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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    To mail in mocs for Brickfest! It is only a lil' more than a month away, and mocs need to be mailed in, and arrive in Portland by the 24th of March at the very latest.
    Please read this NEWS STORY for more information.
    I will be making trophies for four different categories, Large, Medium, Small and Micro mocs. I exclude myself from these awards simply cause I amthe one giving them out, and because I am the theme coordinator for Bionicle. So don't miss a chance to win a cool trophy, I might even toss in some extra parts for the winners.
    So whatcha waiting for? Get Building!
    I bumped this because it needed it! Please send in mocs for Brick fest! A new repot will be posted on the front page soon!
  2. Roa McToa
    Brickfest tiptoes ever so close, as I bust my hump to finish my displays! Oi oi oi, I know I am cutting it close! I have 3 Reikia to finish. The blue one is almost done, and then I have to brainstorm on the green one, then the white one! The Onu-Reikia is absolutely massive and fearsome! I certainly wouldnt want to run into him on a bad day in Kaiva-Nui!
    I have tonight to finish up, as I leave at 1:00 am tomorrow morning (late tonight)
    Wish me luck! I am gonna need it!
    After brickfest, I will post up the Name the Reikia Contest right here, exclusively in my blog! There will be links to the contest in my moc and movie topics, so keep an eye out!
    Until next time!!!!
    Roa out.........
  3. Roa McToa
    Wish me luck.... I'm making the 140+ mile icy drive back today. I hope the roads aren't TOO bad. I expect wet pavement on the first 30-50 miles, but after that, who knows. I called the highway report line and there is only information for the last 40 miles and they say black ice. There isnt even a report for the most dangerous part of the drive I hope its not un-driveable. I'll be sure to pull over for sanity breaks and take some pictures during the trip, so you can all see a glimpse of some Alaskan beauty. Winter is so awesome! When I get home, I will post a blog entry about the trip with links to pictures. I may even include an outside photo of my unusual house.
    Edit: I called the Roadtips again, and they had a report for the whole highway this time. Looks like I am in store for an icy drive home. Here goes!
    I also intend on gathering my shrinky dink material and doing something rather........rash.....
    Stay tuned for some Keychain Customness!
  4. Roa McToa
    Ahhh, what a wonderful trip I am having! Getting to spend time with the family is SO AWESOME! My nephew is getting so big! He calls me Aunt Breann now, which is SO FREAKIN BOOYAH! I am stoked! Dad is doing well, as is the rest of the family. Its really fun here, and I need to make an effort to get down here more often to visit family. I really do miss them all.
    Things are going well with Dean too! We talk everyday, and become ever so much closer. While I am having a great time here, and with BrickFest just around the corner, I can't wait to get back home. Something about home is just wonderful, especially now that Dean is in my life. I cherish him ever so much!
    Heres to life, love and fun!
    Oh, and I am going to get me a honda S90..... SO COOL! I got to ride a motorcycle for the first time evah and LOVED IT!
  5. Roa McToa
    Oi oi oi, it took me the entire entry period to build this beast........
    I hated it at first with a massive passion, because it didn't look like Anything. After working with it, I now love it, and may very well save it for NW Brick Con!
    Anyhoo, heres the Topic
    And a pic for ones enjoyment

  6. Roa McToa
    I finished another painting. This one was painted using only Sepia watercolor, and is based off of an old photograph that was taken in the 1930's outside of Petersburg Alaska. I'll get better pics of it out of te frame in a couple weeks, as the glass is reflecting a bit of stuff, distorting things a tad. Enjoy!

  7. Roa McToa
    I am hoping hoping hoping that I will be able to get my display built in time for brickfest. I am stuck in anchorage till this weekend (I hope not longer). I need to get back home and build. I am totally sweating it for the fact that I need to build 3 giant rahi, and build the rest of the Reikia too. The Suvika themselves need a little touching up, especially on their legs. I may incorporate a poseable waist into the models at a later time.
    I wanted to retouch on Rayzaurak too and give him better flexibility in his legs, and more supportive feet. I hate the fact that he has to use his hands to support himself, as they were not meant for that. They need to be free to grab things like Toa and Matoran.
    I've been brainstorming ideas for how to build Paruvaks rahi, and it will be really neat. I'm going to incorporate the large grey wheels from the brown star wars battle droid set into the rahi's hips, and see if I can make them have gear friction in the hips so posing it is easier. Toa Metru legs for toes would look neat too.....
    For Kokatas rahi I was thinking of either making the sabercat, like the drawing, or making something more along the lines of Falcore from The Neverending Story. Still not sure, as the head is almost birdlike, but has a sabercat look to it. decisions decisions decisions!
    And Vakatu, I still have no idea, but hopefully when I receive my bricklink orders, I can come up with something. I think a giant fire scorpion would look cool!
    The Reikia on the other hand, all depends if I can get the right armour. I have enough to build the Onu-Reikia, and I think I ordered some more armor colors, but I'm not sure. The Ta-Reikia has a really awesome carapace, and the Onu will be similar, but with a few major differences. The body structure of the Ta and Po Reikia are different too. I'm going to try different bodies for all 6 of them. Hopefully they will be a raging success!
    When I get back home, and if I have to travel to anchorage again before brickfest for work, I'll be sure to pack up all my parts for transport, cause this stint in town really killed my building time. I plan on going back either sunday, monday or tuesday, depending on the amount of work that is available. Wish me luck!
    Stay tuned for a Seward Life entry with pictures when I get back home. I was unable to do it last time for various reasons. Its really a charming little town. I love living there, as it reminds me so much of the great times I spent with my grandpa when my family would visit. I'll post up some of my moms 1964 earthquake experiences regarding the house, and how far the wave went and the condition it left the town in. My grandfathers home survived the quake with no damage and was a safe house for so many people after the quake. Stay tuned for more!
    Until next time, Roa out.............
  8. Roa McToa
    My right thumb was rendered useless today. I was assembling the biggest weber BBQ that you can buy at Home Depot, and in the process of unpacking it, the lid managed to fall full force onto my thumb. If my thumb had been at any other angle, I think it would have broke. It bit REALLY hard. I think the lid on that thing weighs about 8-10 lbs.............
    I feel fortunate that I only got a heavy bruise on top, and a rapidly filling blood blister inside my first knuckle. Keeping that thing drained is painful enough in itself. I have no good grip with my right hand unless I don't use my thumb. So looks like if I want to make anything new, I'll have to lefty it........
  9. Roa McToa
    I drove across the bay to check out the Drydock the other day. I was checking up on a boat that I was helping paint (I will take pics of it in the day to show you all)
    Anyway, there are a good lot of derelict ships that were sent to drydock after the 1964 earthquake. I took pics of a few of them at dusk. Pics are clickable to make em bigger. Enjoy!



  10. Roa McToa
    I worked pretty hard on a new bit of info for Trials of Terror. Diligently working in MS word, I came up with about half of my story sequence with time approximations of how long the scenes will be. This movie might end up being longer than 2 hours....... Depending on how long it ends up being, I may end up releasing it in episodes. Then when the entire movie is finished, I'll have a downloadable link on my Trials of Terror website (which is still in the making) when the movie is all put together.
    I may have to build a new folder for my avatars and banners. Brickshelf won't approve the folder after they took it off of public view. It's probably just been there too long without enough updates. I added a bunch of new avvies and banners, but it still wont go active. Argh. Just means I'll have to Work LOL. Oh well.
    Warm weather today, about 34 degrees. SHould make fro some slippery roads. I talked to my friends who live in Seward, and they said the roads are nasty freaky ice rink scary stuff yanno..... so I probably wont be able to go back till wednesday morning. At least I don't miss rehearsal this week.......
    In the meantime, enjoy this little funny!

  11. Roa McToa
    I have been brainstorming what I want my movie trailer to be like. I am thinking about 5 minutes long or so. It will show the "current time" story, and take glimpses of the characters and scenery. The trailer is narrated by Turaga Ohma, and when the time comes, I will need a deep voice for the character.
    All the giant rahi will be featured with tidbits of their animated awesomeness. I just re-assembled them after having them apart for their brickfest adventure. I'm going to build a new model of Kukorahk, and save the old one for brickfest demos and such. I am thinking of modifying it a bit so it looks more full, and I'm going to build new functions into the legs and tail. The new Kukorahk model will have the same face as the old one, and the other features will remain the same, but it's going to get a massive color treatment!
    I am going to also add on to Vakatu's lava urchin Yukizahk, as I feel it is only halfway done..... Pakuudo is going to get some stability treatment in his body and hips, and I may add some little arms too. Seems like everything needs a little tweaking....
    Storyline progress goes slowly at this current time, as I really haven't had a ton of time to sit down and concentrate my movie sequence. All in good time. Maybe next time I get to spend quality time at home, I will bust out some epic Trials of Terror!
    One month left to name the Reikia folks, so feel free to enter my contest! The Reikia are fearsome creatures of darkness, that are mysterious beyond all imagination. They were even thought to not exist. They hold immense powers within themselves, and were banished to Kuna-Kava for good reason...........
  12. Roa McToa
    I have the house to myself. I took my mom to the airport yesterday. Shes going down to see the new grandbaby, my little nephew. I'm so excited about being an aunt! I now have a nephew I can spoil, and corrupt with bionicle when he reaches the right age! Mwaahahahaaaaa!
    I made a quick animation tonight of avak blasting zaktan, then suddenly avak's getting tossed around by mirkatuva! It should be pretty funny when done, although the camera moved a few times when making it because of the table cloth.... (note to self, never animate on tablecloths....)
    I found a Takadox at walmart with a black canister bottom the other day. I was pretty stoked, and was able to get a price reduction on it because I had bought a barraki a toys r us for less and had the receipt with me. No nocturn up here yet, but hopefully soon! I had gotten my mantax thru shop at home and it had a blue canister bottom, so I can wait to get one thats correct, waiting till they are on sale to save a little money. No squid ammo packs are up here yet, of which I am a bit perturbed. Soon enough though, as I want an army of squiddies! he he he
    Hopefully some of this warm weather cleared off the sidewalks in seward. I am dying to ride a bicycle. I think I may need to take one of my balloon tire schwinn bicycles with me, as they tend to do really well on ice and snow. Its fun to ride in the winter if you have the right gear.
    I may go beachcombing too and see if I can find some more shells and stuff. I found some really unique peices of wood, and some interesting shells on my last expedition. Up here you find tons of limpets. They look like china hats and fit on lego and bionicle minifigs really well.
    Another day coming to a close up here in alaska. It warmed up considerably in the last few days. It's been in the 30's and everything is getting icy. Should make for a fun trip home LOL
    See y'all next entry!
  13. Roa McToa
    So I threw my first Lego Birthday Party ever.
    One of my friends kids (My boss's niece's son) was having a birthday today. His mom had called me up around the beginning of October about this, and I told her yeah, I'll do it. "Lemme grab some figures, and I'll get back to ya". When I was at Brickcon, I got to talk to certified Lego professional Dan Parker, and I asked him about how his group does parties. He talked about having a theme for parties i.e. pirates Bionicle, Star Wars, whatever.... and having do not touch models and play with models, as well as providing sets to build and parts to build with as well. You also build a model for the birthday kid. His crews go all out and build something huge. I also built a schweet little mech at his studio before going back home.
    I am not quite up the the grand scale of their parties, so for $150, I threw a nice Lego party. I took along two big totes of Lego, and three big totes of Bionicle. I had some random sets and mocs posed around the room in battle poses for decor. There were 15 kids at the party, and most of them wanted to build with Bionicle. They also did balloon fights for when they needed to blow off steam... (hyper 7&8 year olds.. lol) So many questions, and assistance calls, it took a lot to keep up with them all.
    Well, the hot set of the day.....
    Bohrok of all things! They all wanted Bohrok! Good thing this random box had enough to make about 6 or 7 of em, plus I had about 3 or 4 already assembled on display in the room. It was an all out Bohrok fest on the bionicle pile. They were upgrading them with different shields and weapons. Trading disks and krana with eachother. It was fun to watch. Overall, they all kept very busy building. One of the moms who was there built a purple house out of bricks! Its so cool, I am gonna keep it assembled!
    There was also a cake that looked like it was made outta LEGO Bricks! Nicely made for a home cake indeed. It was a speckle cake, and she used marshmallows for the lego studs, and the bricks were frosted different colors. Very clever, and easy for a structured cake! The presents session was good, as the birthday boy got lots of gifts, including two clone trooper packs and an agents his speed boat chase set. The party favors were also $3 lego sets, and I got two of em courtesy of the birthday boy himself! How cool is that!
    Overall, it was a great party! The basement hall at the Library was a perfect place to throw such an event. She had reserved it for two hours, but thats never enough time. The kids wanted to build more! I don't blame em when there's a huge pile of elements at their disposal. I ended up giving the kid a raincheck for his birthday moc, (more on that in a moment) and I gave him a Bohrok Kal. He was happy no doubt!
    Now for his birthday moc, which is a detailed Toa, I am gonna have his uncle (my boss) take it to him. My boss paid for the party as a surprise gift to his lil nephew, cause he never gets the chance to do anything with him, busy schedules of all parties and such. So I think it'll be a good way for them to bond.
    So thats pretty much it for my Sunday. I have been chillen relaxin at home most of the day. lol
    seeya next blog!
    Now to finish that moc..........
  14. Roa McToa
    So, yeah. Winter is officially setting in up here in Seward. I got to scrape the rental yard with the loader to clear it of the slush that would undoubtedly turn into ice this morning.
    I have a feeling this year that I am going to be responsible for a lot of the plowing that my workplace contracts out every year. I told the Bossman that I wanted to run the loader more plowing snow this year, and get an even better feel for it. It will look awesome on my resume if I have a lot of hours logged on equipment.
    Behold my Ryde! (sans the gnarly bucket teeth, ours has a smooth edge blade)

    Its a small loader, and is very nimble. You can make some really tight turns, and get into tight places too. The loader is an articulated type, so it bends in the middle to steer. So bring it on Jack Frost, I'mma ready for ya!
  15. Roa McToa
    I went on a wood gathering mission with one of my friends yesterday. All was going well enough when I got there, other than the first dead tree that was cut did not come down, so there was a danger looming from above the whole time. We got a shorter stump cut up into rounds, and split for hauling off. Then, My friend spotted another tree that he could cut down to make the tree that was hung up fall, but due to an improper cut, this tree fell opposite the way it was supposed to, in consequence coming straight for me.
    I ran back as fast as I could, but tripped on a stump, hitting square on my shoulder, and knocking my head hard enough to see stars. I had curled instinctively into a fetal position just as the leviathan came crashing down not two feet from where I was laying. If my legs had been straight instead of curled, they would have been crushed underneath the weight of the tree, and I probably would have either been seriously maimed or killed.
    Either way, I feel like I have gotten a mild concussion from the fall, and am feeling rather sore and headachy. If I continue to feel this badly, I may have to go and see Abhud this week for some therapy.
    All in all, the effort was not fruitless, and we both got a full haul of wood, but almost at a very dear cost.
    I am lucky to not have gotten seriously hurt. It is a lesson I will never forget.
  16. Roa McToa
    Well, Brickfest is turning out to be rather interesting. I got all my mocs here ok, and set them all up, but funny thing, is I almost didn't make it! Turns out I had scheduled my flight to leave on the wrong day, and I missed it O.O I couldn't believe it, and was having a horrendous panic attack until I got everything sorted out. The lady on the phone was so nice.
    I went on a short shopping trip with KIE to get some necessities, and on the way back, the tram was stopped, and we weren't sure why. Turns out there was a Mounted Officer talking to the driver of the tram, Then another officer donned some rubber gloves and entered the tram. They quickly arrested the guy who was sitting across from us!!! ZOMG! Who knows why, but it was funny after they got out, cause everyone applauded! Yay to the police officers of Portland! Keeping us all safe!
    I am getting a ton of good comments on my Bionicle display, as most of the AFOLs who are attending haven't seen bionicle models like this in such a quantity, and to think it was all built by a girl.... Needless to say, they were impressed. It will be interesting to see how they are received as the fest continues. There will be pictures coming soon! Stay tuned folks!
    Kool thing too, they want to have my bionicle display in a TV spot for brickfest..... How exciting indeed! YAYA!
  17. Roa McToa
    I've really been busting bum on my my display for brickfest. Vakatu's rahi is complete, and Very creepy looking! They might even want it for the space category if they need a monster.
    Paruvaks rahi is 75% completed. All thats left to build are his feet and hip connection. The color scheme is rockin! I really think that this rahi will be my favorite of the bunch.
    I may post pics of paruvaks rahi before brickfest, but might also wait it out. I worked on Mukaia a bunch more, and it looks a lot different. Brickfest will be great! I can't wait!
  18. Roa McToa
    The rahi is as finished as I can get her at this point because I left both of my "Tool" buckets at home, so 99% completion minus a few trim peices that I dont have with me right now. Stay tuned for a topic update!!!!! Woo This is one of my biggest so far I think!
  19. Roa McToa
    Looks like I am going back home for a week on monday. I'll have most of that time to build, but then will have to pack up all my parts and bring them back to anchorage with me so I can get all my giant rahi finished in time. I'd rather get all those done before the Reikia, as I feel they will make a much more compelling display at brickfest. Rayzauraks legs and feet are going to get reworked too, and if I have time, I'll modify the torso to make it lighter.
    I plan to rebuild my main character matoran with a new design. Their current design will still be used for the Matoran Protectors though. The new design will feature bending knees and elbows, moving wrists and ankles as well as a poseable waist, and possible ribs as well. They will retain their tools, and will gain special armor when they are on their quest. Brainstorming this design will be tough, but i think I can pull it off without accidentally using other peoples designs. I don't usually look when I moc, so if anyone elses designs are used, it is purely coincidence.
    Heres to mocing Woot!
  20. Roa McToa
    I am so excited! I chatted with my brother last night, and he is talking about building my website for me!!! Not only will it have a section dedicated to Trials of Terror, it will also have pictures of the violins I build, as well as my other hobbies. Y'all will be able to learn a little more about the mysteries of Roa.
    He said he was going to get it roughed out soon, so hopefully there will be a movie website soon! I am crossing my fingers!
  21. Roa McToa
    Seems like the worst of the coughing and headaches are gone, but I am still getting weird chills. I feel like I can go to work today and assemble some stuff without getting dizzy everytime I stand, or turn too fast.
    Well, enough about sickiesick, I have some other things to chat about. I just made my chibi Barraki banner the other day and I like it enough to use it over the piraka banner! I've also been getting prepared to make instructions for them. I may work on them tonight.
    I also posted sneak peek pictures of two new giant rahi in The Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui. I hope to have the remaining 3 built for brickfest, as well as the Reikia.
    I have a Whole lotta bills coming up, but I think I'll make it to brickfest for sure, I just have to save
    Whoever is going to brickfest either as an attendee, or on Expo day, I'll be wearing a Trials of Terror T-Shirt, so y'all will be able to find me!
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