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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. *coughbzpccough*

  2. *coughparadigm=exchangereviewscough*

  3. *decides to give in and take your offer*


  4. *hair falls back to being somewhat in Kiotu's face*


  5. *is happy because of my new orange-status*

    One thing I'm wondering though, is: how did you guys find out before I did? =P



  6. *joins conversation*


  7. *kills RM for going to summer camp*

  8. *might work out well

  9. *revives RM with majicks*

  10. *Spartans -- no apostraphe needed there. =P


  11. *spoils the game*

    You playing on evil, or good?

    Nah, the First Sons are totally needed. They seized control of the Historic, due to the lack of law enforcement...


  12. *will be overruled anyways*

    So, when are we planning to do it then?


  13. =\

    Can't we try to finish it today and tomorrow? I'll be away from Monday; I'll have time to RP, but not to write an RPG...

  14. 1. Following the story.

    2. How many characters can you have?

    3. Yeah, but how do we structure that? We would need to have a branching thingo for each starting power.

    4. What about the First Sons, too? Should we allow custom-factions?


  15. 1. I thought it was just three weeks?

    2. Lolwut?

    3. A Toa of Thunder?Is that an amalga of Sonics and Lightning? So, which colours would he be?

    4. Also, did you get my PM?


  16. 1. I've never been to camp like that... =\

    2. RM, there was a reason I confused the two. XD

    3. Okk. [other secritude]


  17. 1. Sandbox RPG.

    2. 4 characters unless special permission.

    3. We're currently addressing the issue of power upgrading.

    4. Two factions confirmed, First Sons being discussed.

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