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Lazzy the Spazzy

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Status Updates posted by Lazzy the Spazzy

  1. Are you the original Sets?

    Because Sets with a _ is Munki.

  2. Did I do something wrong?

  3. Ooooohhhh I get it. hehe xD

  4. Hey sure, no prob and thanks for asking, not many people do that. I'll send you a PM soon with links.

  5. 5 is. >=]

    Not much, you EW? I notice you're using a different signoff now.

    Congrats Dr. Evil lol

    Yeah I do, Ace, want me to PM it to you?

  6. Hey Nac. In case you didn't get my PM, I was wondering if you would like to merge your Naruto RPG with ours and make one big RPG to send to the mods. Pleae reply soon, and thanks in advance!

  7. Try posting a bit more first; the PM function doesn't work for New Members, which is the group you're in.

  8. wait what? last time you were online was march this year?

    and here I was thinking you were gone for good.

  9. give a shout out next time you come online.

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