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Everything posted by BBCCD

  1. anyone seen one of these before? thought it was neat. http://www.maestroalexgregory.net/id17.htmltoo bad a lefty model probably never existed...
  2. hosting on this game is a huge pain. i really wish it were made easier without all the nonsense.
  3. BBCCD


    but...but...Motorstorm is rated T...also your mom needs to chill. i can understand M-rater games, but T?
  4. i have. breaking the habit is a totally dull song that has no notable climax and sounds the same through the whole thing.their more recent songs sound different, sure, but still bad. numb is a poor example because it is an older song of theirs that sounds like MANY of their other songs.there's so, so many bands out there that deserve mention, but slipped through the cracks and never became big. linkin park is sitting under the spotlight in the seat that belongs to those bands. linkin park is a weak, boring band that writes songs that either sound the same as something they've done before, or is new but very bland/annoying.There are lots of songs that sound the same and have no notable climax. Many of them by many of the bands who you would say "Deserve" what Linkin Park has.How is Numb a poor example, and how is every song of theirs bad (as you seem to be saying)? I've listened to a lot of Linkin Park, and while yes, they do have some bad/bland songs, i must argue that not every song is such. That's what i mean when i say that you've never given them a good listen. If you had, you'd have something better to comment with than the same hate i've seen repeated over and over again.Then again, music is made to make you relate to something. be it an event or Feeling. Maybe i'm biased, because I relate. For instance, some people relate to heavy metal and thus, like it. I for one do not, and refuse to listen to heavy Metal. Not that I have anything against the Genre or particular bands, i just don't like the brand of music. Because I can't relate.The only thing that i'm going to say is that, just like in real life, no one "deserves" anything. People get what they work for, and while yes, less popular bands may be overshadowed by the popular ones, saying that Linkin Park doesn't deserve what they got is like saying someone doesn't deserve their paycheck.They did the work. They caught a lucky break. Whether or not they deserved it in your eyes is irrelevant, because they've worked to keep what they earned. If you think the name implies bad music, you should see the album covers (their latest album has a picture of a jellyfish on it).You can find their music on Grooveshark.I was replying to BBCCD's comment about how he was disappointed that "The Killers" weren't heavy metal. And that the name of a band should reflect their music.Through that logic, the name "floater" would, in some dictionaries, imply Bad Music.I for one don't care what a Band is called. It doesn't, and shouldn't, affect your expectations of music.I'm sure Floater is a good band, with good music. I wasn't saying they weren't. I agree Valenti, considering many of the people hating on it (as said above) have listened to maybe one or two songs of theirs and formulating an opinion from there. While not neccessarily bad, what bothers me is when people immediatly condemn an entire genre or band simply because they don't like one song. If people actually gave more bands a chance, i'm sure most people could find at least one song by every band they listened to.Example of this being the fact that I can't stand Rap music. And yet I listen to Lupe Fiasco and Tinie Tempah. Why? Because while I hate rap in general, they're to rappers who actually write songs that A: i can relate to (it's all about relation with me) and B: sound good, aren't filled with curses, and actually have a bit of a message.i love when linkin park fans think i've only listened to 2 songs by them and therefore believe i have no say in whether or not they're bad, as if it's completely impossible for someone to not like them after hearing a large number of their songs.
  5. noobs should learn to play in single player before annoying other people in smp, that's the whole point of single player mode in every game that has multiplayer.i hate to sound so harsh but really it's annoying having to help nooby people out when they come into the game and have literally no clue what to do or how to make anything.
  6. i have. breaking the habit is a totally dull song that has no notable climax and sounds the same through the whole thing.their more recent songs sound different, sure, but still bad. numb is a poor example because it is an older song of theirs that sounds like MANY of their other songs.there's so, so many bands out there that deserve mention, but slipped through the cracks and never became big. linkin park is sitting under the spotlight in the seat that belongs to those bands. linkin park is a weak, boring band that writes songs that either sound the same as something they've done before, or is new but very bland/annoying.
  7. they sounded different though. linkin park writes the same song over and over.
  8. speaking of linkin park, completely overrated.their old albums all sounded the same, and their new ones sound whiny and even worse than they were before. that band needs to go away, they're long overdue.
  9. well duh, with a name like that they're obligated to have good music.bands need to live up to their names. they need to realize that they're obligated to fit the title they've given themselves. i can't tell you how disappointed i was when i picked up a Killers album expecting thrash metal because of their name...
  10. also if you're bothered by people killing you and taking your stuff, get better at the game. there doesn't need to be some lame "anti-pvp" plugin. the only plug in i'm sort of okay with is the locked chest one, but other than that they're unnecessary.also use gold for money, since it sucks for everything else except powered rails. maybe hack a ton of gold nuggets and use them as currency somehow.
  11. Speaking of Portal, GLaDOS is designed to look like a woman tied up and hung upside down.
  12. yep, i went for the pretentious name instead of just "purple"
  13. it also must be a violet color, since regular camels are yellowish tan.
  14. the player interaction should come from the teamwork taken to beat the dragon together as a team. and to help those struggling.neither of those things require iconomy or "death-free" zones
  15. the problem is that horakhty requires you tu use the terrible winged dragon of ra...so i think after christmas i'm gonna buy a small digital scale and start scaling blisters. first pack on my list is extreme victory, then i'll hit some photon shockwave packs.
  16. i don't really like the bukkit mods, i feel they mud up the game.
  17. both are completely wrongthe t-rex had a brain the size of a gorilla's, and the first video game, depending on your deffinition of "video game", was tennis for two. SEVERAL games were before tetris.
  18. BBCCD


    i love inFamous. the game makes me feel so powerful
  19. it seems like everyone's first guitar is a strat, including me. :Pi've been playing for going on 4 years now. i've got a fender strat, a reversed Takamine acoustic, and my prized guitar, a Schecter Blackjack 7-string, which I never thought I'd see in my whole life in person considering i'm a lefty.i actually prefer playing in standard tuning over dropped tuning, don't know why that is. i have my 7-string tuned to the standard B almost 95% of the time. besides, usually anything outside of the C#-B range usually sounds either too high or too muddy to me.
  20. what's some of the worst texture packs you've ever seen?i think mine would have to be the gameboy texture pack, where everything i green and white. ugh
  21. so looks like we get our first look at Sliferhttp://img406.imageshack.us/img406/2237/8o4wz11acb.jpg
  22. lego minecraft will be like...regular Lego Bricks actually.
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