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Blog Entries posted by Kiotu

  1. Kiotu
    So guys, I just made my 1,000th post. At this rate I'm going at, I'll reach 10,000 posts in just 36 years! JUST 36 MORE YEARS!!!
    Now, only a couple thousand more until a better rank image...
    I was intending to do something special for my 1,000th post, but I must've forgotten what it was. Oh well.
    Also: You can publicly humiliate me in this blog entry, since I don't have blog graphics up.
  2. Kiotu
    So, I had to go get a blood test today. My doctor told me that I wasn't supposed to eat before drawing blood, so I hadn't eaten since early last night. However, the first question they asked there was if I had eaten or not, and I replied that I hadn't. The lady at the desk said that I could've if I wanted to, since children aren't required to fast.
    Of course, I was like this:
    Anyways, three little vials of blood were taken; hurt a bit, though not for much longer than a few seconds, and my left hand went numb for a while. Not unexpected though, since the reason I'm getting the test is because my right big-toe has lost a lot of its feeling. I can still feel things -- pressure, heat, pain -- but it's dampened, like wearing a sock.
    Afterwards, me and Dad went to my favourite Thai restaurant for lunch, which filled the hole in my stomach, so that was nice. I also took some home for dinner.
    My arm hurts now whenever I move it, so I'll probably lay low for the rest of the day. Play some Half-Life, maybe watch a movie, that kind of stuff.
    Also: I'll get my blog graphics up by the next entry, I promise. You can publicly humiliate me or something if I don't.

  3. Kiotu
    Congratulations! Kiotu has evolved into a Premier Member!
    Dunno if that actually deserves congratulations... the odds of that happening rivals the chances of RM editing my blog.
    Continuing! I now have a blog! Take that people who tried to stop me... So, in your face... nobody! Spirit!
    I'm actually surprised that my Premiership came in so quickly. I just paid for it last night, and when I came on this morning it was already in. It was actually a bit funny how I found out. I logged on, and as usual I checked my Messages, since I had a few new ones. After I responded to one, I suddenly noticed that, rather than 99% full, my Inbox was only at 19%. I was kinda scared... I have a lot of work in some of those PMs, and a bunch of old conversations I'd like to keep. Then I realised! And then I tested out every feature. And then I patched together a blog -- wait, that just happened.
    What will I do here? The answer: lots of things. Here I'll post bits of art and stories I'm working on. WIPs and MOCs I don't feel like posting in the forums as well. Sometimes sprites for my kit. I'll talk about my Fanon Universe. Thoughts and rants, too. Stuff about life. Maybe a contest every once in a while.
    Also, expect anything that would be posted in the forums to be announced and advertised here.
    I'll get some blog graphics in here soon enough, once I figure out what the other half of the settings actually mean.
    And hopefully the blog's title did catch your attention.

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