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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    I am diligently working on a one color moc assembled with blue pinaxles and red axles. Keeping other connectors to a minimum, and not using any grey or tan connectors. It will have a wonderful patch of red on it, that will wow the audience hopefully......
    And it will have an awesome technique that I pioneered, and have never seen done anywhere.....
    I can't wait to see her in her full completed form!
    Wish me luck!
  2. Roa McToa
    The build is coming along nicely, and I have finished the head, and started into the shoulders of the moc. I got to go to a radio station and do an interview about the brick museum, and Brickshow 2008 being held this weekend here in Ohio at the Toy and Plastic Brick Museum. There should be a good turnout. They are building a world record castle, and also hosting public building and coloring contests for the kids who attend.
    I should be able to get the front legs for the rahi built today, and end it in a long wormlike tail. I will post pictures upon my return to AK, as I cannot upload pictures with my current internet connection. I will take lots of pics and videos of the moving displays. Dan told me that he has a large scale Avak brick statue coming to the museum in a few weeks. I look forward to seeing the pictures!
    Several master builders have been invited to the museum to display their mocs, and I have been titled a master builder by the curator of the museum! I am happy that he sees my mocs as master work, and I'm looking forward to the public response. I have a feeling that kids will go nuts when they see my mocs on display in the space room. This museum is full of radical displays and would blow your mind!
    Well, I gotta go for now, I will post my day 3 entry later today.
  3. Roa McToa
    I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow!
    I have never been there, so it should be a blast!
    My family owns a new timeshare on Oahu, and it just opened up! Nice and brand new! I can't wait to go. I really wish I could take Dean with me, poor fella has to go back to work in -50 cold weather.
    on a sadder note, My Brother and his GF flew into anchorage because her father passed away in the hospital a couple days ago. I took the day off work today so I could get to town before flying out to see them, and pay my condolences. Loss of a family member is so hard, and I kindof know what she is going through, although not as hard as it is for her now.
    A life has been renewed. After sorrow, comes the joy of remembrance of all the good times.
  4. Roa McToa
    Hoooeeeeee, I finally ventured into the Blog section. I was a bit lost at first, but quickly found my way around. I plan to talk about daily life up here in alaska. Its been snowing a WHOLE lot lately, and the snow is to my shoulders (I'm 5'8"). It hasn't snowed like this since I was young, and it feels good.
    Amidst all the shoveling I do to keep my Quonset huts free of snow and my paths clear, cleaning apartments across the street, or driving to and from Anchorage every other week or two to work on violins and assemble yard equipment, I do manage to find time to build. Its sometimes hard to concentrate on moc's at times, because I'm still getting moved into my house somewhat. The Bionicle area is a mess as many many MANY things need to be parted out and sorted. I have lots of ideas for new creations to build, but no progress can be made at a messy table with pin bins that are getting low on resources.
    I am planning on attending brickfest PDX 07 this year, as it is very close to where my family is. Hopefully I can save enough to go. I'm bringing the Bioniwreath with me. I haven't done anything to it since the contest, as I have plenty of ball joints for my matoran and other creations. I also plan on bringing my cast of characters for Trials of Terror. I want to get some exposure and create at least a whisper about the movie as it starts to rise from the shadows. I hope it'll be a big hit when its completed. It'll be a kindof dark story, but it will show that great bravery conquers all if the dedication is there. I plan to add plenty of humor in there, and I intend to get chuckles out of even the most stubborn. It will focus on Unity, Duty and Destiny like the classic bionicle saga was more geared toward. Should turn out interesting, and I am more than willing to take on a few dedicated helpers.
    I'm heading back to Seward in who knows when, hopefully tomorrow. Its been snowing so much I'm scared to take the highway in my big truck. Crossing my fingers for no snow! Most my filming will be done in Seward for some super awesome nature booyahness, as well as filming in Landers CA for some Po-Kava scenes. Should be good.
    Anyway, I am signing off for now, I'll make another entry once I get home, or if I find out I have to stay longer because of an avalanche or something. See y'all next Entry!
    -Roa McToa-
  5. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone! I made it home safely, and managed to take some pics on my trip! Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. The trip totals about 120 miles. It got too dark for me to take pictures for the last 40 miles. I'll post another entry about Seward life in a day or two with more pictures. For now, enjoy the Alaskan scenery!

  6. Roa McToa
    Well, my vacation officially ends tomorrow night. I have heard that there is SO MUCH WORK for me when I get home. I'll need it for sure. I guess my motto for the weeks to come will be "Woooorrrk Till Your Body Buuurrnnsss!!!"
    Me and my two work partners have to build a minimum of 150 BBQ grills at each of 3 Home Depot stores in town, and the huge one out in the valley. Not to mention all the yard equipment they will need like wheelbarrows, lawnmowers, carts, trailers, chippers, shredders, log splitters... The list just keeps going on and on. Its hard to keep up with the quota, because customers often come up and buy the stuff as soon as you finish assembling it. Money is money in my book....
    I should be hearing back about NW Brick Con pretty soon, and I hope that its really good news! I also submitted a Builders Profile to The Brothers Brick. They were really interested in my Bionicle creations, and wanted to put up their very first builder spotlight on their site, and have it be about me and my Bionicle creations! I was nominated and gladly accepted the invitation! They told me thats the first time they had seen bionicle models that were built the way I build em. Makes me happy to know I was accepted so nicely at brickfest!
    I think BrickfestPDX 07 was an important step that I needed to take into the next level of building. I saw creations that blew my mind, like the operating Cuckoo clock that was staring at the bionicle table. I loved that thing, and I want to build one!!! I absorbed as much as I could by looking at other peoples creations, and learned so many great things about system that I would like to try myself! That Lego building book I won as a door prize is like candy too! I will gobble up all those spiffy building techniques......
    I still have to file my taxes when I get home.......
    One word.....
    See you all on the flip side.......
    Roa out.....
  7. Roa McToa
    I am off to Seward for a week! YAY!
    I plan on securing a job, and finding that cute boy I've been looking for............
    Not to mention finally posting that Seward Life entry I've been blabbing about..................
    Wheeeee I love going home!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Roa McToa
    I gaze to the sky as snow gently falls onto the rooftops. The sky is grey, and the trees are gleaming with the lightly frozen crisp of a fresh winter new. The songbirds that stay are the swift and the singing, flitting from branch to branch, peeping their chilly song. Taking in a breath of crisp fresh air, you can feel the frigid cold of a winter ensuing.
    Long gone is the summer of past, looking forward to winter at last. To stand on a mountaintop in the dark of night, basking in the light of the moon, no other feeling can quite compare. When the snow lights up with a glow, that brings up deep feelings of warmth, in the heart you once bestowed.
    Here to winter, here to snow, here to a warm hearth's glow
    I love winter
  9. Roa McToa
    I am hoping hoping hoping that I will be able to get my display built in time for brickfest. I am stuck in anchorage till this weekend (I hope not longer). I need to get back home and build. I am totally sweating it for the fact that I need to build 3 giant rahi, and build the rest of the Reikia too. The Suvika themselves need a little touching up, especially on their legs. I may incorporate a poseable waist into the models at a later time.
    I wanted to retouch on Rayzaurak too and give him better flexibility in his legs, and more supportive feet. I hate the fact that he has to use his hands to support himself, as they were not meant for that. They need to be free to grab things like Toa and Matoran.
    I've been brainstorming ideas for how to build Paruvaks rahi, and it will be really neat. I'm going to incorporate the large grey wheels from the brown star wars battle droid set into the rahi's hips, and see if I can make them have gear friction in the hips so posing it is easier. Toa Metru legs for toes would look neat too.....
    For Kokatas rahi I was thinking of either making the sabercat, like the drawing, or making something more along the lines of Falcore from The Neverending Story. Still not sure, as the head is almost birdlike, but has a sabercat look to it. decisions decisions decisions!
    And Vakatu, I still have no idea, but hopefully when I receive my bricklink orders, I can come up with something. I think a giant fire scorpion would look cool!
    The Reikia on the other hand, all depends if I can get the right armour. I have enough to build the Onu-Reikia, and I think I ordered some more armor colors, but I'm not sure. The Ta-Reikia has a really awesome carapace, and the Onu will be similar, but with a few major differences. The body structure of the Ta and Po Reikia are different too. I'm going to try different bodies for all 6 of them. Hopefully they will be a raging success!
    When I get back home, and if I have to travel to anchorage again before brickfest for work, I'll be sure to pack up all my parts for transport, cause this stint in town really killed my building time. I plan on going back either sunday, monday or tuesday, depending on the amount of work that is available. Wish me luck!
    Stay tuned for a Seward Life entry with pictures when I get back home. I was unable to do it last time for various reasons. Its really a charming little town. I love living there, as it reminds me so much of the great times I spent with my grandpa when my family would visit. I'll post up some of my moms 1964 earthquake experiences regarding the house, and how far the wave went and the condition it left the town in. My grandfathers home survived the quake with no damage and was a safe house for so many people after the quake. Stay tuned for more!
    Until next time, Roa out.............
  10. Roa McToa
    I woke up to Evil Takanuva's hysterical laughter.
    "mwuaahahahhhahhaahahahaaaaaaaaaa" *cough*

    And even worse, was the terribly hideous beast that was staring down my mask. It reeked of sweet things that made my mouth water. I was paralyzed by its gaze, and was forced to watch it eat sweet treats that it pulled from its pocket. The torture was unbearable! It was eating my favorite sweets!

    Green Guy was to my right, passed out and buried under a pile of feet.

    How we are going to escape from this is beyond me at the moment, but Evil Takanuva has my bow and arrows, which really angers me! Me no like when someone else is hoarding my stuff!
    What oh What could happen next! Stay tuned!
  11. Roa McToa
    My entry is finally finished after three nights of building with practically NO SYSTEM in my possesion. I had to get creative...........
    Here is my entry topic, take a look at the Bionic Fridge, fully stocked with Bionifood!
    A first in Bionicle. Who'd have thunk to build a fridge!
  12. Roa McToa
    Woweee! I got blog of the week! How awesome! I certainly wasn't expecting it. I'm going to take some more pictures around Seward to add to my Seward Life entry. I have a lot of interesting pictures and things for all to see.
    Also, as a side note...
    I am going to make an RC Super Venom Striker out of my manas and 2 striking venom sets. It'll be the ultimate exo-force mobile base!
    Stay tuned for some awesome stuffz!
  13. Roa McToa
    So I threw my first Lego Birthday Party ever.
    One of my friends kids (My boss's niece's son) was having a birthday today. His mom had called me up around the beginning of October about this, and I told her yeah, I'll do it. "Lemme grab some figures, and I'll get back to ya". When I was at Brickcon, I got to talk to certified Lego professional Dan Parker, and I asked him about how his group does parties. He talked about having a theme for parties i.e. pirates Bionicle, Star Wars, whatever.... and having do not touch models and play with models, as well as providing sets to build and parts to build with as well. You also build a model for the birthday kid. His crews go all out and build something huge. I also built a schweet little mech at his studio before going back home.
    I am not quite up the the grand scale of their parties, so for $150, I threw a nice Lego party. I took along two big totes of Lego, and three big totes of Bionicle. I had some random sets and mocs posed around the room in battle poses for decor. There were 15 kids at the party, and most of them wanted to build with Bionicle. They also did balloon fights for when they needed to blow off steam... (hyper 7&8 year olds.. lol) So many questions, and assistance calls, it took a lot to keep up with them all.
    Well, the hot set of the day.....
    Bohrok of all things! They all wanted Bohrok! Good thing this random box had enough to make about 6 or 7 of em, plus I had about 3 or 4 already assembled on display in the room. It was an all out Bohrok fest on the bionicle pile. They were upgrading them with different shields and weapons. Trading disks and krana with eachother. It was fun to watch. Overall, they all kept very busy building. One of the moms who was there built a purple house out of bricks! Its so cool, I am gonna keep it assembled!
    There was also a cake that looked like it was made outta LEGO Bricks! Nicely made for a home cake indeed. It was a speckle cake, and she used marshmallows for the lego studs, and the bricks were frosted different colors. Very clever, and easy for a structured cake! The presents session was good, as the birthday boy got lots of gifts, including two clone trooper packs and an agents his speed boat chase set. The party favors were also $3 lego sets, and I got two of em courtesy of the birthday boy himself! How cool is that!
    Overall, it was a great party! The basement hall at the Library was a perfect place to throw such an event. She had reserved it for two hours, but thats never enough time. The kids wanted to build more! I don't blame em when there's a huge pile of elements at their disposal. I ended up giving the kid a raincheck for his birthday moc, (more on that in a moment) and I gave him a Bohrok Kal. He was happy no doubt!
    Now for his birthday moc, which is a detailed Toa, I am gonna have his uncle (my boss) take it to him. My boss paid for the party as a surprise gift to his lil nephew, cause he never gets the chance to do anything with him, busy schedules of all parties and such. So I think it'll be a good way for them to bond.
    So thats pretty much it for my Sunday. I have been chillen relaxin at home most of the day. lol
    seeya next blog!
    Now to finish that moc..........
  14. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone, I felt like posting up these sneak peek concept images of what my giant rahi may look like!
    Kokatas rahi

    Vakatus rahi

    Paruvaks rahi

    I'm not sure on vakatu's rahi, but let me know what you think!
  15. Roa McToa
    I'm getting ready to go on my Brickfair Adventure!
    I am about 90% packed, and am flying out tomorrow night! I even picked up some grippy foam for helping in the setup of large models on smooth tables. Things tend to slip, and the smoothness of the tables limits poseability. My mocs are built for outdoor use, and tend not to grip onto tables too well. The foam should help any models that need a little extra grip.
    I'm arriving in Chicago wednesday morning at a bright and early 5 am, and we are hitting the road from there. Were going to make a stop at the Toy and Plastic Brick museum, which houses the worlds largest privately owned lego collection! I am eager to see it!
    If I'm really lucky, I will have time to visit the Smithsonian Institution! I've never seen it before, and I am told that its now 9 buildings big of massive artifacts and displays! I must gooooo..... dinosaurs woot!
    Anywhoo, I am nervous about the whole thing. Especially the BBCC. I always make the drastic mistake of taking bad pictures of my entries, giving BZP a "not so good" view of my amazing moc. I know it got a lot of hype, but I am still nervous..... I guess that goes hand in hand with getting ready for a trip *_*
    Wish me luck!
  16. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone.
    For those who saw me close my main moc topic, do not fear. I have not given up on Trials of Terror.
    Right now, my life is a total mess, and I simply do not have the time to keep up with the project. I will re-post at a later date with the new mocs and story updates.
    I hope I can get things straightened out, I am so depressed right now.
  17. Roa McToa
    I feel like I'm coming down with something baaaddd......
    Its been a while since my skin hurt from goosebumps. Constantly feeling chills running down my spine, pain in the back, excessive coughing.... I hope it doesnt getreally bad. I dont need another fever of 104. That happened when I was in JR high, and I lost 15 lbs. ouch
    I hope this thing doesnt get really bad. Time to start pumping the Tea and getting plenty of rest. Oi oi oi...
    Now time to go be miserable for a while........... Waah
  18. Roa McToa
    I finished my first successful batch of Squaw candy this year, and it turned out WAY better than the batch I tried last year. Once you've tried salmon smoked like this, you would never go back to your normal store bought smoked salmon!

    This batch was made from frozen fish from last year, so it is not as perfect as fresh caught fish, but is still dang tasty!
    The next batch will be even better! I am gettin gmy process dialed in, and I hope to be as good as my grandpa was at this.
  19. Roa McToa
    I worked pretty hard on a new bit of info for Trials of Terror. Diligently working in MS word, I came up with about half of my story sequence with time approximations of how long the scenes will be. This movie might end up being longer than 2 hours....... Depending on how long it ends up being, I may end up releasing it in episodes. Then when the entire movie is finished, I'll have a downloadable link on my Trials of Terror website (which is still in the making) when the movie is all put together.
    I may have to build a new folder for my avatars and banners. Brickshelf won't approve the folder after they took it off of public view. It's probably just been there too long without enough updates. I added a bunch of new avvies and banners, but it still wont go active. Argh. Just means I'll have to Work LOL. Oh well.
    Warm weather today, about 34 degrees. SHould make fro some slippery roads. I talked to my friends who live in Seward, and they said the roads are nasty freaky ice rink scary stuff yanno..... so I probably wont be able to go back till wednesday morning. At least I don't miss rehearsal this week.......
    In the meantime, enjoy this little funny!

  20. Roa McToa
    After being taken hostage I had passed out, and had the strangest dream.
    Me and Green Guy were on top of a mountain, and he was cuddling this strange doll that looked vaguely familiar.
    "What is that Green Guy, and why for pete's sake did you bring it here??"
    Green Guy looked at me and said rather bluntly..... "Because I WUB him!"

    Then I woke up, to something so incredibly horrid, that you will have to wait until the next entry to see it!
    Stay Tuned!!!!
  21. Roa McToa
    Seems like the worst of the coughing and headaches are gone, but I am still getting weird chills. I feel like I can go to work today and assemble some stuff without getting dizzy everytime I stand, or turn too fast.
    Well, enough about sickiesick, I have some other things to chat about. I just made my chibi Barraki banner the other day and I like it enough to use it over the piraka banner! I've also been getting prepared to make instructions for them. I may work on them tonight.
    I also posted sneak peek pictures of two new giant rahi in The Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui. I hope to have the remaining 3 built for brickfest, as well as the Reikia.
    I have a Whole lotta bills coming up, but I think I'll make it to brickfest for sure, I just have to save
    Whoever is going to brickfest either as an attendee, or on Expo day, I'll be wearing a Trials of Terror T-Shirt, so y'all will be able to find me!
  22. Roa McToa
    I've really been busting bum on my my display for brickfest. Vakatu's rahi is complete, and Very creepy looking! They might even want it for the space category if they need a monster.
    Paruvaks rahi is 75% completed. All thats left to build are his feet and hip connection. The color scheme is rockin! I really think that this rahi will be my favorite of the bunch.
    I may post pics of paruvaks rahi before brickfest, but might also wait it out. I worked on Mukaia a bunch more, and it looks a lot different. Brickfest will be great! I can't wait!
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