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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Yeah, a friend of mine used to go there. I figured it be an odd coincidence if you happened to know him. :P


  2. Yeah, so did I, cuz I was stolkering. :P


  3. Can you write that creative thingo that goes at the beginning?


  4. That's the point. xD

    I mean, idunno if it's a better thought than the 'stolrking yur mum' song.


  5. Olook, you're being a Kiotu. Going on BZP at 6 in the morning from your iPod. xD


  6. This summer I'm initiating Project Dr. Octagonapus BLARGH, BTW.


  7. ...and it's only just past noon today... What am I sposed to do? I mean, besides what I'm ACTUALLY supposed to...

  8. Okay, we have two hours -- let's make an RPG. :P

  9. No that's something we hand out to the RPers who are good... And then they become tyrants IG.

  10. Something good happened the other day.


  11. Sorry, someone called.

    I saw it; no wonder why I couldn't find it, you said it was called 'New Hunters'. :P

    It was pretty good for a first-time entry though. Much better than my first entry. XD


  12. But then I'm away!



  13. So, Teyl's the other Toa? XD


  14. Drat, have you gone offline? xD

  15. Owait! It's Valentine's Day! Do you have a valentine?


  16. Haha, I was tapped on the shoulder today on the bus and asked to stand up by a girl, in a "I'm not asking directly, instead I'm going to ask a question which really doesn't have much to do with it" kinda way. I thought it was funny. :P


  17. I just walked outside, eating a pear, to find that, not only is it incredibly sunny, it's also pouring.


  18. Good chapter, your writing really has its own voice, I think.


  19. Not previously mentioned girl.


  20. Kiotu: "RM, help, my staff powers were no match for the powers we gave him! Help me!"

  21. And then you'll be like: "No."

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