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Status Updates posted by Hahligirl56

  1. ... Heya! Long time no see...I hope things go well for you. :)

  2. ...Sneak up comment! XD

    No, I'm not dead. I'm just not active. But I have nostalgia and I miss this place! =)

    Have a merry Christmas 2010, BZPower. I'll be 18 next month...fun.

  3. ...Well, all right! ^_^

  4. ...What do you mean, 'She'? X3

  5. *eye twitches and tear rolls off* My...popcorn...Noooooo~~!!! ;w;

  6. *eyes widen* I'm innocent! O_O

  7. *gasps dramatically* You mean...! @.@

  8. *hugs* We'll miss you, okay? If you DO ever come back, you're always welcome to join back again, okay? :)

    Miss you already... ;.;

  9. *imagines unicorn eating planets and eye twitches from vision* =.O

  10. *keeps on staring with look* XD

  11. *shoves fancy meals around Hak* How about now? 8D

  12. *sneaks up on Hak's comment box and leaps* GLOMP! X3

  13. *squeals* My Cocoa Puffs! :3

    *hugs cereal box* Tank you! :333 *insert random chibi pic here*

  14. *throws rope which successfully captures Sera* GOTCHA!!! XD

  15. *watches everyone squabble and eating popcorn while enjoying the show* :)

  16. *watches helplessly from afar as others are planning on bringing wild animals in* @_@

  17. >>

    ...I can see your logic there. :P

  18. 8O

    Cheater!!! *runs after Sera* Come back here!

  19. AAH! Er...never mind then. ^^;;;

    *puts hand down*

  20. AAH! He's venomous! O.O

    *throws Cocoa Puffs off cliff* THERE! TAKE YOUR COCOA PUFFS ALREADY!! O.O;;;

  21. Ah, but I care for anybody who cares to comment! ^w^

  22. Ah, well...maybe one day you'll chance it. ^_^

    It's a pretty good show, though there are only 26 episodes. Oh well, it's enough. :P

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