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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Also, there's shapeshifting. The Repaer Conduits can do that.

  2. Also, you're doing Sand and Fire Makes Screams, right?


  3. Also: final verdict is yes on Neya?

  4. Also: I read your two new literaturez. =P


  5. Also: I'm glad you're back. It's been a bit boring around here lately. =P

  6. Also: you're new personal statement is lol.


  7. Alternate Versions








  8. Although maybe weird. Depends on your definition. :P


  9. And I'm pretty darn scared of it... :P



  10. And maybe some carrot cake.

  11. And that's why I like the "delete comment" button. :P


  12. And then you'll be like: "No."

  13. And yes, I did get the PM.

  14. Another RPGC win. What's that make now, 5, putting you up there with The Captain? =P


  15. Are we sticking with the auto-assign-ish power feature for the RPG?

    Anyways, I was thinking, maybe we should also include ice and fire manipulation, since they're seen in the game, too.


  16. Are you going to be able to RP later tonight?


  17. Aren't Spalios and Fera based off of Spalor and Fera from one of your old epics that you wrote (and I recently read =P)?


  18. As well as your comment on my profile.

    Please be on BZPC sometime this weekend. We need to discuss *secret stuff here*.


  19. Be active in the RPG, kk?


  20. Because I'm a wuss.


  21. Because you'll have been the evul mastermind all along.

  22. Bionicle is cool.


  23. Bumping?

    Double-posting isn't allowed, well, sometimes it is, but it generally isn't, so don't do it. =P

    As far as posting in your topic to get it to go back to the first page, as long as it's not spam and it's not double-posting, technically there's nothing wrong with it...


  24. But 'blog' has the hard 'g'. So in 'Blogic', there's no logic in pronouncing it either way. xD

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