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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. Lolno. I wasn't willing to do that even when I had money coming in; sure as heck not gonna do it now. Also I'm one of those "BZP is dying" types, so not worth the money to me XP. I'll probably get 6 months, maybe a year...

  2. Dorek

    Looks better on me.

  3. Dorek

    Lucky. We've been thinking about getting wi-fi for the house, but we've been too lazy to do it :P

  4. Man, todays episode was INTENSE.

  5. Maybe it's just the lighting, but they look sickly green >>



    owait, that was a while ago.

    As far as I know, you can't vote fo yoself, nor is any vote going to change anything EVAR.

  8. Meh. Odd's a cat. With a dog. Paradox's ftw.

    And true, Xana has owned Kiwi XP

  9. Mmm, yeah, I'm glad I did. Shame yours didn't make it. There were quite a few good entries cut, but I guess they expected perfection. I'm hoping for the win, but I get the feeling there would be general outcry of "no fare he staf >=("

  10. Mmm, yeh, the real problem is finding a store with lots of things you want, because it isn't worth placing an order for a part or two.

  11. mmm... bubble wrap...

  12. More like "Go die in a hole Shadow-Nui".

    But close enough.

  13. More like Kirby having eaten one of those guys :P

  14. Must... murder... USPS...

  15. Nah, something like "Go roast in an incinerator, Shadow Nui"

  16. New song is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing 8D

  17. Nice try. I screenshotted that blog :3

  18. NO CAN HAS.

    IZ MINE.

    I'd give it to ya if they let me >>. I don't need none from my next premiership.

  19. No der, captain obvious.

  20. No money.

    I r broak.

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