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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    This could be the beginning of the rest of my life.
    I have had boyfriends before, but this one....... just feels different. I have never felt this way about ANYONE in my life. We both feel like we have known eachother for along time, even though we met not all that long ago. I fee llike this is true love, not some pansy game. He may be the one for me, and me the one for him. I am crossing my fingers.
    He arrives in town tomorrow. I cannot wait!
  2. Roa McToa
    After being taken hostage I had passed out, and had the strangest dream.
    Me and Green Guy were on top of a mountain, and he was cuddling this strange doll that looked vaguely familiar.
    "What is that Green Guy, and why for pete's sake did you bring it here??"
    Green Guy looked at me and said rather bluntly..... "Because I WUB him!"

    Then I woke up, to something so incredibly horrid, that you will have to wait until the next entry to see it!
    Stay Tuned!!!!
  3. Roa McToa
    If anyone here lives in Alaska, I have a display of some of my mocs in Seward at the public library. I am displaying Boruka and Mirkatuva, Kokata and Mukaia, the Pit Scourge, Roa and Kohaku, the Toa of Kaiva-Nui, the Bionic Fridge, Vakatu, Paruvak, Morkron the Reikia of Fire, and some random matoran.
    So far I have recieved many complimentson the models, as no one up here has really ever seen anything like that in real life. The display will be there until about a week into January. I'll have a new display up in another month or two. I'll be sure to take a picture upon my return to Alaska.
    As far as my current vacation, I got a few nice little gifts for Christmas, but none of it was Lego. So, I went and splurged a bit on some self gifts. I found a Monster Dino kit at walmart for $50, and I found a Brutaka at Bi-Mart. I also got Mantax and Ehlek, and I ordered the entire 2008 collection from shop@home. It will be waiting at my PO box upon my return to Seward. I am eagerly awaiting my return to AK.
  4. Roa McToa
    It's about darn time too! The Mahri are finally here in Alaska. We don't yet have all the titans, but I was able to get all 6 Toa, and Maxilos & Spinax!
    I have been picking up LOTS of last years sets for super bargains at my local Fred Meyers stores. Many sets are 75% off their retail prices, and its really a great time to stock up on those extra sets! I have 4 striking venom sets now, I got 2 for $18 each. I bought 8 Vezon and fenrakk sets for about $12 each, then a few more for about $10 each (I lost count), Piraka outposts for $12, and Toa Inika are on sale for about $4, great to get if you missed out on the S@H deal.
    What are you waiting for, go! Go Buy LEGOOOOOO!
    I am going back home in a week, and I dread the mass sorting I need to do of both my system, and bionicle pieces.....
  5. Roa McToa
    And build and build and build and build and build and build and BUILD................
    Quite frankly I am getting tired of it.......
    If you are thinking that I am tired of building bionicle, have no fear! I could never give up this great building system we all know and love as Bionicle!
    I have been stuck in Anchorage too much.... WAAYYYyyy too much! I am seriously wanting to cut back on my assembly job. I can already feel strange twinges in my hands,wrists and arms that weren't there before. Working there for about a year and a half, I have had enough of building every day. I don't want to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome...........
    My goal is to attain a job at home in Seward, and still be able to come back to anchorage to work at my violinmaking/repair job. I am still thinking of doing assembly work, but only for the two weeks at a time that I'm in anchorage. A two and two week schedule would really work out great for me, and I am hoping to find an employer who will make room for my trade. If I earn enough money to put my shop together, I will be able to bring my work home with me, and have to travel to anchorage less. I'll have to save save save for that to happen!
    On another note, I got to process some fresh fish the other day. T'was 1 1/2 halibut worth of fillets, it is was SO GOOD! I cooked a half a fillet the other night, and it was perfect and flaky juicy nummyness! I also cleaned up some salmon, and had that a few nights before halibut. It was So Good, that it tasted like candy! I hope to get more fish soon, I love the stuff!
    Another reason I really want to spend time in Seward, is to find love. I met someone a while back that I'd like to run into again, and if he doesn't make the cut, I will look around. There are plenty of nice men to go looking for in "Poor Womanless Seward"............ I am crossing my fingers, 'cause being lonely just stinks. I hope I find a guy who likes the fact that I love bionicle and lego..... Its always the pitts when a guy thinks you are wierd for liking toys.......
    Anyways, I'll bring this entry to a close. I will have more to talk about soon, as I have been seeing the moose browsing lately....... Lots of them!
    See you next entry!
  6. Roa McToa
    So ah yeah,
    I got the most awesome call today! I am being sponsored to attend Brickcon in Octoboer! ZOMG WHEEEEE!!!!
    Possibly getting sponsored for Brickfair too! WOOT WHEEEEEE!!!!!!!
    Hopefully I will make it to both conventions! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  7. Roa McToa
    We were walking along after getting out of the pick a brick field, when we came across this lone horseman. The horse looked too organic to be real, but the rider was 100% lego, and real! He was a shady looking guy, all half robot and stuff. He looked rather battle ravaged, and his face was so angry looking.
    "Hey Mister" I said. "Are you familiar with this place, could you give us directions to somewhere cool?"
    He glared at me and Green Guy, and shook his head.
    "You two have entered a dark and treacherous place. There is something bad going around, and I have a feeling that were being watched." He looked around nervously....
    Green Guy shuddered. "I'm scared... umm, Blue Archer Lady. This guy gives me the creeps, and I wanna find goodies!"
    With that remark, the horseman pointed to the north. "You will find great treasure north of here, but beware the ever watching ones." With that, he rode off, never to be seen again.

    "Well, that was crazy" I said. "I wonder what he was all about...."
    "WERE GOING NOOOOORTH!" Green Guy hollered as he started running. "GOOOOOOOODDDIIIIEEEESSSSS!"
    I chased after him.....
    My mouth was agape as I rounded the next corner....... Mesmerized, I entered the vat.
    More kanohi that you could know what to do with, and there was some semi rare masks in there! LOTS of them! Oooh the wonders!
    "Look at these masks Green Guy! I think we have hit the jackpot!"
    He popped out of the piles of kanohi and said "Look at me Blue Archer Lady! I found a TNGM, and it fits so nice! Tee hee hee!"

    Could it get any better? Or are things about to go terribly wrong?
    Stay tuned for the next installment of "Letagis Matoran go on an Alaskan Adventure!"
  8. Roa McToa
    Looks like I won't be leaving Anchorage for a while yet. The road is closed and they are cleaning up avalanches on the highway. Driving conditions are also too hazardous due to high wind, ice, rain and snow. Funny thing about the Seward Highway, its rated as one of the most beautiful sightseeing highways in the country, yet it is the most dangerous to drive in the winter. LOL
    I heard rumors that after the short clear spell we're going to get, its going to be a whopper doozie 40" snowstorm!!!! Thats like.... almost 4 feet!!!!! I'm going to have a lot of shoveling to do.........
    Heres a random GOOD DEALS of the day for those who like to save money on Bionicle sets! Anyone who lives in the Pacific Northwest is familiar with the store chain Fred Meyers. If you are a lucky sot with money, go to your local fred meyers and buy up piraka and 06 playsets! They are discounting them for up to 75% off the retail price!!!! So like, you pay $3.75 for piraka! I have seen lava chamber gate for as low as $17! They are discounting exo force sets and other lego sets as well! Stock up on your LEGO Bricks Kiddies!
  9. Roa McToa
    I happened to thumb through my grandfathers recipe book a while ago, and I found an exerpt in there that speaks the truth so fine, that one could not take better advice as far as being happy in marriage.
    I copied what was written, and have brought it here to share with you and your loved ones. Please take the time to read this, and do share it with your parents. They may find it a joy to read. I had to omit a few religious references so abide to the rules of BZPower, but ya get the jist.
    Old Wisdom for all to share.
    17 Points for a Happy Marriage
    1) - The very nearest approach to domestic happiness on earth is in the cultivation on both sides of absolute unselfishness.
    2) - Never both be angry at once.
    3) - Never speak loud to one another unless the house is on fire.
    4) - Let each one strive to yield oftenest to the wishes of the other
    5) - Let self denial be the daily aim and practice of each.
    6) - Never find fault unless it is perfectly certain that a fault has been committed and always speak lovingly.
    7) - Never taunt with a past mistake.
    8) - Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
    9) - Never allow a request to be repeated
    10) - Never make a remark at the expense of each other.
    11) - Never part for a day without loving words to think of during absence.
    12) - Never let the sun go down upon any anger or grievance.
    13) - Never meet without a loving welcome.
    14) - Never forget the happy hours of early love.
    15) - Never sigh over what might have been, but make the best of what it is.
    16) - Never forget that marriage is ordained by ****, and that **** blessings alone can make it what it should ever be.
    17)-Never be contented till you know you are both walking in the same narrow way
    I read this exerpt aloud with my Man, and we about cried afterward cause it felt so beautiful to share.
  10. Roa McToa
    Day one (early setup) of Brickcon has passed, and I have already gotten to see some amazing creations! My favorite in particular is my table neighbors 3.5 foot taall mecha godzilla with drilling hands, light up eyes, and an opening mouth. It is so awesome, that there aren't enough words to explain it. I will post pics later. The moonbase setup is going to be really awesome, as the Eiffel moontower showed up, and Wayne brought a ship factory built in modular style. Again, pure awesome. The totem pole has made its grand return, awesome as ever.
    The Bionicle table is looking awesome! Thanks to the members who mailed in their mocs for display, for without you guys, the display just wouldn't be complete. I'm eager to see if anyone added anything more to the bionicle table!
    And I would like to thank Imatron personally for sending in the rare masks I needed for the trophies. Thanks man!
    I will post pictures of the con each day with an entry for all to see.
    I'll also make an awesome NWBC news report for Shilo to post on the main page after the con is over.
    And to all you BZP members who are going, I am easy to find.
    Onward to the Official day one of the convention! Woot!
  11. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone!
    I know that many of you have been wondering why I haven't been online much over the past many months. Circumstances made it impossible for me to be online regularly in the past because I didn't have internet in my home. I had to travel to anchorage (130 miles away) to do any real work on BZP. I became rather disheartened, and had to make hiatus from this grand site. Well, the tides have shifted, and are flowing in my favor now.
    I have internet, and its FAST.
    I am hereby announcing my full time return to BZPower, and my presence in the forums will be known again. I am pleased to be back, and am able to help whenever I am needed!
    My topics are going to get upgraded, a new chibi topic will be created, and a new trials of terror movie topic will be created as well! Stay tuned for awesome happenings, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about building, or about BZPower.
    Cheers to all, and its great to be back!
  12. Roa McToa
    After we both got our fix swimming in the giant tub of masks, we continued onward in our adventure.
    "Hey Green Guy, check this out!" I hollar'd.

    "OH MY GOSHZORZ!" Green Guy screamed as he fell down. He ran off all wide eyed.
    "Green Guy! It was only a joke?!?"
    I turned around only to see him standing there, with..... thaa-aaa-aa-aaat?

    "Hee heee heeeeee! My Rahi is assembled! I win!"
    "Oh fine then! Lets get going, I know there is a portal around here that'll take us to another dimension. If were lucky, it will be our own dimension..."
    Walking along further, we both started to hear strange sounds. They were thunderous, and grew louder with each pulse. We both shivered in fear, as it sounded like giant footsteps!
    Then it happened So Suddenly!!!! ZOMG

    "AARRRRGGGG! You are not native matoran of this realm, and you will be PUNISHED!"
    We both screamed in utter fear for our lives as this Evil Takanuva took us up in the air with his big claws. "Let us go... please?!?!"
    "NEVER! You will have to come with me for your punishment for trespassing!"
    With that, Evil Takanuva took us hostage.........
    It seems like things are going downhill for our heroes. Will they be able to escape from Evil Takanuva, or will they be punished to DEATH!!??!!??
    Stay tune to the next episode of Letagi's Matoran go on an Alaskan Adventure!
  13. Roa McToa
    UPDATE: I am going to be the Bionicle Theme Coordinator for Brickcon. There will be updates in the near future for where to send mocs and such. I'm going to do my best to get as many great mocs as possible!
    I bought my plane ticket, and I am headed to NW Brickcon in October! YAAAY! Anyone else who's going, be sure to catch up with me. We'll need a BZPosse to properly represent! There isn't as much space for Brickcon as there was at brickfest, so bring your favorite mocs only if you are coming, and let me know what you are bringing with you if you are going as an attendee for the entire convention. I'll be sure to make some room on my table for you!
  14. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone.
    For those who saw me close my main moc topic, do not fear. I have not given up on Trials of Terror.
    Right now, my life is a total mess, and I simply do not have the time to keep up with the project. I will re-post at a later date with the new mocs and story updates.
    I hope I can get things straightened out, I am so depressed right now.
  15. Roa McToa
    Hello all! Day three has passed, and my Bionicle display is all set up in the Space room, terrorizing all the star wars and space sets. Mwahahha! Sooner or later, a bionicle room will get set up, but for now, space will have to do. I get to Oogle the spaceship cockpit during the day. Of my rahi, I am displaying Vakatu & Krukoa, Boruka & Mirkatuva, Gulakai & Rayzaurak, Paruvak & Pakuudo, the Sea Scourge, and Yukizahk as well as my main character matoran and some assorted rahi. The Bionic fridge is there too, and Onewa and Nuparu are enjoying some kraatdogs.
    My museum model is almost finished, and is looking haenous! I just have to finish its base and arms. Its going to be wormlike, but wyrmlike if that makes any sense. I used some crazy fusion on the back/spine and made use of a large, odd system piece. Its already weighing in pretty heavily, and should be fairly impressive once its finished. This model will remain on permanent display at the museum.
    This opportunity may also extend itself into the future for me. As the museum continues to grow, they are willing to sponsor me as a builder and even send me components to build with! They want me to return next year, and may even fully pay my way here! That makes me happy to know that they love my work. So far, all the guest builders/LUG's absolutely love my work, and admire the talent I show. My attitude also goes well with it as I tend to be rather upbeat and in lego love/heaven.
    I look forward to the show, and sharing my mocs with all the kids that are expected to show up this weekend. Saturday will be the big attendance day, and it should be a madhouse of fun times and lego building.
    If you can make it, I'll see you at Brickshow!
  16. Roa McToa
    The build is coming along nicely, and I have finished the head, and started into the shoulders of the moc. I got to go to a radio station and do an interview about the brick museum, and Brickshow 2008 being held this weekend here in Ohio at the Toy and Plastic Brick Museum. There should be a good turnout. They are building a world record castle, and also hosting public building and coloring contests for the kids who attend.
    I should be able to get the front legs for the rahi built today, and end it in a long wormlike tail. I will post pictures upon my return to AK, as I cannot upload pictures with my current internet connection. I will take lots of pics and videos of the moving displays. Dan told me that he has a large scale Avak brick statue coming to the museum in a few weeks. I look forward to seeing the pictures!
    Several master builders have been invited to the museum to display their mocs, and I have been titled a master builder by the curator of the museum! I am happy that he sees my mocs as master work, and I'm looking forward to the public response. I have a feeling that kids will go nuts when they see my mocs on display in the space room. This museum is full of radical displays and would blow your mind!
    Well, I gotta go for now, I will post my day 3 entry later today.
  17. Roa McToa
    It's official! I have a place for mocs to be mailed! Get your creative talents going and build up a really special moc for Northwest Brick Con! All sizes of mocs are welcome, and we would like to get as many mocs as possible to display, so that Bionicle makes a real presence at the convention! Adult Fans of Lego will be impressed by the sheer number of people who love bionicle as much as they love Lego Bricks. Lets show everyone our talents at building! Gather your parts and get busy!
    When you have a moc that is ready to mail, please PM me, and I will send you the necessary information for mailing it!
  18. Roa McToa
    I finally got a cell phone, so I guess that makes me cool........ I guess
    Now I've become one of those people who'll have a phone glued to their ear LOL
    I'm only paying $50 per month for unlimited minutes with statewide long distance, and I got a free Motorola Razr phone with the deal, so Booyah!
  19. Roa McToa
    Winter quickly approaches up here in Alaska. The snow has already started to fall, but isn't yet sticking, although that may change in a week or so. A large storm front is moving in, so it means either snow, or lots of rain. Rain usually equates to flooding. Hopefully that won't happen again.....
    oop, the power just went out, good thing I am running a laptop.....
    *goes to sleep*
    *wakes up at 6 am*
    Looks like the power came back on, and its still raining outside. Ahh yes, good ol winter LOL
    More blogs to follow
  20. Roa McToa
    To anyone who lives in Alaska, and especially Anchorage, my Trials of Terror creations will be on display at the Pack Rat Antique Mall in downtown anchorage for the whole month of April! All my giant rahi, and as many characters as I can fit in the case will be there! So, if you happen to be close by, why not take a look and check out my spiffy creations!
    New models, and new revamps are going to be displayed here, so if anyone happens to Take Pictures, they get extra kudos bonus friend points from Roa. I'll post your pictures in the kaiva-nui topic as a sneak peek of whats coming!
    There will be information detailing the collections presence in the Anchorage Press for April! Enjoy!
    The collection may possibly be on display for ANOTHER MONTH! I will make an official announcement if this happens. I also took some pictures. Granted, its hard to get good pictures through glass, but you can see all the characters in there! Enjoy!
  21. Roa McToa
    I've been wandering around, feeling lost. With no one by my side, I was thinking that I was going to head into winter all by myself, until something cool happened the other day.
    I ran into an acquaintance of mine named Ben while I was shopping for groceries. I met him through work over the summer, as he works for one of Sewards largest construction firms. He's come to the tool rental to pick up tools for some of the jobs around town. I always liked talking to him, he seemed really nice.
    Well, now that I am single, we exchanged phone numbers, and made a date.
    Last night we went to see a movie, and had a good time hanging out and sharing some info about each others lives. He is in the process of going through some massive life changes, so whether or not he is ready for life anew is yet to be told.
    It was refreshing to have a date with no pressure whatsoever, where we enjoyed eachothers words, smiles and gazes, rather than hugs and kisses. I hope our next outing is filled with more joyous time like this. He seems really interesting!
    He's a nut for fishing, and so am I.................
    My heart is dancing with anticipation!
  22. Roa McToa
    I am soooo busy getting my display ready for Brickfair. I have until sunday night to get everything done and packed up. I will have to get my entry done, as I will have minimal pieces in anchorage to use. All my mocs need teeny tweaks before I pack them up, and I am going to cram as many mocs as I can into these tubs. All the big ones for sure.... Some assembly required.......
    I'm going to work in the violin shop for a week before the fest, so I will have some time to relax beforehand.
    It'll be cool.... I am flying into Chicago on the 26th, and am meeting up with my friends who are housing me for the fest. Were going to start driving to Brickfair from the airport. I've never seen that side of the country, so it should be pretty cool! I'm really looking forward to it.
    Maybe I can get my family to drive up from Allentown to attend the public expo!
    Either way, I must get back to bustin it!
  23. Roa McToa
    My entry is finally finished after three nights of building with practically NO SYSTEM in my possesion. I had to get creative...........
    Here is my entry topic, take a look at the Bionic Fridge, fully stocked with Bionifood!
    A first in Bionicle. Who'd have thunk to build a fridge!
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