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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. XD. Kidding. I don't really use the rating system at all.

  2. XD. Smooth.

    Do any of these have messenger?

  3. XD.

    Yayz for maths.

  4. XD

    I can change it again fairly soon, the OBZPC limit is a month, I think.

  5. XD


  6. XD

    Love the new Av

  7. XD

    Word filter even works in comments. Sweet.

  8. Ya rly. I look good in orange.

  9. Yeah, I bought the copy of Metal Hammer it came with. Actually thinking of subscribing to that... pretty good CD overall.

  10. Yeah, it was unrelated to MaaW.

    And favorite song... that's hard. At the moment, I'm really enjoying Decadence, but overall, I'd say Ten Thousand Fists.

  11. Yeah, that was pretty funny. I love how he just goes and beats Richard up and shleps him off into the jungle. It was just like... "lolwut".

  12. Yeh, Serj is doing pretty good by himself, isn't he? I like quite a few songs off his solo album.

    But yeh, most SoaD stuff is pretty listenable. You'd be hard pressed to find a song of theirs that you don't want to listen to.

  13. Dorek

    Yeh, we saw one of those in a supermarket, but it was our last day there, so we decided to take a look when we go back.

  14. Dorek

    Yellow. The color of bananas.

    I no like bananas >=(

  15. Yes, FMA is awesome. The anime is really different than the manga. The anime is good, too, but it's much more circular, and basically everything makes sense. The manga is much more open ended.

  16. YES. It was good. I thought Ben was gonna die but he liiiiived.

  17. Yes. Miserix.

  18. Yes.


  19. YESSSSSSSS. I looooove Firefly.

  20. Yo mama scares me!

    But yes, good boy.

  21. Yo... yo...

  22. Dorek

    You are a bad person.

  23. You better make me a birthday topic.

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