrong X} !

  18. Thought I'd drop by a comment to tell you "Happy fourth birthday!" XD

  19. Yup- I made it on paint using whatever abstract talents one could use to make a GOOD pic on Paint.

  20. Making more friends, huh Wrack X} ?

  21. The pie avatar is a fresh take on the mindless and undying food fad.

  22. 'Twas a guess is all.

  23. Is it just my otaku-sense just backfiring, or does you avvy have a third eye just barely off screen?

  24. Can somebody please explain to me why the mods love using the avatar of the guy drop-kicking stuff? I just don't get it.

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