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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Awww. What happend to the Shrooms?

  2. See you around then ^^ *opens passenger door and jumps out, then watches you race away to your doooms*

  3. Just slam on they breaks, wouldya please?

  4. No, the OTHER left! Quick, turn, turn that machine round, are you trying to kill us all!?


  5. Do I need to explain?

  6. *Uses telekinesis to pull you back.*

    You aint going anywhere.

  7. Ohhh that...I took that metaphorically. *reanimates you*

  8. Mwuhahahaha. We're such a borderliner species.

  9. By chemical definition, caffeine counts as poison. And when I was 5 or 6 years younger I had a little overdose where I was sick for three days. I dont want to try worse.

  10. I'm addicted to caffeine.

  11. I figured that Tpti. Why change my name? Sounds awesome, is original (better then some other names I've seen) and the short version rhymes with Beef. XP

  12. The madness will continue! I promise

  13. What wrong hands? Let's sound them all, whats the worst that could happen? Cthulu or Tren Krom trying to gain on us?

  14. It's eerie how you people are tying that nice girls character to a bell of the neitherworld...

  15. Why am I thinking of that old disco-hit "ring my bell" at the moment...ungh.

  16. Give em to me. I'll put them in that locked cupboard next to my copy of the necronomicon.

  17. Those who remember weren't there... *goes to listen to the doors*

  18. You listen to the same music I listen to! Instant win!^^

  19. I found him on the tube...^^ My dad found him one day. His "spark of insanity" DVD is epic win.

  20. And a blue Prius!

  21. Did you see a white light?

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