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Wise Whenua

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Everything posted by Wise Whenua

  1. Wow, I remember this topic a loooong time ago on the lego forums. Only you were answering Bionicle questions... 1) Is the thing I posted above true?
  2. Wise Whenua


    You look nice in that pick! (Besides the no shoes part, lol). Have a blissfully happy graduation, Takia!
  3. Wise Whenua

    So Cute!

    I love kittens! My friends Cat had kittens, too! I already have a cat...and mom says me can'ts have a kitten...boo hoo. I'll keep, a watch for some more pics!
  4. I really disagree in terms of Kopeke winning. I, personelly would also take Taipu as the chronicler because he actually liked and I repeat, LIKED to go on adventures. In MNOG, when you broke through the tunnels and if you didn't take Taipu, He would sit on a rock...wishing he would have come. Which, IMO, is why Taipu would be best for the choice. Hopefully, my voice was heard. I think this struck an argument. Sooo...I agree with you munkeymunkey, by far. Bonesiii, in your list of criteria, I think that this is more of your opinion than fact. Or so I would assume. As Wysp said, and I quote, 'Just goes to show: Everything varies from person to person' which I agree with. I so agree with many thing you have listed above, then again, some I don't. Soo I've decided to say, I disagree overall. Im not trying to be mean...its just Im trying to say most was opinion...and some fact. --STW (WWToE) P.S. I don't remember when Kopeke ever wanted to travel. He was forced. Yeah...I read the posts...and that was a quote...but, its still true. Kopeke was NEVER wanting to travel. He just had to. So Mata- Nui wouldn't fall. I hoped this cleared some minds.
  5. Kewl! Good luck on the Premier membership! Same with 06 collection! --WWToE
  6. Woah! I have almost every set...I suck! If I would have gotten that Lehvak va...o well. But $3000 bux is a lot of money...keep it up! --WWToE
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