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Everything posted by BBCCD

  1. but de originels r da only gud ones!11!eleven^usually doesn't help the problem. a lot of people stand by the originals for some reason even though the designs were some of the dullest and the games were staggeringly easy. and as a result they don't play the new ones and just judge them based on their fractional experience of the series. i dare them to try catching them all in Emerald without looking at a player's guide, or to play Black/White and try to tell me they were as easy as the first games.also i'd love to hear why he didn't like SoulSilver. that game only fleshed out an already great installment.
  2. Wii Sports was amazing because a) it came with the game and it was great for family get togethers, because everyone from your 5 year old cousin to your grandparents could play it.
  3. all nintendo ever has is repackages of old characters. even that one E3 two years ago or so, when they announced the 3DS lineup, and showed the new Kirby and Donkey Kong, i wasn't impressed because every game they showed was something that had been done before, sans Epic Mickey. everyone said it was such a great E3 on their part, but i was not so easily fooled. they only had one new game.
  4. BUT IT HAS UNCHARTED!11!1elevenjust kidding, i didn't even buy the first PSP. i still stand strong on my opinion of handhelds: handhelds were made for pokemon, so what good is a handheld that doesn't have pokemon?
  5. Pokemon is the only jrpg that i actually enjoy, and it hardly counts. it's just so unlike every other one.and i'm pretty bummed that the trailer for B&W2 is all we'll get of that animation style.
  6. except what i said was completely different.i just said i didn't like a type of game. he listed off several exclusives of two consoles, then only listed one when it came to the PS3, which has a ridiculous amount of exclusives. it would be like if i where to say "well PS3 has all these exclusives like Uncharted InFamous Ratchet and Clank Motorstorm Resistance Twisted Metal...etc, and the Wii has Deadly Creatures which is all i really like."pinpointing one genre and stating that i don't like them isn't the same, nice try, lolguy.jpg, etc..
  7. i seriously do not care at all about jrpgs.
  8. so wait, you list of all the exclusives of the other two, but when you get to Sony you only list one because "it's the only one you like"? you might not like the rest of the games, but they're still there, and LOADS of other people love them.
  9. yet another reason this game should be targeted at an older audience. all those little rules that most people don't understand are annoying. most 6 year old kids can't even comprehend the basic rules anyway. i dueled a guy the other day who set Dark Hole and activated it like a trap against me. and i can't tell you how many people have tried the MST/Dust Tornado to negate my Heavy Storm/Dark Hole.
  10. being in there just reminds me that i want creative mode so i can finish building the mountain around my gauntlet. how were people going about getting that?
  11. is there anything past that room? i did manage to get to the end last night and there wasn't anything.
  12. i'm really excited for it. the other two had pretty neat gameplay, but the setting wasn't really to my taste. Infinite fits my tastes perfectly, and i feel like i'll enjoy it much more because of that.
  13. so can someone tell me if the lava in Spoon's lava-dripping room will go away? i was trying to figure out how to escape by siting in a safe spot, but then the lava started building up somehow. i got trapped and had to log out to escape.
  14. did they show new gameplay at this E3? if they did i'll look it up right this second.
  15. $100 is ridiculous, there's no way that's final. no one is going to pay $100 for year-old games like Arkham City and Mass Effect 3.also they'd better think of a way to make that "Miiverse" thing non-trollable, cuz the way they've got it now, they'l be in for a mess.
  16. Which one? There are six puzzles in sequence, so I'd like to know exactly where you got stuck.uh...the first one
  17. he wasn't smart for using them all up at once. you need to use them sparingly. i get so irritated when certain decks are run by people who have no clue what they're doing. of course exodia players are nowhere near as bad as *shiver* Dragunity users. i have seriously only seen two good builds, mine and my friend's. other than that, i saw one unique-but-not-as-good build, and about a million god awful ones. no wonder people make fun of me when i say i used to run them for as long as i did.
  18. i couldn't figure out the tower puzzle... :/
  19. why was there nothing about bioshock infinite? please don't tell me that game is gonna get canned...Halo 4. i've always liked the storylines in Halo, but honestly Halo 3 kinda disappointed me. this new installment is going to give us an entirely new enemy and plot. only time will tell if that's great or horrible. it looks fun at least; the forerunner baddies remind me of Cragmites from Ratchet and Clank, the way they teleport around. as for the grenade catching things...those seemed tough until it was shown that you can just throw a grenade at them and shoot it and they insta-die.
  20. predictions for Playstation All Stars: during online play, all players will sit and do nothing, resulting in a 4-way sudden death. once that happens everyone jumps of the edge as fast as they can.basically what everyone does on Brawl, and why i hate that game.
  21. i only caught the last few mins of the stream. i was just searching for the games i could think of or cared about.
  23. wait what? i thought elites were fighting along side humans after the Covenant booted them out. did they just throw that idea out the window?
  24. lol what kind of scrub uses good goblin housekeeping in exodia? you dueled a bad kid. there's definitely some frustrating exodia builds out there, and they're a lot better than that. for one, they use one day of peace, which renders an 8000+ combined attack worthless since you can't hurt them after it.
  25. sony probably won't announce anything new because from the looks of things, they're actually sticking to the "10 year" lifespan thing.
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