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Ultra Hamster

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Status Updates posted by Ultra Hamster

  1. Boredo is an awesome name! Wear it with Pride!

  2. Yessssssssss!

    Your sig is so great!

  3. Omigawd! Justin Beiber! I didn't know you where here!

  4. Woah, I always assumed you already had a BZP account. Well yeah welcome and stuff.

    BNG 4 life!

  5. Wait what? I don't hate you :(

  6. Hey! Havn't seen ya in ages!

  7. Hey are you still with BNG?

  8. Why does it say "666" in your signature?

  9. BEAST WARS!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry I saw your av and sig and they are awesome. Dinobot is the best though.

  10. Well it appears you've gone and changed your name.

  11. Hi!

    You can change your name back now.

  12. Happy Birthday

    Toa Lunekk

  13. Thnx fur the banners.

    whats with the new av?

  14. Hey congrats at getting Vakama.

    They changed their mind.

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