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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    Now, before you ask, you can not drive Golfballs of the back of the A-12 Blackbird, don't let "I am Legend" fool you, that was just a movie!  
    Other then that, it is pretty awesome hanging around a decommissioned Aircraft Carrier for a day.
    Very interesting, specially with the Audio-Tour and especially with the Jet-Simulator.
    It turns up and down and all around and you're supposedly controlling the aircraft. And it is FUN!
    That particular ride ended when I was halfway through and upside-down looping...oh well ^^
    Other then that, being the aircraft-nerd I am it was amazing and since they have a Concorde on display I went to check that thing out as well, it is a beauty indeed.
    On the way out I bought a US Airforce Cappy and then I went here to chill for the rest of the day.
    What about you people? ^^
  2. Vezok's Friend
    13 Years are over. 13 years of waking every morning at 7, having breakfast, going to school at 8 and coming back around 2 in the afternoon are done. 
    Today was my last day. Final exams are coming in 3 weeks.
    But until then, I'll enjoy myself and the free time!
  3. Vezok's Friend
    First, the sad news: Winter holidays are over and on wednesday I must return to school >_< Finals are coming up and I need to study from now on. A lot.
    That is my new-years resolution. (I have more resolutions, but those are private)
    On the good side: Regular classes end on April 4th
    After that it's just the studying left, so it won't be too hard I hope.
    Now back to the title of the entry: It's cold! Darn cold for here. And there is snow. And there will be even more in the next two days
    It'll be soothing. ^^
    For those wondering about my art: I am a little lazy at the moment, but have stuff in the making.

  4. Vezok's Friend
    So this morning I actually woke up before my alarm clock because of some sort of inner unrest or something...which is quite amazing considering that I've spent the last two weeks sleeping in at about 2am, waking up at 6.30, waking 8hours straight and then repeating the process while still working on art and working out in the afternoon...how did I survive that?

    Guess I sound pretty self-destructive now...

  5. Vezok's Friend
    Once again it is well past midnight except this time I do not have a legit reason to stay up this late unlike a few weeks earlier when it consisted of doing awesome art with awesome people sitting in their awesome room trying to keep each other awake (you know who you are and you are awesome ) 
    I am trying to decide, wether or not to adjust my sleepschedule back to more homely times which means going to bed and waking up at odd ours while on this side of the atlantic and turn into a northamerican undead (non-sparkling) while waiting for a flight, or be a sane person and go to bed at regular times and combat the jetlag by the means of groundhog-day-like sleeping until the time is right again to come out into daylight again (Ahhhh the burn!).
    Suggestions or anybody with a coffin I could rent, depending on what the majority vote turns out?
    PS: When has it become in to pimp "totally" into totes? I see where it is a hip thing and saves you typing an additional 2 keys therefore prolonging your keyboards life, but on the other hand it sounds strange to me, a German, to whom "totes" is an attributive adjective meaning DEAD. ^^
  6. Vezok's Friend
    Procrastination sucks. Especially if the procrastination consists of serious mocing which left me faced with having to write the last 4000 words of my story in less then three hours.
    November is one of those months that need a 31st.
    But it is done. Thanks to fast-paced soundtrack and a sudden increase in the ability to write coherent sentences while typing fast.
    I shall celebrate by bombing bad guys from high altitudes with highly explosive bombs dropped from hyper modern jets, aka HAWX2...or I could defeat an evil army of sandy soldiers in Persia. Or fly a sweet helicopter armed to the teeth...
    And so the cowboy rides off into the sunset again.
  7. Vezok's Friend
    Haha! My dad really is cool
    He took me to this graphics-hardware store today. And from now on, I shall use my new Cintiq12WX for my colouring and art! Weeeee
  8. Vezok's Friend
    There you are, totally immersed in the movie happening in front of your eyes and then this happens: 
    *Light goes on, a guy is standing next to the controls*
    "Excuse me, everbody!"
    *Stops movie*
    "But we've got a problem and we have to clear out the whole building."
    But everybody got a free ticket to come back another day...
  9. Vezok's Friend
    This is propably one of the most random entries in my Blog yet. And no, I am in no deep psychological well trying to see the bottom clearly, that is reserved for philosophy class and other times. Before you pity me, just know I am quite happy while typing this and this is just me wanting to ask you (who bother to read my stuff here) something that's been bugging me since I was ten:
    Do you pay attention to your surroundings and the people around you?
    If yes, you certainly know the following kind of people: Grumpy, slow, uninterested, respectless or plain unfriendly. I am sure everyone propably has seen or knows one of those people. The young guy in baggypants at the bustop blaffing at your for slightly looking in his direction. The old man staring you down because you ride a bycicle on the sidewalk or simply because you are still young. The middleaged lady in the bus murmuring something nasty about you because you have a seat and she doesn't, although she doesn't carry any shopping bags or is pregnant or in any kind entitled to ask you to stand up. These people who walk around and if you meet enough of them in one day they can seriously kill your good mood.
    I am pretty sure you can relate.
    Why are there so many grey-faced, corners-of-mouth-down people? Is there too much bad weather or is it the time we live in I wonder?
    Maybe it is time to spread a little joy people. So if you go out on the street the next time and someone looks at you as if he's got a personal cloud of rain over his/her head, give them a smile, just for the sake of maybe meeting someone who returns it
  10. Vezok's Friend
    The Temperature is rising, the Barometer is going low. Tonight, for the first time, just about half past ten, I will be sleeping in NYC.
  11. Vezok's Friend
    Ok. Maybe not, but it is interesting and fascinating how many parallels I see in his Values and mine.
    At least from what I saw in the featurette on the Dark Knight Blu-Ray disc ^^
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Today was my graduation ceremony, with music to go on stage and all. Everyone of us got a rose from the youngest kids, just like we handed the youngest kids sunflowers last year. 
    And tonight it's PROM!
    Have a really good day everbody, I'll go back to feeling like the king of the world now
  13. Vezok's Friend
    Yah, I am back.
    I've thought about what to do with this blog for the last hour or so and haven't found any solution yet, yo I will decided on that tomorrow...
    And yes, I took holiday pictures.
  14. Vezok's Friend
    You may talk like yer part'o some cut-throat blackhearts-crew, but let me tell all you landlubbers a lil' secret: 
    I could actually set sail!
    For now, enjoy yer Pirate-talkin' day. May the wind be in your sails and no Jolly Roger on the horizon. Except for yours!
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