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Status Updates posted by Kaxix

  1. My opinion is quite the opposite. :P

    Nothing really has happened in Naruto. Just another chapter to prepare the fight. I'm starting to hate all the kages excluding Gaara (he's cool). I don't like them as characters. Bleach: the chapter was interesting for two reason.

    1)Aizen doesn't care about the Espada (confirmed)

    2) Aizen went to the Hueco Mundo before leaving th

  2. My problem with Psyren is that there are only a few secondary characters that interest me. I don't know why but for example in Bleach I enjoy reading about other fights too...

  3. Nagato Uzumaki doesn't make any sense in my opinion. If red hair is a characteristic of the clan then why Naruto is blonde and Gaara has red hair?

    It seems like Kishimoto wanted to add something of Naruto to Nagato but the way he explained it was silly.

    I personally like Ichitsuga and I'm interested in what is going to happen in the next chapters.

    Psyren seems good from the

  4. Nah, most of the things are going well.

    *reading profile*

    You like Naruto, don't you?

  5. Naruto 521: ok chapter but even if I like both Kakashi and Zabusa a rematch sounds a bit boring IMO. The fact that there aren't characters like Jiraya anymore (pro) gives the story a filler sensation.

    Bleach 431: about the same. Until there is not a connection between xcution and the old characters it seems filler. However I guess something is going to be revealed next time.

    P.S. I g

  6. Naruto isn't coming out this week.

    Bleach seems a good chapter to read but I hoped for more story progress.

  7. Naruto was quite good this week. Kushina seems a nice character even if we won't probably see her anymore after this talk.

    Bleach had a transition chapter. Ok but I'm not very interested in the final Getsuga Tensho.

  8. Naruto was quite interesting even if the author isn't very good in the humor scenes IMO. :( The result was quite sad...

  9. Naruto was very good this week. There were some interesting news (Kabuto and as you said Itachi's eyes) that made it probably the best chapter from the Pain arc. Kisame alive is nice but I hope he won't get killed by Killer Bee.

  10. Neither do I. I thought Kisame was going to capture Killer Bee in the end but I am starting to have doubts about it. Bleach... it was another chapter to add tension but I liked the color pages and the appearance of Ichigo a lot. ^^

    Are you still playing with Dissidia? Because I am. :)

  11. New chapters: both ok for me. Nothing great happened though. We knew Naruto was going to meet Bee and in Bleach it was just another chapter to prepare something.

  12. Nice avvie.

  13. Nice Halo photo.

  14. Nice Personal Photo.

  15. Nice to see you again X.

  16. Nice to see you again.

  17. Nice Toshiro avvie.

  18. Nice work with Takadox.

  19. No chapters next week. :(

    Naruto was ok this week but still I'm disappointed about Hanzo... Bleach was good but I'm sure it'll get better as soon as the training arc will end. Bakuman was ok but I hoped something better from Nanamine. I'm afraid he's going to be just a filler character (still I hope not).

  20. No, because I wait for the Italian edition and we're only at chapter 18. :(

  21. No, I checked. I thought I was at 4450. :P

    -25 and top poster of the day!

  22. No, I haven't seen him for a while too. :(

  23. No, only once every 30 days.

  24. No, sorry. Probably because it is so short. :P

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